After a few aborted attempts, I'm finally getting round to testing my knowledge (and other quizmasters' patience).
It's the last week of June and and the arena for this week's mental challenge is the "Happy Pigs Pub" in Ostkreuz (check this post for details).
From what I've heard it's rather packed on quiz night so reservations are recommended. If anyone feels like joining me on Friday 26 June at 9pm, I'd sure welcome the support (if not I'm absolutely capable of making a total tit out of myself, all on my own). Report will appear here (unlike the one about Murray's quiz).
And ze German kurzfassung:
Am Freitag den 26. Juni findet um 21.00 Uhr das monatliche Pub Quiz im "Happy Pigs Pub" statt und dieses Mal habe ich vor mein (Un-)Wissen und die Geduld des Haus-Quizmasters auf die Probe zu stellen. Falls sich irgendwer dazu gesellen möchte würde ich mich freuen, ich bin aber auch vollkommen bereit und in der Lage mich allein und ohne fremde Hilfe zum Löffel zu machen. Bericht erscheint dann hier next week :)
Feid Club Reborn; Report from Murray's (part 1):
K Joe on the mic with a strangely impenetrable accent. Where is he from? Jon, Helene, Maaaarten and Clara with Ana joining in Round 3. Feid was AWOL, suffering on a weekend away in some backwater called Paris. First up, Round 1: German Knowledge.
Luckily we realised LN had misheard after just two questions, much easier to answer questions if you don't have to conjure up some obscure teutonic reference. General Knowledge in fact turned out to be an assorted bullshit round. Clara was the only one who actually knew an answer (Hercules) plus 2 guesses for a piss-poor 3 out of 10. Or was it 4?
Round 2, more GK questions, slighlty less unknowable bullshit than round 1 and a run of 9 out 10 correct left us in joint first place. Hoorah!
Round 3, music apparently, but our table was too far from the speakers so we couldn't hear properly. I know that sounds weak Tee, but it's true! Often a dodgy enough round for us anyway, but this was even worse than usual. No theme meant guessing was impossible and just 1 pt for both artist and song and Helene's insistence on mishearing everything I said, left us with just a couple of points and a lot of ground to make up.
Round 4 was the "pictures of some buildings round" I think, although my memories from this point in the evening on are less distinct for some reason. Too many points available here made this the most important round, 13 from 24 wasn't too bad compared to the best of 16. But our chances of the win were receding.
Round 5 must have been more questions but for the life of me I can't remember. OR maybe rounds 4 and 5 were the other way round. No wait! It was "80's entertainment" I think and I believe we did ok.
Seven(?) points off the lead going into round 6 was not too shabby and we still had a chance to win. (no prize for 2nd place).
So "Olympic gold winners pictures", with a single failed guess resulting in nul point for the whole round meant we had to get at least seven right and hope the teams ahead of us stuffed up. We knew six, but couldn't come up with Greg Luganis, Sonja O'Sullivan or Jurgen Hingsen (I couldn't get bloody Klinsman's name out of my head). So we made a reasonable guess of Tessa Sanderson for a very blurry black and white picture of an English spear chucker.
This was wrong.
And the teams ahead of us didn't stuff up.
Hence a miserable 4th place out of seven teams. This is winnable but we need Rita for the music round.
PS Sorry about the weak tea pun.
Sorry, I somehow screwed up sending you the report before.
Two parts, check it first to make sure nowt's missing
preview Quiz im Happy Pig:
Als ich das letzte Mal dabei war (okay - is fast zwei Jahre her), gab es Zettel mit 50 Fragen, die in 30 Minuten zu beantworten waren. Nach ner Weile war dann kurz Auswertung. Fand ich langweilig. Deshalb hab ich damals weiter gesucht und bin am Hackeschen Markt fündig geworden ;-)
:) hab gehört am Hackeschen Markt gibt's keins mehr :)
Ich fahr Freitag trotzdem mal zu den glücklichen Schweinen, vielleicht hat sich ja was geändert. Im schlimmsten Fall muß ich was trinken...
Bericht folgt dann hier.
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