
New beginnings, new ideas

All good things come to those who wait. Or so they say. After repeated moaning I've finally got some suggestions for changes/improvements for the Irish Harp InQUIZition. Thank you Jon. Since not everyone is a facebook addict, I'll re-post them here. You can comment on them, make your own suggestions, or live with what life brings come August.
  • make sure the points in each round are roughly balanced at around 20 pts. So a few less points in the picture round, more 2pt bullshit/general knowledge questions
  • have a themed question round, pick two specific themes (horror films, US presidents whatever) and set five questions on each
  • for number questions have 1 pt for being in the plus/minus range and a bonus point for being spot on
  • Connect 9 is a fun round and I'd like to see it more often, but I guess it can be tough to prepare, maybe you could have two connect fives in a round. Is that simpler?
  • *less* multiple choice and true/false questions!
  • keep the music round as it is
  • have a ciggie break bonus question along the lines of "How far is it from Berlin to Paris?" Closest answer gets a bonus point or two
  • have a rollover Jackpot question each week
Some of the above ideas have crossed my mind, some have already been turned into rounds, and some need a bit more consideration.


Frank said...

Die picture-round letztens im Murray's war ganz spannend: Ein Blatt mit Bildern (acht oder zehn), "who is it" or "what is it" or "named the cities", jede richtige Antwort ein Punkt, bei einer falschen Antwort gibt es für die ganze Runde keinen Punkt. Funtioniert aber wohl eher mit Papier als mit Leinwand,

MaryKwizMiz said...

ich habe versprochen alle Vorschläge in Betracht zu ziehen. Zu Papier-Bilderrunden zurückzugehen ist keine Option. dafür müßt ihr dann halt ins Murray's gehen. Thematische Bilderrunden (who is that, name the city... etc.) lassen sich durchaus einrichten, finde ich zwar persönlich langweiliger aber ist viel einfacher zu bewerkstelligen. Vabanque-Runden will ich nicht einführen, hab aber 'ne ähnliche Idee für 'ne "Zocker"runde die noch einiger Überlegung bedarf.