Aus dem hohen Norden, fast von dort wo der fette Alte mit dem roten Mantel her kommt, und wo 3 Meter Schnee liegen (nebeneinander, Männ!!) wünsche ich allen frohe und friedvolle Feiertage, mit hoffentlich nicht zuviel Essen, Punsch, nervigen Weihnachtsliedern und noch nervigeren Familienmitgliedern :) Und Dank nochmal an dieser Stelle allen die am Montag geholfen haben einen super Abend zu gestalten (Auswertung kommt, versprochen!!!)
Laßt's euch gut gehen und entspannt die grauen Zellen, 2010 wird anstregend genug :)
Wer mag darf gern am 28. zum letzten Quiz 2009 kommen, garantiert mit viel assorted bulls**t und nuts und Alkohol... oder nur um zu sehen wie Newcastle mal wieder gewonnen hat :)
Ho ho ho und Merry Quizmas to all of us...
On the eve of Christmas..
On the 18th day of Quizmas
So, die Anmeldung ist geschlossen.
Im Buch sind zusätzlich zu den vorgenannten Teams noch die Muttis (und 6 "fremde" Teams), es sieht also so aus als ob es voll wird, und familiär :)
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen und irgendwann vor Montag fallen mir sicher auch noch ein paar Fragen und Rätsel ein.
Bis dahin schönes letztes Adventwochenende, und ein paar Quizmas Cartoons, von wegen "fröhliche" und so ...

ho ho ho...
Im Buch sind zusätzlich zu den vorgenannten Teams noch die Muttis (und 6 "fremde" Teams), es sieht also so aus als ob es voll wird, und familiär :)
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen und irgendwann vor Montag fallen mir sicher auch noch ein paar Fragen und Rätsel ein.
Bis dahin schönes letztes Adventwochenende, und ein paar Quizmas Cartoons, von wegen "fröhliche" und so ...

ho ho ho...
On the 17th day of Quizmas
...I'll give you a little tune to get in the mood. It quite captures my attitude towards the festive season..
Quizmas is coming ..
..and the booze is getting flat, please put a penny in the QuizMiz' hat...
So, Quizmas is almost upon us now and things are getting a bit hectic. Being more Scrooge than Santee I've totally ignored the fact that it's Christmas too next week :) And there are still so many things to do (like, watching the season finale of Dexter, and Spooks, and Newcastle beating Middlesbrough) and so little time. Not to speak of work to get finished, and the usual scramble for last minute prezzies, cards, and train tickets. And that single-handedly (or more like, one-handedly).
In order to ensure a proper Quizmas I need a head-count by Friday to make sure everyone gets their share of fun & games & stuff(ing) on Monday.
So far we have Anmeldungen from Cannonballs, Feid Club, Pinkies and some 20-30 other people I might or might not know. Which translates into ca. 8-9 teams. All in the book and taken into account for the shopping.
If you decide to join in all the reindeer games, do send me a mail to, leave a comment here or phone the Irish Harp directly (030/22 32 87 35). I will consider all reservations made by Friday night, after that you'll have to chance it.
As for rounds, topics etc. - you'll find out when you get there :)
Also, if you want 2GB worth of assorted Christmas tunes from funk & soul to punk & metal mixed with crimbo classics & naughty melodies, bring a stick.
So, Quizmas is almost upon us now and things are getting a bit hectic. Being more Scrooge than Santee I've totally ignored the fact that it's Christmas too next week :) And there are still so many things to do (like, watching the season finale of Dexter, and Spooks, and Newcastle beating Middlesbrough) and so little time. Not to speak of work to get finished, and the usual scramble for last minute prezzies, cards, and train tickets. And that single-handedly (or more like, one-handedly).
In order to ensure a proper Quizmas I need a head-count by Friday to make sure everyone gets their share of fun & games & stuff(ing) on Monday.
So far we have Anmeldungen from Cannonballs, Feid Club, Pinkies and some 20-30 other people I might or might not know. Which translates into ca. 8-9 teams. All in the book and taken into account for the shopping.
If you decide to join in all the reindeer games, do send me a mail to, leave a comment here or phone the Irish Harp directly (030/22 32 87 35). I will consider all reservations made by Friday night, after that you'll have to chance it.
As for rounds, topics etc. - you'll find out when you get there :)
Also, if you want 2GB worth of assorted Christmas tunes from funk & soul to punk & metal mixed with crimbo classics & naughty melodies, bring a stick.
Bull***t and bullseye
Change of plans for tonight. We'll still do Simpsons, cover versions, picture round and Connect 9, the sports round is gonna be a real sports round tho.
We're gonna try Darts Round!!!
Rules are simple - you get to pick the topic if you can hit the right number on the dart board.
