
Up close and .. mysterious

Just in case you have all the answers already.. here's some more fun with picture puzzles. 4 macros and 2 mystery objects.

Ridddle me these.

The island of Dr More...oh.

Here's two I'm particularly fond of.

Wie hätten Sie entschieden?

Bisher was ich immer der Ansicht daß bei multiple choice-Fragen 1 Antwort aus mehreren (bei WWM 4 Optionen) richtig ist. Wie das nachstehende Bild (annoying net pop-up) beweist, gibt es auch die Variante 0 aus 4.


Playing away - Auswärtsspiel

Alreet, after missing the Happy Pigs' quiz last Friday due to heavy workload, I'm up for the next challenge that presents itself.
Quiz night at the Celtic Cottage. Monday 6 July, 8pm. 3 rounds, first price - bottle o' Irish Whiskey/Baileys, last gets a glass o' gherkins. It's got a bit of a reputation so a full team (of 5) wouldn't go amiss. Hélène was the first one to step forward, I'll be her no. 2, we need 3 more. Or 4-8 others to get first AND second. (if that's not conceited I don't know :) . It's max. 5 players per team, 1 € per head. While Steglitz is not exactly city centre they have good enough access to public transport.

If you like a challenge, leave a comment here (or facebookmessage us) and get ready for some potential cerebral a***kicking :)

POTD - week 3 - ansas

From bottom to top:
  • paint brush/Malerpinsel & egg slicer/Eierschneider
  • from left to right: Stripperella, Elektra, Hawkgirl, Livewire, Vixen
  • Cuba Gooding Jr./Jürgen Klinsmann & Silvester Stallone/Keanu Reeves
  • zipper/Reißverschluß& plastik fork/Plastikgabel
  • pencil/Bleistift & mobile phone/Handy (methinx it’s a Samsung)
  • English Premier League (crown/Krone), Maltese cross/Malteserkreuz (eyes/Augen), Qantas (hair/Haare), EURO 2008 (“face/Gesicht”), FDJ (shirt/Hemd)
  • can opener/Dosenöffner & eggwhisk/Schneebesen
  • Lindsay Lohan/Pamela Anderson & Vin Diesel/John Waters & Pierce Brosnan/Viggo Mortensen


POTD - week 3, weekend gifts

Here are the last 3 genetic experiments, 1 vertical, 2 horizontal. Mostly easy. Enjoy.
And since it's weekend, here are 2 more macros, and a new 5-1 logo. Good luck, and good night.

Abort mission, abort mission

The best laid plans ... once again I won't be able to make it to the Happy Pigs. Stupid thing is that they always have their quiz on the last Friday of the month, a time that usually finds me pretty snowed under. June is no exception, tons of work that got shovelled onto my desk last minute, to be finished by Monday. And since I have no intention to work at the weekend - nightshift.

Seeing as I was the only one prepared to make the trek to the Pigs tonight anyway, no harm no foul. Maybe next month will be better. Or maybe we'll just do our own again.


POTD - week 3

As mentioned before, this is purely for entertainment puposes. No more competition. Since I still intend to spend Friday night at the Happy Pigs Quiz, here are enough picture puzzles to tide you over till Sunday or so. 4 macros, 2 horizontal genetic experiments and last but no least lesser known comic heroines. Heros for the girls in the next issue :)

Have a good one, happy quizzing if you go and let me know how it went if you went.


Up close..

Not much spare time this week for puzzles. Proper work to be done, rent to be paid, Germans to be taught. End-of-the-month stuff, like. Here's a little something for the time being, maybe I'll put up some more pics & riddles for the weekend. No more competition tho, you can send your answers if you like, I'll put up the correct ones next week.

Feid Club (or members thereof) - good quizzing and better luck this time at Murray's! One of them days you're gonna get it right. Right?
I'll let you know if the quiz at the Happy Pigs is anything to shout about.


Quiz Night out

After a few aborted attempts, I'm finally getting round to testing my knowledge (and other quizmasters' patience).
It's the last week of June and and the arena for this week's mental challenge is the "Happy Pigs Pub" in Ostkreuz (check this post for details).
From what I've heard it's rather packed on quiz night so reservations are recommended. If anyone feels like joining me on Friday 26 June at 9pm, I'd sure welcome the support (if not I'm absolutely capable of making a total tit out of myself, all on my own). Report will appear here (unlike the one about Murray's quiz).

