
The naked truth

That was the funnest (I know that's not a proper word :) and funniest (yes, there is a difference :) quiz night I had since.... the Mata Hari one. It might have had something to do with the relatively high percentage of T&A on display (and definitely with the 3 pints of Guinness - you evil people made me go back on my promise. Thanx :). And of course it had to do with the quality and sense of humour of the multi-cultural and multi-lingual teams :)
Anyroad, before I cover nude leftovers, here are the points.

Mummy Kazoo, if /when you read this - your boy done good!! Bit lacking in the arts department but I admit he was a tad distracted. Trying to spot the ball. As were the rest of his team.
So - to give yis all more to practise with, here's all you need to know about "what's-her-face-with-the-big-balls"...
yes, her..
Her name, in case you care, is Simona Halep. 17, Romanian. And the rest is here. Take a last long butchers because she's soon gonna be a tad flat.
And if you've just got into the ball-spotting thing, you might want to look here, or here, or here. I'm sure you can do the rest of your research on your own :) But whatever you do, do NOT look here. BTW - the full version of the "points" background - here.

Now, Inquizition # 15 next week is the last one in November as the Irish Harp is closed for a private Veranstaltung on Monday 23 (which gives me almost a whole week off. Yippeeeh!!!! Urlaub!!! :)
And since we don't have a Yogi theme I'm gonna pick one. Let's make it... The Moon. In history, science, technology, music, sports, advertising, film...
Round 1 could be Travel & Geography, Round 2 - Big Screen, Small Screen (aka Movie & TV).
Music is The Name Game. Songs with names in the title. Ya know, Mandy, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Lola, Johnny Walker, Jesse, Daniel, Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel, too... and Who TF is Alice??!
Keep swotting, here's an interesting and edumacating source for music trivia. More tips & links up here, demnächst. Watch this space. And have a good week.

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