
POTD - week 4 - ansas

Answers to last week's puzzles, from bottom to top.
  1. Hugh Jackman/Mel Gibson & Ronaldinho/Robin Williams (that was a bit good, that was )
  2. waffle iron/Waffeleisen
  3. emergency whistle/Notsignalpfeife
  4. springform & trumpet/Trompete
  5. shuttlecock/Federball & waffle/Waffel
  6. from top left anticlockwise/von links oben gegen Uhrzeigersinn: Pulp Fiction, The Godfather/Der Pate, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Buffy – Der Vampir-Killer, Brazil, Blade Runner, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure/Bill und Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit


Jon said...

I got 10 if you're still keeping count. Thought the trumpet was a fish eye.

MaryKwizMiz said...

Not too shabby :) but we've abandoned the competition. that's what's gonna happen with all things lacking response :)