We'll have 5 questions on history, 5 on sports, 5 on TV & movie and 5 on assorted BS. You throw the dart and choose your preferred category. IF you hit the right number. Bullseye triples your points IF you answer the question correctly.
Should be a laugh - or at least worth a try.
Bingo Quiz coming up soon...
We're gonna try Darts Round!!!
Rules are simple - you get to pick the topic if you can hit the right number on the dart board.
We'll have 5 questions on history, 5 on sports, 5 on TV & movie and 5 on assorted BS. You throw the dart and choose your preferred category. IF you hit the right number. Bullseye triples your points IF you answer the question correctly.
Should be a laugh - or at least worth a try.
Bingo Quiz coming up soon...
New year, new quiz
Just because I've had a sudden inspiration.. there are gonna be a few changes and new features in 2010 and one of them is...
Darts Round. Details are still a bit sketchy but we have a dartboard in the corner and it will be used in some way.. maybe after completing the round you can double your points by hitting a certain number..
Also in the works - Bingo Quiz!! The cunning combination of luck & knowledge.
And we might finally go for the whole jackpot idea. Gives you something to aim for.
If you have any other features you want to see included - let me know (only people who actually turn up for the quiz now and then need reply)
Oh, and I've just got lots of cheap glue sticks. We will definitely have a Bastelrunde in the Christmas Quiz. Round up your tinkerers, artists, and children :)
Darts Round. Details are still a bit sketchy but we have a dartboard in the corner and it will be used in some way.. maybe after completing the round you can double your points by hitting a certain number..
Also in the works - Bingo Quiz!! The cunning combination of luck & knowledge.
And we might finally go for the whole jackpot idea. Gives you something to aim for.
If you have any other features you want to see included - let me know (only people who actually turn up for the quiz now and then need reply)
Oh, and I've just got lots of cheap glue sticks. We will definitely have a Bastelrunde in the Christmas Quiz. Round up your tinkerers, artists, and children :)
What would you do with a brain if you had one?
Fings that made me laugh today:
1. The rumour that Laurent Robert wants back to Newcastle. C'est vachement drole.
2. The following examples for ... being one sandwich short of a picknick.. Taken from various English quiz shows. Hence no translation. Would lose some anyway. I'm totally chuffed that 99.95% of all "my" quizzers would have passed these.
Q: Which 'G' was an Indian who was given the title Mahatma? A: Geronimo
Q: What 'H' is a common variety of bean used to make Baked Beans? A: Heinz
Q: Which famous classical composer went deaf? A: Err.. Q: Think of a big dog A: Bach
Q: Which actress was married to Humphrey Bogart, and is the cousin of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres? A: Gene Kelly
Q: Which chemical element has the symbol K? A: Kryptonite
Q: Which literary hunchback lived in Notre Dame and fell in love with Esmeralda? A: Oh, er, it rings a bell.. but no, can't think of it.
Q: In the English monarchy, what was the name of the Royal house that succeeded the Tudors? A: Buckingham Palace
Q: What was Hitler's first name? A: Heil
Q: Can you give me an occupation beginning with 'S'? A: Psychiatrist
Q: In Germany, the Burgermeister runs what: the local town hall or the local fast food outlet? A: The local fast food outlet.
Q: What is the capital of Germany? Hamburg
Q: Which English Queen is the cocktail "Bloody Mary" named after? A: Margerita
Q: Who said 'Kiss Me Hardy'? A: Was it Stan Laurel?
Q: In government organizations, what does the letter M stand for in M.I.5 and M.I.6? A: Murder
Q: What G was the complex knot severed by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC? A: Granny
Q: He was known as the King of the Cowboys. He was Roy who? A: Keane
1. The rumour that Laurent Robert wants back to Newcastle. C'est vachement drole.
2. The following examples for ... being one sandwich short of a picknick.. Taken from various English quiz shows. Hence no translation. Would lose some anyway. I'm totally chuffed that 99.95% of all "my" quizzers would have passed these.
Q: Which 'G' was an Indian who was given the title Mahatma? A: Geronimo
Q: What 'H' is a common variety of bean used to make Baked Beans? A: Heinz
Q: Which famous classical composer went deaf? A: Err.. Q: Think of a big dog A: Bach
Q: Which actress was married to Humphrey Bogart, and is the cousin of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres? A: Gene Kelly
Q: Which chemical element has the symbol K? A: Kryptonite
Q: Which literary hunchback lived in Notre Dame and fell in love with Esmeralda? A: Oh, er, it rings a bell.. but no, can't think of it.
Q: In the English monarchy, what was the name of the Royal house that succeeded the Tudors? A: Buckingham Palace
Q: What was Hitler's first name? A: Heil
Q: Can you give me an occupation beginning with 'S'? A: Psychiatrist
Q: In Germany, the Burgermeister runs what: the local town hall or the local fast food outlet? A: The local fast food outlet.
