
Wilde Quiz - Special Editions

Been meaning to put this up a few times.. and forgot. Since both the end of the Champions League Season 2 AND the end of the year are getting closer we have to plan. Well, I have to anyway.
As usual we will have a big bunt Christmas Quiz and since that take a bit of decorating, shopping and general preparation we need to fix a date. Christmas Eve is a Saturday which wold make the 22nd the last possible date for the WildeSantaSpecialEdition. Some of you might go on holidays before, some of you are staying and expecting friends they could share the experience with. If we do it on the 15th December it would clash with the Champions League final. The options are:

  1. No quiz on 22nd, Christmas quiz on 15th and Champions League Final on 29th December or 2012.
  2. Make the Christmas Special the Champions League Final (will be all Christmassy topics though) on the 15th
  3. Have the CL final on the 15th and the Christmas quiz on the 22nd December
  4. Christmas? There ain't no Santa anyway, ignore it. Champions League is all that counts.

You will have to make your choice (and for a change tell me - comment here, or mail) by Sunday 4th December. If I don't get any feedback I pick the option that's best for me (#3).

Und das Ganze kurz in deutsch:

Wir müssen uns auf das Weihnachtsquiz und das Champions League Season 2 Finale vorbereiten. Und da beide auf das (fast) Jahresende fallen, sind dies eure/unsere Optionen:

  1. kein Quiz am 22. Dezember, Weihnachtsquiz am 15. und Champions League Finale am 29. oder in 2012
  2. Weihnachtsquiz mit CL-Finale zusammenlegen und am 15. Dezember abhalten (werden dann aber alles Weihnachtsthemen)
  3. CL-Finale am 15. und Santa Quiz am 22. Dezember
  4. Weihnachten? Bah Humbug, es gibt eh keinen Weihnachtsmann. Ignorieren, nur CL zählt.

Ich lasse euch die Wahl (Mehrheitsentscheidung natürlich ;) muß aber ausnahmsweise mal Feedback haben. Also hinterlaßt hier einen Kommentar oder schickt mir 'ne mail, bis allerspätestens Sonntag 4. Dezember. Wenn ich keine Rückmeldungden bekomme nehme ich die Lösung die mir am besten paßt (#3)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howard chooses #3.