
That was fun - das machen wir doch bald nochmal

Alreet, Ratefüchse old and new, here's the points from last night's quiztravaganza. That was indeed A LOT of fun, and very spannend till the very end. Just have to remember to politely decline next time winners offer me shots of the won bevvie. Together with Guinness, vodka lemon shots and something else I forgot it is not the best combination.. headache almost guaranteed :)
Anyroad - Tabelle. Ganz schön eng alles :)

Das Yogi-Thema-Bestimm-Recht geht an die Langen Kerls so sie denn am 21. Februar wieder dabei sind, oder falls nicht - an die KillKennys. Einzusenden per email (oder facebook message ;) bis Samstag Abend.
And since it's the very last time I can say Fuck If I Know without being accused of foul language - for your last Quiky you can send me your suggestions or wishes by Friday evening.

First pictures of last night Fête up here in a bit...watch this space.

And last but not least - if my Erinnerung mich nicht trügt - the following teams have asked for the following tables next week (NewQuiky #6, 21 February 2011)
KillKennys 53
Just met Today 36
Smashing Peaches 37
Fuck If I Know 43
Kopfnüsse 55

Do correct me if I was mistaken or under the influence while taking names, and if you're not in the book yet, but want to make sure that you'll have good seats - phone the Kilkenny at once (or a bit later)
Falls ich bei den Reservierungswünschen gestern schon dem Alkohol verfallen war korrigiert mich bitte wenn ich falsche Teams auf die Liste gesetzt oder falsche Tische vergeben hab. Und wer kommen will und sicher gehen möchte daß er/sie/es gute Plätze haben - flugs im Kilkenny angerufen :)

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