Q: What is the capital of Germany? Hamburg
Q: Which English Queen is the cocktail "Bloody Mary" named after? A: Margerita
Q: Who said 'Kiss Me Hardy'? A: Was it Stan Laurel?
Q: In government organizations, what does the letter M stand for in M.I.5 and M.I.6? A: Murder
Q: What G was the complex knot severed by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC? A: Granny
Q: He was known as the King of the Cowboys. He was Roy who? A: Keane
Prediction of the Week - Run, Santa run!
For those who intend to attend on Monday (and want to start with 1 point and can be bothered to write in) - here's this week's PotW.
Saturday and Sunday see the annual Santa Runs in - among others - Las Vegas and London.
Tell me how many Santas are going to take part in the 2009 Santa Dash in Liverpool on Sunday (+/-100).

Predictions the usual way - mail, comment, text, FB.
Saturday and Sunday see the annual Santa Runs in - among others - Las Vegas and London.
Tell me how many Santas are going to take part in the 2009 Santa Dash in Liverpool on Sunday (+/-100).

Predictions the usual way - mail, comment, text, FB.
Ho ho ho...
Merry Quizmas is almost upon us. And the poll has shown (albeit not very reliably) that more people prefer Monday 21 December rather than Wednesday 23. So it has been decided and we all have to live with it. And prepare for it (yeah, right... you just have to train the liver :).

Anyroad, certain so far is the date and time, the place, and the general idea. And the fact that we'll have sweets and Glühwein, and candles, and nuts, and festive tunes other than "Last Christmas". The rest of the details will appear here as soon as they've taken shape in my weary head. One thing you could do tho is give me a heads-up how many teams/people we can expect so that we'll have enough alcohol, gifts & nicely decked halls & tables for everyone. Of course you can show up short notice and unannounced but you wouldn't be guaranteed your Schokoladenhohlkörper and eggnogg. Let me know, the usual way. Till then - have a good 2nd advent, see you Monday for #17 or some other time.
Merry Quizmas steht vor der Tür (wolle mer's neilasse??) Wie die Umfrage ( nicht allzu zuverlässig) ergeben hat sind von den 3 interessierten Teams 2,15 für Montag den 21. Dezember. So sei es also beschlossen und verkündet und nun müssen wir alle damit leben. Und uns darauf vorbereiten (ihr braucht ja nur die Leber zu trainieren, ich muß das Gehirn anstrengen :)
Vieh dem auch sei, Datum und Zeit stehen bereits fest, ebenso der Ort und die grobe Idee des Weihnachtsquizzes. Und die Tatsache, daß es wie immer bunte Teller gibt, und Glühwein, und Kerzen, und Nüsse, und weihnachtliches Liedgut (außer "Last Christmas"). Die restlichen Details erscheinen hier rechtzeitig sowie sie meinem müden Haupt entspringen. Um die Vorbereitung zu erleichtern wäre ich aber dankbar wenn ihr mal durchzählen würdet wie viele Teams mit wie vielen Leuten kommen damit wir genug Alkohol, nett gedeckte Tische und kleine Gaben haben. Natürlich dürft ihr auch gerne kurzentschlossen und unangekündigt auftauchen allerdings besteht dann die Gefahr daß dann die Schokoladenhohlkörper und andere Leckereien nicht für alle reichen. Meldungen auf dem üblichen Weg, je früher desto besser.
Ansonsten erst mal schönes WE, bis Montag zu Nr. 17 oder irgendwann anders.

Anyroad, certain so far is the date and time, the place, and the general idea. And the fact that we'll have sweets and Glühwein, and candles, and nuts, and festive tunes other than "Last Christmas". The rest of the details will appear here as soon as they've taken shape in my weary head. One thing you could do tho is give me a heads-up how many teams/people we can expect so that we'll have enough alcohol, gifts & nicely decked halls & tables for everyone. Of course you can show up short notice and unannounced but you wouldn't be guaranteed your Schokoladenhohlkörper and eggnogg. Let me know, the usual way. Till then - have a good 2nd advent, see you Monday for #17 or some other time.
Merry Quizmas steht vor der Tür (wolle mer's neilasse??) Wie die Umfrage ( nicht allzu zuverlässig) ergeben hat sind von den 3 interessierten Teams 2,15 für Montag den 21. Dezember. So sei es also beschlossen und verkündet und nun müssen wir alle damit leben. Und uns darauf vorbereiten (ihr braucht ja nur die Leber zu trainieren, ich muß das Gehirn anstrengen :)
Vieh dem auch sei, Datum und Zeit stehen bereits fest, ebenso der Ort und die grobe Idee des Weihnachtsquizzes. Und die Tatsache, daß es wie immer bunte Teller gibt, und Glühwein, und Kerzen, und Nüsse, und weihnachtliches Liedgut (außer "Last Christmas"). Die restlichen Details erscheinen hier rechtzeitig sowie sie meinem müden Haupt entspringen. Um die Vorbereitung zu erleichtern wäre ich aber dankbar wenn ihr mal durchzählen würdet wie viele Teams mit wie vielen Leuten kommen damit wir genug Alkohol, nett gedeckte Tische und kleine Gaben haben. Natürlich dürft ihr auch gerne kurzentschlossen und unangekündigt auftauchen allerdings besteht dann die Gefahr daß dann die Schokoladenhohlkörper und andere Leckereien nicht für alle reichen. Meldungen auf dem üblichen Weg, je früher desto besser.