And ze German kurzfassung:
Am Freitag den 26. Juni findet um 21.00 Uhr das monatliche Pub Quiz im "Happy Pigs Pub" statt und dieses Mal habe ich vor mein (Un-)Wissen und die Geduld des Haus-Quizmasters auf die Probe zu stellen. Falls sich irgendwer dazu gesellen möchte würde ich mich freuen, ich bin aber auch vollkommen bereit und in der Lage mich allein und ohne fremde Hilfe zum Löffel zu machen. Bericht erscheint dann hier next week :)

POTD - week 2 - points & answers

Here are last week's correct answers. Both of you were doing much better than last week (spent much time googling?!)

potd7: connection: unicorn / Einhorn
potd8: Steve Buscemi & Uma Thurman
potd9: ashtray / Aschenbecher & top of can / Dosendeckel
potd10: Steven Spielberg & Dan Aykroyd
potd11: from top left clockwise/von links oben im Uhrzeigersinn: Peter Falk, Renee Zellweger, Francesco Totti; Ben Affleck, Michelle Pfeiffer, Harrison Ford, Demi Moore
potd12: horse bit / Pferdezaum (Trense)
potd 6: Mark Harmon & Tony Blair

Points: Jon 9, LN 9
Points after 2 weeks: Jon 14,5, LN 13

There will be new puzzles here but the whole "competition thingie" is rather pointless, seeing as you can "cheat" and there are only 2 players anyroad.


POTD - week 2, parts 6 & 7

Before I head off into the sunset and the well-deserved and much-needed weekend, here are the last two missing puzzle pieces for week 2 (1 horizontal genetic experiment and the mystery object of the week). I've decided to stick to pictures as they're not as easy to cheat on as questions. Might have to re-think the format. Or the idea in general.
Anyroad, the correct answers and points will be up here on Monday, till then - have a good one.

PS - I'd appreciate a wee report from Feid Club (who were slightly below par at Murray's)


POTD - week 2, part 5

Here's Friday's, younguns we haven't had yet (I think). The weekend puzzles should be up later today. So far Jon is in the lead...


POTD - week 2, parts 3 & 4

Don't know if I'll have the time tomorrow, so here are 2 new Puzzles of the Week.

PS: LN, don't rush it, you have time till Sunday:)

POTD - week 2, part 2

And since it's a new day, here's a new puzzle. You know the drill (it's horizontal)


POTD - week 2, part 1

I've been thinking... (insert your own jokes here).

Since summer is a loooooong time, and some of yis seem to be missing the quizzing (bad puns included) I've decided to continue the "online quiky". You'll get 7 tasks/pictures/riddles per week, and in order to win some virtual vodka (or at least some 'net nuts) you will have to send in your answers. Deadline every week is Sunday, 23:00. You can either take your time and send all your answers in one batch or - if you think you've got it right in one - send them in every day. Those of you who are into that whole social networking-I've-got-17-new-friends-who-don't-agree-that-I'm-Kreuzberg-but-would-gladly-support-me-in-the-Mafia-wars facebook thingie can message me their answers (that's my English going down the toilet). The generous ones amongst you can leave their answers in the blog comments if they don't mind others "borrowing" ideas. You can only leave 1 answer per POTD so make sure it's your final one. No second thoughts. You can also e-mail your answers to quiz_miz(at)hotmail.com...
No teams, this is an individual effort, i.e. every man, woman, child, android, ghoul and Boy George for themselves.
Obviously I can't prevent you from googling your answers but if you cheat, you only cheat yourself. You might get points for funny/creative answers as I'm judge, jury, and executioner :)

Week 1 was a dry run. Week 2 counts. Here is your first question/riddle (bit of a scavenger hunt so you'd be allowed use of t'internet . you never know, you might learn somting :).

