

is almost upon us...

we start on 3 January with the customary New Year's Quiz - BIG 2012 review (für die die immer 'neuere' Geschichte wollen ;)) ... Sports, Film, Music, Politics, Gossip, and other BS that happend 2012.
The next regular (i.e. Champions League) quiz is no.73 on Thursday 10 January.
Book your table :)
BTW - YOGI right for Wilde Quiz #73 - Team BuddyBrand. Einzuschicken bis Sonntag 21.00 Uhr. Mindestens 3 Vorschläge. Wenn irgendwas unklar - mail me :)

Guten Rutsch an alle (nicht allzu wörtlichen nehmen bitte ;)) and Happy New Year - see you 2013!!

Last Post... for 2012

Apologies for the ones not in our FB group who had to wait for Quizmas and other updates...

Quick, before the old year is gone - points and a few pics.. and - as promised - the Quizmas limericks ;)

And here the poetic part  (the words that had to be inculded - Santa, Scrooge, Wein/wine, Schnee/snow, Quizmas)

After Quizmas old Santa with his deer
Looks like Scrooge and listens to Chris Rea.
He's unmotivated, the mood is low
so he sniffs some powder, white as snow
while the elves get drunk on wine and beer.

Die 3 ???
Scrooge und sein Freund Roland Kaiser
werden an Quizmas immer ganz heiser,
singen von der Santa Maria
im Schnee vor der Hagia Sophia.
Doch nach 7 Fässern Wein werden sie langsam leiser.

Gestern abend im Schnee hab ich Santa gesehen,
hab in überfahren - ich schwör es war ein Versehen.
Und auch Scrooge hat noch in dieser Nacht
Bekanntschaft mit meinem Kühler gemacht.
Nach 'nem Quizmas-Abend mit Wein sollte man nicht fahr'n - lieber gehen.

Minus 2

Wine ain't Fanta
Scrooge rages like Santa
'cause all he wants for Quizmas
Isn't snow but business.
That's why Frau Holle gets killed by the hunter.

Scrooge ist der mit dem Xmas-Hass.
Nun war er aber heute beim Quizmas
und nach etwas Schnee und süßem Wein
will er ab jetzt lieber Santa sein.
Doch das finden die Geister zu krass.

Canadian Moose
Canadian Moose wünscht Merry Quizmas.
There's snow, and wine, and dirty business.
Ob SCROOGE, ob klein
Stimmt alle mit ein
Denn Santa cleans up all of this mess.


Santa was having a Christmas beer
and invited all to his Quizmas, oh dear.
Scrooge came over, through the snow
drank glasses of 5 wine, in a row.
What a wonderful end of the year.

There once was a day we called Quizmas
Which made Santa, and snow, ist whole business.
Scrooge has been played by Caine
While Australians drink their wine
I can't believe that you missed this!

On Quizmas, Scott & Hutsch
arrested Ebeneezer Scrooge.
After too much "wine with glow"
he had killed Santa in the snow.
His regrets though were not that huge.

Once there was a Scrooge
who didn't like Quizmas very mooch.
He rather played in the snow
And drank wine "with a glow"
So Santa gave him a big smooch.

Scrooge is his name
Quizmas his favourite game.
Snow lies on the pine
And while sipping his wine
He is thinking 'Santa is lame'.

Scrooge in the snow
Santa's on the flow
Quizmas is fine
Unless there is wine
and now I have to go.

Graces & Dogs
Scrooge kaufte nach'm Quizmas etwas Schnee
Bei einer guten alten Fee.
Da erschien ihm Santalein
in einem Gläschen Wein.
Der Schnee war wohl nicht gut - oje!

's wird Winter und der Schnee, der fällt
und keiner hat mehr sehr viel Geld.
Zum Scrooge wird jeder Santa-Mann,
mag weder Wein noch Weiber dann
denn Quizmas ruiniert die Welt.