Ansonsten erst mal schönes WE, bis Montag zu Nr. 17 oder irgendwann anders.
Yeah, that was a fun night. As usual in the Harp, it's all about quality and not quantity, and once again that proved to be true.
I'll do a proper round-up tomorrow once I'm sober again (who started the drinking-alcohol-thingie?!?!) but for now the points as far as I remember them
Rocky Horror 56.5
Die Gloriösen Cranberries 54.5
??? 22.5
What have we learned from tonight's entertaining and edumacating extravaganza?
A - Frank Zappa's got a daughter named Moon Unit
B - Viktor Laszlo was not only Ilsa Lund's husband but also a French-Belgian singer (minus the "s") who hosted the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest (back when it was called "Le Grand-Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne")
C - Philadelphia was the capital of the USofA from 1790 till 1802
.. and more useful/less info I don't remember at the moment.
Anyroad - the right to pick next week's Yogi theme (and I can't f***ing wait for your selection) goes to ??? who might want to spend a minute or two on picking a proper team name before 7 December :)
Music round for #17 is Cover Versions, the rest (apart from the picture round) is still pretty much open.
Watch this space, particularly towards end of the week, and have a good one till then.
PS - je ne te croix pas que tu sois français.. :)
I'll do a proper round-up tomorrow once I'm sober again (who started the drinking-alcohol-thingie?!?!) but for now the points as far as I remember them
Rocky Horror 56.5
Die Gloriösen Cranberries 54.5
??? 22.5
What have we learned from tonight's entertaining and edumacating extravaganza?
A - Frank Zappa's got a daughter named Moon Unit
B - Viktor Laszlo was not only Ilsa Lund's husband but also a French-Belgian singer (minus the "s") who hosted the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest (back when it was called "Le Grand-Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne")
C - Philadelphia was the capital of the USofA from 1790 till 1802
.. and more useful/less info I don't remember at the moment.
Anyroad - the right to pick next week's Yogi theme (and I can't f***ing wait for your selection) goes to ??? who might want to spend a minute or two on picking a proper team name before 7 December :)
Music round for #17 is Cover Versions, the rest (apart from the picture round) is still pretty much open.
Watch this space, particularly towards end of the week, and have a good one till then.
PS - je ne te croix pas que tu sois français.. :)
Better late than never
Für diejenigen die Montags last minute hier noch reinschauen... Aufgrund ausgedehnter Geburtstagsfeierlichkeiten und darum befindlicher Urlaubstage sieht InQuizition # 16 relativ "normal" aus.
Runde 1 - Geographie, Geschichte, Wissenschaft
Runde 2 - Sport, Musik, TV & Movie
Yogi-Runde: Der Mond
Bilderrunde - der übliche Mix mit neuen genetishen Experimenten :) :)
Musikrunde - Stadt, Land, Fluß (songs mit Erdkunde im Titel - 9 Titel nett auf 5 min zusammengeschnitten :)
Bis Montag 20.00 Uhr. Oder irgendwann anders. Und wenn nicht dann wenigstens 'ne schöne Woche.
PS - da keiner die Vorhersage der Woche eingeschickt hat fängt auch keiner mit 2 Punkten an. Und wäre's so einfach gewesen. 3-0, 3-0. Yay!
Runde 1 - Geographie, Geschichte, Wissenschaft
Runde 2 - Sport, Musik, TV & Movie
Yogi-Runde: Der Mond
Bilderrunde - der übliche Mix mit neuen genetishen Experimenten :) :)
Musikrunde - Stadt, Land, Fluß (songs mit Erdkunde im Titel - 9 Titel nett auf 5 min zusammengeschnitten :)
Bis Montag 20.00 Uhr. Oder irgendwann anders. Und wenn nicht dann wenigstens 'ne schöne Woche.
PS - da keiner die Vorhersage der Woche eingeschickt hat fängt auch keiner mit 2 Punkten an. Und wäre's so einfach gewesen. 3-0, 3-0. Yay!
Guinness, goals and gute Stimmung
Und was mehr kann man sich von Montagabenden wünschen? Und wieder mal hat sich gezeigt daß Qualität und nicht Quantität ausschlaggebend ist.
