And now to the part with the unanswered questions. I still haven't found what I was looking for, reliable information on what colour Mata Hari's eyes were. Help or clues appreciated.
Another question tho shall be answered (much to the joy of our male audience :). Someone asked (themselves?) what Rose McGowan's dress

Here's what.

As to the question what she was thinking when she picked it/put it on - I guess you need something bold when you don't want to be outdone by Mr. Manson.

And next week we look at some eye candy for our female quizzers :)
Other features of InQuizition #11 include songs about the Big Apple, Capital punishment (i.e. geopgraphy, capital cities) and genetic experiments with couples.
Till then, send your suggestions or wishes, enjoy the last days of autumn, and have a good one.
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