Scrooge lief nach'm Quizmas durch den Schnee
Da tat ihm der Zeh oh so weh.
Also trank er einen Wein
Mit Santa - das war fein.
Doch nun hat er einen im Tee.
Also added my own 5 cents' worth:

Merry QuizMiz

"Oi, Santa," said Rudolph, "you git,
you know full well Fanta is shit.
Don't be Scrooge - gimme wine
or my nose will not shine
when on Quizmas o'er the snow we flit."

After the usual pre-Quizmas banter
Scrooge & Bob Cratchitt played Secret Santa.
"'s no wonder,"said Bob,
"you're making me sob.
I've long dreamed of a red wine decanter."

And a slightly longer one that's still missing a conclusion (feel free to add verses)
It was Christmas, all was covered with snow,
spirits were high (on the top shelf, you know)
Santa had taken a shine
to sweet mulled wine
and decided to let Scrooge run the show.

Now the reindeer were not cool with it.
They knew Scrooge would treat them like shit
so they decided to strike,
bought some amps and a mike
and sang loudly "Scrooge you, you old git!"

That in turn sat not well with Ebeneezer
who was just busy re-stocking his freezer.
He cried "The last word
on this you ain't heard.
I'll talk to your boss, that fat geezer."

"He put me in charge of you lot
and whether you like it or not
you'll be pulling my sleigh
all night and all day
or I swear I will have you all shot."

With that he ran off to seek Santa…
When he found him he let off a rant a
deaf man could have heard
Santa couldn't get a word
in edgewise so he nipped on his FANTA

(which contained seven sorts of white rum).
And while Scrooge yelled he wisely kept shtum.
Then he said "Is that it?
I was sure that this shit
would happen, must have been Rudolph, that bum."

So he went off in search of his deer
who amidst wine-fuelled singing and cheer
were harrassing a pooch
and imitating Scrooge,
much too drunk to see Santa was near.

Not shy, Santa grabbed Rudolph's ball,
"Attention! Are you listening all?
If you cannot behave
I have to be Scrooge's slave
and rock kids on my knee in the mall."

As you know that pees me off no end
so stop whining and hurry to mend
the fences you broke
with that stingy old bloke
whether you mean it, or only pretend."

Soon the reindeer were galloping down
the cold slippery roads, out of town.
They tried to catch up with Scrooge
Whose lead was already huge.
And the snow was as deep as their frown….


Secret Santa

Right peops (or the 6 teams that are coming Thursday) - forgot to say we'll do one Secret Santa question round - each team can send me Winter/Christmas-related questions (WITH answers) - by mail or message on facebook - and I will pick some from Santa's bag :D .. (I seem to remember that we did the same last year but I lost the questions ;)

see ya Thursday- looking forward to it :D


Norwegians would

Only the first few pics - some more next week.

Encore, what? (en Allemand - noch mal, wie bitte?)

Right...- very short roundup of last night's fun & games.

Welcome back Hurricanes!!! und gleich mit 'nem 2. Platz :D
DAQ zum ersten Mal this season mit Bronze, Graces zum ersten Mal Gold (once again - (un)canny knack for adopting knowledgeable strays :)).
Moose are one quiz shy of their 6 prerequisite ones and look like regular regulars now :)
Welcome new 'Newbies' Buddybrand - gleich den Yogi abgegriffen (trotz 'nur' 5. Platz) - and totally hooked potential new regulars - I look forward to 2013 :D
Very much fun apparamment was Happyning at the Multinational Birthday Girls table (Hungarian brings our nationality count to 24!!) and - as could not be missed - in the Scandinavian corner. Here's a wee poem for The Olsens (who are actually once-a-year regulars)

Norwegians would
partout not be quiet
but in their defence,
they really did try it.
The had quite a few nuts
and plenty of drink
which helped them have fun
but not necessarily think.