Bevor ich mich in den wohlverdienten Kurzurlaub Richtung Norden schleiche und es vergesse (dank an Cannonballs für die freundliche Erinnerung) - Zweistein darf das Yogi-Thema für nächste Woche bestimmen. Kommentar hier oder email an bis Sonntag Abend. Ansonsten ist "Mond" angesagt am 30. November.
Und weil's so schön war (und Zweistein so akkurat in ihrer Vorhersage) - Prediction of the Week: the usual. Newcastle gegen Swansea am Samstag. Halbzeit- und Endergebnis. Auf dem üblichen Weg. Einsendeschluß Samstag 14.00 Uhr :)
Vorschau auf Inquizition #16 gibt's hier gegen Ende der Woche, ich hab noch keine Ahnung was dran kommen könnte. Vorschläge werden dankend angenommen und wohlwollend geprüft :)
Und die Tendenz für's Weihnachtsquiz ist derzeit eher Montag der 21. Dezember. Entscheidung fällt Ende nächster Woche.
Bis dahin, oder bis Montag, have a good one.
Bevor ich mich in den wohlverdienten Kurzurlaub Richtung Norden schleiche und es vergesse (dank an Cannonballs für die freundliche Erinnerung) - Zweistein darf das Yogi-Thema für nächste Woche bestimmen. Kommentar hier oder email an bis Sonntag Abend. Ansonsten ist "Mond" angesagt am 30. November.
Und weil's so schön war (und Zweistein so akkurat in ihrer Vorhersage) - Prediction of the Week: the usual. Newcastle gegen Swansea am Samstag. Halbzeit- und Endergebnis. Auf dem üblichen Weg. Einsendeschluß Samstag 14.00 Uhr :)
Vorschau auf Inquizition #16 gibt's hier gegen Ende der Woche, ich hab noch keine Ahnung was dran kommen könnte. Vorschläge werden dankend angenommen und wohlwollend geprüft :)
Und die Tendenz für's Weihnachtsquiz ist derzeit eher Montag der 21. Dezember. Entscheidung fällt Ende nächster Woche.
Bis dahin, oder bis Montag, have a good one.
Sometimes they come back.....
nope, still not me to the Kilkenny but...
I went through some old files looking for a naked Santa for the Quizmas poster (and hey, I found one or two, if you're naughty enough I'll put them up here :) and came upon all the old Prediction of the Week pics. And was thinking .. why not?!?
So we'll pick up that time-honoured tradition of starting with a point or two IF your prediction is correct. And since Newcastle play on Monday night you can predict the half-time and full-time score. For two points. Predictions have to be in by Monday 8pm. BTW - we play Preston North End, away.
And for our Dshörmin Kwizzers:
PotW - Vorhersage der Woche kehrt zurück!!!
Und da am Montag mal wieder Newcastle zu sehen ist könnt ihr für 2 Punkte das Halbzeit- und Endergebnis vorhersagen. Wir spielen auswärts gegen Preston NorthEnd. Vorhersagen sind bis spätestens Montag 20.00 Uhr abzugeben.
I went through some old files looking for a naked Santa for the Quizmas poster (and hey, I found one or two, if you're naughty enough I'll put them up here :) and came upon all the old Prediction of the Week pics. And was thinking .. why not?!?
So we'll pick up that time-honoured tradition of starting with a point or two IF your prediction is correct. And since Newcastle play on Monday night you can predict the half-time and full-time score. For two points. Predictions have to be in by Monday 8pm. BTW - we play Preston North End, away.
And for our Dshörmin Kwizzers:
PotW - Vorhersage der Woche kehrt zurück!!!
Und da am Montag mal wieder Newcastle zu sehen ist könnt ihr für 2 Punkte das Halbzeit- und Endergebnis vorhersagen. Wir spielen auswärts gegen Preston NorthEnd. Vorhersagen sind bis spätestens Montag 20.00 Uhr abzugeben.
Jingle bells, jingle bells...
Ah, the sound of them. And the smell of Glühwein, Pfefferkuchen and Bratwurst from the myriads of stalls that have been shooting up like mushrooms at every corner lately. Just a reminder that the fat one with the red coat is almost upon us. Which in turn reminds me that I have to plan this year's holidays. Which brings us to the question of the last two quiz nights of 2009.
So far I've had 3 people, if not teams, who actually prefer Monday 21st for the Christmas quiz. As mentioned before, this is a majority decision but I have to know asap in order make up my mind (and the crimbo quiz). Same goes for the ultimate 2009 quiz - acoording to earlier plans, the date would be Monday 28th. Unless you'd rather have one on 29th or 30th.
Do let me know. Otherwise I'll just pick one and we all have to live with it.
ho ho ho....
