So, after a week or so in McPom, enjoying quiescence that almost bordered boredom, I've begun the task of taking stock and making lists (and later, plans).
- Take time out to not do much, enjoy the Heimat, use the brain just enough to make it through the day and not get run over by one of the few cars that stink up my hometown? Reconnect with family and old friends to share memories, and laughs, and find out that, deep down, there's quite a bit of culchie left in me? Done.

(Since I still don't have a camera, I had to nick some of my da's pics)
- Return to the salt mines and resume where I had more or less dropped everything in my haste to get away? Inevitable. Done.
- Declutter laptop, external hard drive, and office computer? After 3 days to find out where to start, started. It's an ongoing process that will take a while... or find a premature end when I decide to just buy another hard drive.
- Go through roughly 250 bookmarks that lead to a) football/Newcastle-related websites, b) potential quiz questions, c) culinary blogs, d) BS sites that made me laugh and that I had intended to share here (I will, as soon as I find them), e) favourite TV shows I need to catch up on, or f) stuff I won't have the slightest clue as to why I wanted to keep it. Started, but that process is going to be even longer than the decluttering plan.
- Check out Berlin's other pub quizzes to observe and learn. And maybe win. Not necessarily though. Only got as far as 4 (Murray's, Celtic Cottage, Happy Pigs, Molly Malone's). Work in progress, dates tbc.
- Learn Spanish. Ay caramba! Can't even find my books, let alone Reyes to practise with. Plan postponed.
- Play boule. Or learn to play it properly. Or at least start watching the pros (ties in nicely with the plan to take up drawing/painting again). Have to find a place in Berlin where they congregate. Suggestions?
- Go bowling. It's been a while. Anyone interested leave a note.
- Develop my photoshop skills. Tons of tutorials that I've found on the 'net are waiting to be tried, and applied. Started, you'll see results here soon-ish. I hope.
- Read more. Write some. Cook more. Eat less. Exercise (almost certainly gonna be shelved). Find my inline skates. Use them. Explore Berlin (weather permitting). Find a buyer for NUFC. Play minigolf. Go to the cinema. Or museums. Or concerts... and that's not counting my jobs.
Achievements so far: not smoked in 9 days, not touched alcohol in 5. Not used favourite four-letter words in 2. The holiday state of "zen" persists. No bets on how long.
Frequently asked question: what's with the Quiky.. or other quizzes?.
When I look back I miss the Thursday night fun but more than that I'm enjoying my free time and the absence of obligations and self-imposed pressure . Old habits die hard tho. Every time I happen upon interesting/strange/funny facts on the 'net, in the papers or in daily life, I can't but think what a lovely quiz question it would make. I keep collecting stuff, just in case. The manager of the Irish Harp has been bugging me for 2 weeks now, chances are that we continue there, eventually. No plans in the near future tho.
And last but not least, an apology. I seem to have misplaced final countdown points (I vaguely remember Feid Club winning and Muttis coming 2nd). They're certainly somewhere, me being the world's biggest pack rat, I rarely throw away stuff. Until I find them, here's a wee puzzle to tide you over. I intent to post a new one (or old one) every day, genetix, macros, young ones, logos.... so that you can practise.

(solution in the comments, in a few days. try it yourselves)
Details on visiting pub quizzes and other parties, here. Later. Watch this space.
(Entschuldigung für die einsprachige Variante, geraffte deutsche Version hier demnächst, zusammen mit den Punkten von #290.)
une pile et un jeu de tetris (en bois ;-) ... non à gauche, keine Ahnung...
un point pour pile (droite), zero pour k.A.
keep trying :)
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