Anyroad - it was much fun for all, especially the after-show-bottle-share-and-then-have-a-last-wee-pint-after-the-bell-get-to-know-each-other thingie. Buddies (oder deine Mudder?) - jetzt habt ihr so ziemlich alles gesehen und gehört was es zum Wilde Quiz zu wissen gibt :) .. Yogi-Thema für den 10. Januar bis Sonntag 6. Januar 9pm per mail
See you in the new year :)

Und was haben wir gestern gelernt? Es gibt mehr als 5 Elemente deren Namen mit A anfangen (apologies, Antimony and A Can't Really Remember ;)... Angela Merkel's barbie doll really does look totally like her (NOT) and Zorro's horse answers to the name of Tor(o)nado. Well, whaddaya know?!?

Oh, and BTW - the entry fee is still 5 quid per table, whether you're 2, 4, 6, or 8 .. just as a reminder, to whom it may concern ;)

And last but not least - the 6 teams in the book for Quizmas 2012 - practice with pitchers, poems (limericks) and darts if and when you can. The (reindeer) games, Mrs. Hudson, are definitely on!!
To everyone a lovely 3rd Advent and to the ones that won't be round for Quizmas - Frohe (weltuntergangsfreie) Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch. Bis vielleicht mal irgendwann im nächsten Jahr :D


It's Quizmas Time

Okay.. ich weiß das Ende (des Jahres/der Welt/der Quiz Season...) ist nah. Nur um ein klein wenig planen zu können - ab sofort und für die nähere Zukunft gilt die Regel - im Buch ist nur wer ausdrücklich reserviert (siehe NEW BOOK). Es ist durchaus verständlich daß bevorstehende Feiertage, Umzüge, Hochzeiten oder Geburtstage (literally) bzw. wetterbedingte Krankheiten oder andere ... Unpäßlichkeiten zu Ausfällen führen können. KEIN PROBLEM. AT All. Kleine, familiäre Runden haben durchaus auch ihren Reiz ;)
Allerdings wäre es nett (nur wegen der evtl. vorzubereitenden Dinge/Einkäufe/Runden) zu wissen mit wie vielen Teams wir rechnen können. Also - bis auf weiteres - bitte explizit ansagen wer wann wo zu sitzen gedenkt.
2013 kann alles schon wieder ganz anders aussehen. Sollte denn der Weltuntergang demnächst ausfallen.
Meldungen für's Weihnachtsquiz am 20.12. brauchen wir bis spätestens 13.12. - wer bis dahin nicht im Buch steht kann natürlich gerne kurzfristig auftauchen, wird aber bei den Vorbereitungen/Einkäufen nicht berücksichtigt und muß ggf. ohne bunten Teller auskommen oder bei bestimmten Sonderrunden aussetzen.
Bunte Teller - das erinnert mich: wer sich bemüßigt fühlt Plätzchen oder andere Leckereien zu backen/basteln/kochen... und mit seinen Quizkameraden zu teilen darf dies natürlich gerne tun (die süßen Überraschungen vom letzten Jahr sind einigen von uns sicher noch im Gedächtnis/auf der Zunge/auf den Rippen :) ... you know, Sharing Is Caring :D

Oh du fröhliche...

Sorry, not much time for updates (except on facebook).
Points, pics (link to 24) and table after last week's family affair. New all-time highscore for DAQ (trotz nuts round!!) and somwe good giggles. Not to mention the indecently yummy cookies. GRACEias :D


Canucky Yogi

My dear Canadian friends - remember - 3 topics by 9pm tonight - quiz_miz@hotmail.com.

Or I will choose for youse, Moose :P


Ye Wilde Hobbity B'day Invasion

Well.. that was... different. Not that it wasn't fun but crowd control and preparation made it more work than play. Still - had worse :D
Lovely to have Feidless Feidclub back again - 'tis been too long :)
DAQ a re back on track... should we have new Champions end of January?!?!
we shall see..
Here are the points, CL table, book for the remainder of 2012 and the first pics - some 30 more need P'shopping...
Yogi Right: Canadian Moose - for a respectable 5th place out of 11!!! Do send me your 3 (non-JustinBieber) suggestions by Sunday 9pm to this email address... or find us on facebook and message me :D - looking forward to your choices :D