
Strike One

It was bound to happen and I can't say I was surprised. While the actual quiz was fun and the teams were very knowledgable and well-behaved, the rest of Quiky #293 was less pleasant.
Lack of preparation, drunken gate-crashers and a rather Spartan attendance made it a prime example for how I don't want to spend my Thursday nights. The next two weeks will show if this gig has a future.
Anyroads, the competition was fierce (and sometimes serious :) and in the end it was quite tight. The pretty version of the table might appear here sometime later this week, in the meantime the bullet-point version.
  1. Smashing Peaches 56
  2. Feid Club Reunited 51
  3. Pinkies & The Brain 49,5
  4. The Serious Competitors 47,5
  5. 3 Zweisteins 36,5
Next week's music might be polyphonic ringtones, haven't had that in a while. Rest up here soon, along with sample questions and more pictures. Till then, have a good one.

BTW - was Schokoladenfabriken angeht - Peaches, ihr hattet Recht, und auch nicht... nicht daß es was am Ergebnis geändert hätte :)
Oompa loompa doompety doo, I've got more perfect puzzles for you...

As for Rose McGowan's .. dubious sense of style... guckst du hier.

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