So far I've had 3 people, if not teams, who actually prefer Monday 21st for the Christmas quiz. As mentioned before, this is a majority decision but I have to know asap in order make up my mind (and the crimbo quiz). Same goes for the ultimate 2009 quiz - acoording to earlier plans, the date would be Monday 28th. Unless you'd rather have one on 29th or 30th.
Do let me know. Otherwise I'll just pick one and we all have to live with it.
ho ho ho....
Damp squibs & Merry Quizmas
As we say up north - dat wa wo nix. A staggering 10 people in the whole Harp tonight and no one willing to prove their mental prowess. I guess only dogs and quizmizzes venture out in this weather.
Just as well then, we'll give it another shot next Monday and I have more time to get my work done before I disappear into my annual birthday holidays. Rounds will be the same tho one might get swapped for a handout round (I have the odd new idea or two) because it's Toon on Telly Night.
The other news concern this year's Merry Quizmas in the Irish Harp. We have decided to move it from Monday 21 December to Wednesday 23 December. Since most people take Christmas eve off anyway, we could all have a nice quiz and a few more drinks than usual. We need a headcount though if we want to order the right quantities of sweets, gingerbread and other festive decoration & treats. Let my know by 7 December if you want to be part of the party and how many heads you'll bring (or if you prefer Monday 21 December). The usual means of contact apply - mail to, or leave a comment here, or check Brains in Berlin group on facebook. Or text me. Or mail the pub (just make sure you specify Irish Harp).
Und natürlich (wie immer öfter) das Ganze in Dshörmen.
Die Pläne für's diesjährige "Merry Quizmas"-Weihnachtsquiz im Irish Harp haben sich geändert. Wie haben uns gedacht daß Mittwoch der 23. Dezember ein besserer Termin ist als Montag der 21, da die meisten von uns an Heiligabend eh keinen Bock mehr auf Arbeit haben und wir so alle ein bißchen länger raten und trinken können. Um allerdings ausreichende Mengen an Lebkuchen, Schokoladenhohlkörpern und anderen weihnachtlichen Dekorationen und Leckerbissen bestellen zu können brauchen wir eine grobe Schätzung mit wie vielen Ratefüchsen wir rechnen müssen. Sagt mir also bis spätestens 7. Dezember Bescheid ob und mit wie vielen Leuten ihr kommt. Oder ob ihr doch lieber den Montag hättet. Es gelten die üblichen Kontaktmöglichkeiten - Kommentar hier, mail an, Facebook-Gruppe "Brains in Berlin" oder SMS. Oder Kontaktformular auf der Pub-Website (Irish Harp mit angeben).
Just as well then, we'll give it another shot next Monday and I have more time to get my work done before I disappear into my annual birthday holidays. Rounds will be the same tho one might get swapped for a handout round (I have the odd new idea or two) because it's Toon on Telly Night.
The other news concern this year's Merry Quizmas in the Irish Harp. We have decided to move it from Monday 21 December to Wednesday 23 December. Since most people take Christmas eve off anyway, we could all have a nice quiz and a few more drinks than usual. We need a headcount though if we want to order the right quantities of sweets, gingerbread and other festive decoration & treats. Let my know by 7 December if you want to be part of the party and how many heads you'll bring (or if you prefer Monday 21 December). The usual means of contact apply - mail to, or leave a comment here, or check Brains in Berlin group on facebook. Or text me. Or mail the pub (just make sure you specify Irish Harp).
Und natürlich (wie immer öfter) das Ganze in Dshörmen.
Die Pläne für's diesjährige "Merry Quizmas"-Weihnachtsquiz im Irish Harp haben sich geändert. Wie haben uns gedacht daß Mittwoch der 23. Dezember ein besserer Termin ist als Montag der 21, da die meisten von uns an Heiligabend eh keinen Bock mehr auf Arbeit haben und wir so alle ein bißchen länger raten und trinken können. Um allerdings ausreichende Mengen an Lebkuchen, Schokoladenhohlkörpern und anderen weihnachtlichen Dekorationen und Leckerbissen bestellen zu können brauchen wir eine grobe Schätzung mit wie vielen Ratefüchsen wir rechnen müssen. Sagt mir also bis spätestens 7. Dezember Bescheid ob und mit wie vielen Leuten ihr kommt. Oder ob ihr doch lieber den Montag hättet. Es gelten die üblichen Kontaktmöglichkeiten - Kommentar hier, mail an, Facebook-Gruppe "Brains in Berlin" oder SMS. Oder Kontaktformular auf der Pub-Website (Irish Harp mit angeben).
Poster puzzle me this
As usual, I was looking for someth.. ah, you know the story by now.
In case you ever find yourselves online and bored, try these really cool movie poster puzzles. I normally use the site for research on film posters and stuff but apparently it is as much about edumaction as it is entertaining. Might have given me an idea.