What is the connection between Tyrannosaurus Rex, Blade Runner, Tintin, Scotland, America, Narwhal, Fairy Chess, Iron Man, and Legend (answer is one word)?
Oder for ze Germans: Was ist die Verbindung zwischen Tyrannosaurus Rex, Blade Runner, Tintin (Tim & Struppi), Schottland, America, Narwal, Feenschach, Iron Man und Legende (Antwort ist ein Wort)?

Get cracking, there's more to come.

And here is ze deutsche Version:
"Online Quiky" - damit ihr während der Kreativ-/Sommer-/Denk...whatever Pause nicht ganz aus der Übung kommt, gibt's eine wöchentliche Quiky-Kurzfassung. Pro Tag erscheint auf diesen Seiten ein POTD (puzzle of the day), in Bild- oder Fragenform. Diejenigen unter euch die weiterhin ihre geistigen Kräfte mit anderen messen wollen können ihre Antworten einsenden und Punkte sammeln, die im Siegesfall zu virtuellem Wodka führen, Verlierern werden weiterhin Nüsse nachgeschmissen. Einsendeschluß ist jeweils Sonntag 23.00 Uhr. Wer mag darf seine Antworten hier im blog als comments hinterlassen, auf die Gefahr hin daß andere sich inspirieren lassen. Ansonsten zählen Zuschriften per email an quiz_miz(affenschwanz)hotmail.com oder Nachrichten im facebook (für die networker). Dies ist kein Teamsport, jeder kämpft für sich allein. Es zählt pro POTD pro Spieler nur 1 Antwort, ihr solltet also vor Einsendung nochmal überlegen ob das euer letztes Wort ist. Lustige/kreative Antworten führen ggf. auch zum Ziel da ich Richter, Geschworener und Henker in Personalunion bin. Online-Meckern führt zu online bunten Karten :)

Puzzle 1 in Woche 2 findet ihr obenstehend. Mehr morgen an dieser Stelle.

POTD - week 1 - points & answers

See, all it took was some gentle persuasion and thinly veiled threats to get you to participate :)

Here are the correct answers and the points for week 1:

potd1: sticky tape dispenser/Tesafilmabroller & battery/Batterie (ou pile, pour Hélène)
potd2: Mel Gibson & Brendan Fraser
potd2a: Joaquin Phoenix & Nicole Kidman
potd3: Charlie Sheen & David Hasselhoff
potd4: pistol (hammer)/Pistole (Hammer) & hammers in a piano/Hämmer in einem Klavier
potd5: tennis racket/Tennisschläger & tea bag/Teebeutel
potd 6: piano tuner/Klavierstimmer

Points for week 1. Easy since Jon & Hélène were the only two to "properly" compete.

Jon: 5,5 points
Hélène: 4 points

And here are your prizes:

More on POTW (puzzles of the week) up here later. Methinx we should "competitise" this thing a bit :)


POTD - weekend gifts

Before I head off into the sunset and (almost work-free, definitely smoke-free and hopefully deluge-free weekend) here are the promised Puzzles of the Day #4-6.
Since no one ever requested answers for the previous ones I'm guessing you got them all right and don't need any help or hints.
Have fun figuring these out (1 horizontal genetic experiment, 2x2 macros and mystery tools). I'm back on Monday, with hopefully more riddles..

(in what profession would you have these thingies in your toolbox? In welchem Beruf würde man dieses Zeugs in seiner Werk"zeugs"kiste haben?)

And in the spirit of fairness, and equality, and level playing fields, here's the native bit.
Ehe ich mich in den Sonnenuntergang und das arbeits-, rauch- und regenfreie Wochenende aufmache hier die versprochenen Rätsel des Tages #4-6. Da niemand um Hinweise oder Hilfe bei den ersten 3 gebeten hat gehe ich mal stark davon aus daß alle alles herausbekommen haben.
Viel Spaß mit den neuen (1 x horizontale Genetik, 2x2 Macros und 1 mysteriöser Werkzeugs"koffer"). Bis Montag, selbe Stelle, selbe Welle, mit neuen Rätseln & Bildern.

Last points.. at last

Told you I'd find them.. momma always said "in einem geordneten Haushalt findet sich alles wieder an"...

Your Thursday - Sunday puzzles later today...


