
Wilde Quiz #3 - Pretty pics

Right peops, quick link to the place where you can see (and download) all 60 pics I snatched last Thursday.
Guckst du hier ;)

Let's hope we get anotherlovely crowd together tomorrow. Despite the returning summer :)


B stands for...

Bilbo, Bilbao, Balin, Bofur, Barbie, Bambie and..BLAST.
Is what I had last night. A brilliant turnout and wonderful to see so many new faces (hopefully 'old' faces soon).
And diligently I spent the afternoon 'shopping to give you the first photos and points. And the current Champions League table ;)

Details on Champions League format and prizes up here soon, have to do some more thinking. In the meantime all you have to do is turn up more or less regularly.
Which brings us to the issue of RESERVATIONS.
As the last two weeks have shown, our little quiz crowd grows larger every Thursday. And since space is somewhat limited in the back bar it is now HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to reserve a table. The bestest and shortest way as always is by phone (030) 2818166 (Oscar's opens at 4pm).. that way you can be sure that you're in the book and can tell them where you want to sit (I'll put up a floorplan with table numbers soon).
Anyroad, for Wilde Quiz #4 on Thursday 28 July we can already look forward to the presence of Craggy Islanders and last night's winners (and leaders in the Champions League) Just Met Today.
And to end this post - the Yogi right (i.e. choice of topic for one of the questions rounds) goes to Hi I'm John. Send me your suggestion by Monday 9pm. And if the Johns don't show I'll extend that right to Das Große Fragezeichen and Craggy Islanders.
No Hertha though ;)

Thanks again for a wonderful night, I'll head off into the weekend to dig up new tricky questions, rest my voice, and make new dwarf wallpapers ;)
Have a good one, see you soon.


Wilde Quiz #2 - points & pics

Only a day later .. to my excuse (not that I need one ;) I have to say that an attack of dwarves prevented me from sifting and 'shopping the 70 or so photos I took. Must remember to be less 'greedy' next week.
Anyroad, below are a few 'representative' one, the rest (50+) for download here.

And not to forget the points

(??? are in the lead in the - yet to be properly created - Wilde Champions League)

So - that's all for now, see you bright and pünktlich for Wilde Quiz ## on Thursday 21 July, 8pm, Oscar Wilde back bar.
Looking forward to it...


We're gettin' the band back together

22 hours later.. and while residual alcohol still makes memory of Ye Wilde Quiz #2 somewhat hazy (I went 'fishing' afterwards, till past 6am.. defo getting too old for this **** :) and I have to look at the photos to remember .. this much I can tell you.
Good to see 'old hands', and new contenders (or pretenders? :) .. and potential future additions to our merry quiz gang. And almost no need for green hats ;) and SUCH FUN (soz, I'm watching to much 'Miranda').. anyroad, thanks again to all for a brilliant night, I really did enjoy myself (and you ;)
Points and photos (oh so many ;) up here Sunday-ish, and maybe the odd link and leftover remark...
For now have an excellent weeekend, I intend to sleepalot and then watch Hansa get their first 3 points in the 2. Bundesliga.
Yep, footie season is back ;)
Which reminds me - Hertha is very much next week's Yogi ... außer ihr sagt mir bis Montag  Abend doch noch was anderes ;)

See you - all or some - on 21 July for Ye Wilde Quiz #3.
Such fun!!!



Wilde Thing

Well, that was quite some fun for the kick-off quiz... a few changes/improvements and we're set.
Points and pictures will appear here sometime over the weekend, for now

Winners of Wilde Quiz #1 - Cannonballz (incl. the newbie 'Leseratte')
followed by
Pinky & The Brain
Die zwei ???
Keine Ahnung
Just Met Today

Yogi-Recht goes damit to JM2D (aka 'some percent of the World Quiz Championship players' :) - if I don't hear from you by Tuesday night I'll accept (and research) HERTHA ;)

And because it was so much fun we'll do the whole thing again (obviously with different questions/topics :).. und because all of last night's teams agree - there won't be any preview anymore. Saves me time and you too - no more swotting and spending valuable hours that could be filled with way more fun ;)

In the book for Ye Wilde Quiz # 2 on Thursday 14 July (8pm sharp ;)
Just Met Today
??? (oder 2 davon .. es sei denn das Casting ergibt interessante - und intelligente - Neuzugänge ;)

Anyone else game - reservation is not dnecessary (yet) but a heads-up would be nice. Facebook/comment/email ;)

See you (and maybe you, or you .. or U2?) next Thursday.. and maybe the Engländers are not too afraid of getting beaten at their own game, eh?
Happy weekend, and may the better German team win tomorrow :)