Talking about Given, ALLÉZ L'IRLANDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (apologies LN, I'll cheer for la belle France on Wednesday ;)
In case you ever find yourselves online and bored, try these really cool movie poster puzzles. I normally use the site for research on film posters and stuff but apparently it is as much about edumaction as it is entertaining. Might have given me an idea.
Talking about Given, ALLÉZ L'IRLANDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (apologies LN, I'll cheer for la belle France on Wednesday ;)
Fly me to the Moon

.. what we'll be doing in Inquizition #15 on Monday 16. In the "Yogi" round. From the moon in space to ancient deities, Moonstruck, Moon River, Moon 44, people called Moon, half moon, full moon, croissants, Blue Moon, Moonlighting and mooning, from Blutmond to The First Men in The Moon, man on the moon and golf on the moon. And probably lots more I can't quite imagine yet. Guckst du hier. Or here.
The first question round might well be geography & travel, unless I find something better (I've been thinking about an audio round, maybe mystery sounds :).
The second question round is TV & Movie. No sports in it this time :)
Picture round - the usual BS, vertical & horizontal genetix, mystery objects and macros..
Music round - songs with names in the title. Men's, women's, men's & women's...If you need or want to prepare.. follow the link. And take a good guess which 10 I might pick :)
And I have been assured that this time, at long last, absolutely guaranteed, VE VILL HAVE NUTZ!!!!!!!!
In the words of some of my students "ve vill see as Manday". Till then - be good. And alléz les verts!!
The day after
Friday the 13th... nuff said.
Hier nochmals die Zusammenfassung for alle die nicht im email-Verteiler sind. Wer gestern da war weiß es schon, die anderen jetzt. Quiky im Kilkenny ist endgültig gegessen. Ich will mich nicht noch mal über Wie/Warum auslassen, die Show geht weiter. In Charlottenburg.
Inquizition-Time ist jeden Montag um 20.00 Uhr im Irish Harp. Ab 2010 dann jeden Donnerstag um 20.00 Uhr.
Und das erste im neuen Jahr ist das große Jahresrückblicksquiz 2008 am Donnerstag den 7. Januar 2010. Alle anderen Termine (Weihnachtsquiz u.ä.) wie immer hier.
Und nein, ich habe vorerst kein anderes Quiz geplant, in keinem der anderen Stadtbezirke :) Freiheit & Freizeit sind unbezahlbar...
Nochmals vielen Dank an alle Ratefüchse die über die Jahre mit Treue, Wissen, Hartnäckigkeit und Humor dazu beigetragen haben daß die Donnerstage ein Erfolg waren. Es hat Spaß gemacht (zu 99,99% :). Doch nun ist es Zeit weiter zu ziehen. Vielleicht sehen wir uns irgendwo, irgednwie, irgendwann, wenn nicht, immer schön weiter Wissen sammeln, man weiß nie wofür's mal gut ist.
The gist for those who are not on the mailing list. If you were there last night you already know, if not you'll know it now. The Quiky in the Kilkenny is history, this time for good. I'm not going into details again as to why or how, the show will go on. In Charlottenburg.
Inquizition time is every Monday 8pm, Irish Harp, Giesebrechstr. 15. And from 2010 every Thursday at 8pm, still at the Harp. And we're gonna kick off in style with the BIG 2009 Review Special Edition on 7 January. All other dates (e.g. ChristmasQuiz) here, soon.
And no, I have no other quizzes planned for now, not in other districts or on other days. Freedom & time off - priceless :)
Once again a big thank you to all quizzers for the years of loyalty, tenacity, knowledge and creativity. It was a blast! And now it's time to move on. And you never know, we might meet again, somewhere, sometime, somehow. In the meantime, keep collecting knowledge, it might be useful one day :)
Hier nochmals die Zusammenfassung for alle die nicht im email-Verteiler sind. Wer gestern da war weiß es schon, die anderen jetzt. Quiky im Kilkenny ist endgültig gegessen. Ich will mich nicht noch mal über Wie/Warum auslassen, die Show geht weiter. In Charlottenburg.
Inquizition-Time ist jeden Montag um 20.00 Uhr im Irish Harp. Ab 2010 dann jeden Donnerstag um 20.00 Uhr.
Und das erste im neuen Jahr ist das große Jahresrückblicksquiz 2008 am Donnerstag den 7. Januar 2010. Alle anderen Termine (Weihnachtsquiz u.ä.) wie immer hier.
Und nein, ich habe vorerst kein anderes Quiz geplant, in keinem der anderen Stadtbezirke :) Freiheit & Freizeit sind unbezahlbar...
Nochmals vielen Dank an alle Ratefüchse die über die Jahre mit Treue, Wissen, Hartnäckigkeit und Humor dazu beigetragen haben daß die Donnerstage ein Erfolg waren. Es hat Spaß gemacht (zu 99,99% :). Doch nun ist es Zeit weiter zu ziehen. Vielleicht sehen wir uns irgendwo, irgednwie, irgendwann, wenn nicht, immer schön weiter Wissen sammeln, man weiß nie wofür's mal gut ist.