POTD, the sequel

I said ALL your greens... alreet, I'll let it slip this one time.
Here's number 2, a vertical one. Bit ... weeeeird. I can't look at it for more than 30sec.

POTD - puzzle of the day

As promised, here's your daily fix. Admittedly an easy one but you haven't had much practice lately, have ye?

If you don't get it (and your colleagues aren't much help either), the answer will be in the comments at some stage. And if you're good, and eat all your greens, and tidy your room you might even get a second one today.


Dieses war der erste Streich

Almost 2 weeks after the final one, and reality has me back. Kicking and screaming, and wishing I wasn't but there's no way really to escape it.
So, after a week or so in McPom, enjoying quiescence that almost bordered boredom, I've begun the task of taking stock and making lists (and later, plans).
  • Take time out to not do much, enjoy the Heimat, use the brain just enough to make it through the day and not get run over by one of the few cars that stink up my hometown? Reconnect with family and old friends to share memories, and laughs, and find out that, deep down, there's quite a bit of culchie left in me? Done.

(Since I still don't have a camera, I had to nick some of my da's pics)
  • Return to the salt mines and resume where I had more or less dropped everything in my haste to get away? Inevitable. Done.
  • Declutter laptop, external hard drive, and office computer? After 3 days to find out where to start, started. It's an ongoing process that will take a while... or find a premature end when I decide to just buy another hard drive.
  • Go through roughly 250 bookmarks that lead to a) football/Newcastle-related websites, b) potential quiz questions, c) culinary blogs, d) BS sites that made me laugh and that I had intended to share here (I will, as soon as I find them), e) favourite TV shows I need to catch up on, or f) stuff I won't have the slightest clue as to why I wanted to keep it. Started, but that process is going to be even longer than the decluttering plan.
  • Check out Berlin's other pub quizzes to observe and learn. And maybe win. Not necessarily though. Only got as far as 4 (Murray's, Celtic Cottage, Happy Pigs, Molly Malone's). Work in progress, dates tbc.
  • Learn Spanish. Ay caramba! Can't even find my books, let alone Reyes to practise with. Plan postponed.
  • Play boule. Or learn to play it properly. Or at least start watching the pros (ties in nicely with the plan to take up drawing/painting again). Have to find a place in Berlin where they congregate. Suggestions?
  • Go bowling. It's been a while. Anyone interested leave a note.
  • Develop my photoshop skills. Tons of tutorials that I've found on the 'net are waiting to be tried, and applied. Started, you'll see results here soon-ish. I hope.
  • Read more. Write some. Cook more. Eat less. Exercise (almost certainly gonna be shelved). Find my inline skates. Use them. Explore Berlin (weather permitting). Find a buyer for NUFC. Play minigolf. Go to the cinema. Or museums. Or concerts... and that's not counting my jobs.
So many plans that a year wouldn't be enough, let alone a summer.
Achievements so far: not smoked in 9 days, not touched alcohol in 5. Not used favourite four-letter words in 2. The holiday state of "zen" persists. No bets on how long.

Frequently asked question: what's with the Quiky.. or other quizzes?.
When I look back I miss the Thursday night fun but more than that I'm enjoying my free time and the absence of obligations and self-imposed pressure . Old habits die hard tho. Every time I happen upon interesting/strange/funny facts on the 'net, in the papers or in daily life, I can't but think what a lovely quiz question it would make. I keep collecting stuff, just in case. The manager of the Irish Harp has been bugging me for 2 weeks now, chances are that we continue there, eventually. No plans in the near future tho.

And last but not least, an apology. I seem to have misplaced final countdown points (I vaguely remember Feid Club winning and Muttis coming 2nd). They're certainly somewhere, me being the world's biggest pack rat, I rarely throw away stuff. Until I find them, here's a wee puzzle to tide you over. I intent to post a new one (or old one) every day, genetix, macros, young ones, logos.... so that you can practise.

(solution in the comments, in a few days. try it yourselves)

Details on visiting pub quizzes and other parties, here. Later. Watch this space.

(Entschuldigung für die einsprachige Variante, geraffte deutsche Version hier demnächst, zusammen mit den Punkten von #290.)