
InQuizition Strikes Back

Well then - plans for #33.
Round 1 - It was the year 1972 and.... lots of strange and memorable things happened Women falling out of planes, abacus gets replaced by something new, and former nazi makes UN secretary general...
Round 2 - most likely Conncet Nine. 9 questions the answers to which have something in common. To be exact - one word.
Yogi Round - Team Öhm can send me their suggestions by Wednesday night, otherwise we'll do something .. dunno. In the air tonight sounds good. Planes, birds, Superman, Rocket Man...
Picture Round - the usual BS mix.
Music Round - brought to you by the letter A. Songs that start with the first letter of the alphabet. Angie, Auf Asche, Alkohol, All Along The Watchtower... Alle meine Entchen. At least 996 to pick from :D

German version up here tomorrow (versprochen!!!!) as well as explanation of the "buy a clue" rule.
Till then - get those brains started again.. see you Thursday.

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