
Gifts and giveaway points

Because it's almost March, and because I've been playing a bit with Photoshop, and just so that you know where and when to find Quikydays in the calendar - first (!) NewQuiky desktop wallpaper calendar (1280x1024). Grab and try on for size. (if you need a widescreen version - shout) (or if you want your photograph in it :)

And because it's Oscar Night tomorrow - here's the chance to start NewQuiky #7 with 2 points. Prediction of the week: Which film will get Best Picture, and who will get Best Actor in a leading role? Mail, text, tweet or comment here by Sunday 22:00.
And in Dshörmin: Vorhersage der Woche ist wieder da: Wer am Montag mit 2 Punkten anfangen will kann mir seine Vorhersagen für die morgige Oscarverleihung schicken. Bester Film und Bester Hauptdarsteller. 2 richtige Tips für 2 Punkte - einzusenden auf den üblichen Wegen bis Sonntag 22.00 Uhr.

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