.. what we'll be doing in Inquizition #15 on Monday 16. In the "Yogi" round. From the moon in space to ancient deities, Moonstruck, Moon River, Moon 44, people called Moon, half moon, full moon, croissants, Blue Moon, Moonlighting and mooning, from Blutmond to The First Men in The Moon, man on the moon and golf on the moon. And probably lots more I can't quite imagine yet. Guckst du hier. Or here.
The first question round might well be geography & travel, unless I find something better (I've been thinking about an audio round, maybe mystery sounds :).
The second question round is TV & Movie. No sports in it this time :)
Picture round - the usual BS, vertical & horizontal genetix, mystery objects and macros..
Music round - songs with names in the title. Men's, women's, men's & women's...If you need or want to prepare.. follow the link. And take a good guess which 10 I might pick :)
And I have been assured that this time, at long last, absolutely guaranteed, VE VILL HAVE NUTZ!!!!!!!!
In the words of some of my students "ve vill see as Manday". Till then - be good. And alléz les verts!!
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