
Wilde Quiz #21 - good news, bad news

Well, the good and bad news is.. Ye Wilde Quiz #21 on 24 November is BOOKED OUT! Totally. To the point of being almost overbooked. So if you haven't had the foresight to reserve your table you'll have to wait at least another week till Wilde Quiz #22.

If - for whatever reason - you are in the book and cannot make it tomorrow, please do phone the Oscar's and let them know so they can get some poor table-less team the chance to win.

I'll be seeing the lot of you tomorrow, bright and early (or at least IN TIME), with 15+teams we have to start at 8.15pm at the very latest. And since I'm struggling with a cold at the moment, crowd control could be a problem so - BEST BEHAVIOUR tomorrow, alreet? Otherwise I'll unleash the teachers on yis :P
Looking forward to a fun night. Till the morrow.

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