The gist for those who are not on the mailing list. If you were there last night you already know, if not you'll know it now. The Quiky in the Kilkenny is history, this time for good. I'm not going into details again as to why or how, the show will go on. In Charlottenburg.
Inquizition time is every Monday 8pm, Irish Harp, Giesebrechstr. 15. And from 2010 every Thursday at 8pm, still at the Harp. And we're gonna kick off in style with the BIG 2009 Review Special Edition on 7 January. All other dates (e.g. ChristmasQuiz) here, soon.
And no, I have no other quizzes planned for now, not in other districts or on other days. Freedom & time off - priceless :)
Once again a big thank you to all quizzers for the years of loyalty, tenacity, knowledge and creativity. It was a blast! And now it's time to move on. And you never know, we might meet again, somewhere, sometime, somehow. In the meantime, keep collecting knowledge, it might be useful one day :)
Swan Song OR Too much (to) bear
So, that was the ultimate one then. Really, this time. Bit earlier than expected, but the Quiky as we know it (or knew it) is history. Over. Vorbei. Aus. This Quiky is no more. It has ceased to be. It's off the twig, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-QUIKY!!
Me, I'm not too shocked, it was only a matter of time anyway, and at least I didn't do a Keegan this time. Or actually, I did. It was more like a case of constructive dimissal tho.
To (mis)quote King Kev's last letter "I've been working desperately hard to find a way to keep this running ... but sadly that has not proved possible. It's my opinion that a quiz miz must have the right to run the quiz as she sees fit and that pubs should not impose upon any quiz miz any drunken tourists that interrupt proper proceedings, or dessicate her through neglect, or make her waste her time. I have been left with no choice other than to leave." (actually it was the suggestion of the manager but same diff :)
Anyroad, as said before, comebacks are never a good idea to start with (unless you're Led Zeppelin or a zombie) and it would have happened sooner or later anyway. Which is a blessing (in diguise?) because now I have more time to prepare the InquiZition and, more importantly, we can move it to Thursday which is a MUCH nicer day than Monday. Unfortunately we can not move it to Mitte but we might find new things to make the trip to Ch'burg worth your while. Once in a while.
As usual, the details, and updates, and previews will appear here as soon as I have them.
Preliminary points of the last Quiky as follows (nice table up here tomorrow)
Me, I'm not too shocked, it was only a matter of time anyway, and at least I didn't do a Keegan this time. Or actually, I did. It was more like a case of constructive dimissal tho.
To (mis)quote King Kev's last letter "I've been working desperately hard to find a way to keep this running ... but sadly that has not proved possible. It's my opinion that a quiz miz must have the right to run the quiz as she sees fit and that pubs should not impose upon any quiz miz any drunken tourists that interrupt proper proceedings, or dessicate her through neglect, or make her waste her time. I have been left with no choice other than to leave." (actually it was the suggestion of the manager but same diff :)
Anyroad, as said before, comebacks are never a good idea to start with (unless you're Led Zeppelin or a zombie) and it would have happened sooner or later anyway. Which is a blessing (in diguise?) because now I have more time to prepare the InquiZition and, more importantly, we can move it to Thursday which is a MUCH nicer day than Monday. Unfortunately we can not move it to Mitte but we might find new things to make the trip to Ch'burg worth your while. Once in a while.
As usual, the details, and updates, and previews will appear here as soon as I have them.
Preliminary points of the last Quiky as follows (nice table up here tomorrow)
- Quiz Quiztofferson 56,5
- L'Auberge Espagnole (formerly known as Feidclub feat. Pinky) 56
- Fünfsteins 55
- Smashing Peaches 55
- Die Gloriösen Milchschnitten (formerly known as De Muttis) 51,5
- Tyssia 36,5
- Ding! I am a Giant Horse! 32,5
- Leprechauns 27,5
Seasons au soleil
More info, or rather correct info, on "Seasons in the sun": As I have been made aware of, the man who translated the lyrics, and first sang it, was Rod McKuen, Brel's friend and translator, and a totally fascinating character. His .. somewhat different... version can be found here... thanx dude, for that and l'original :)

I feel a very wicked cover version round coming up in Inquizition #16 ;)
And while we're on the subject of very intersting versions - nochmals heißen Dank Manthe for the Schlager-Beitrag. Der Videobeweis für den singenden Präsidenten hat mich doch total auf die Zeitreise geschickt :)

I feel a very wicked cover version round coming up in Inquizition #16 ;)
And while we're on the subject of very intersting versions - nochmals heißen Dank Manthe for the Schlager-Beitrag. Der Videobeweis für den singenden Präsidenten hat mich doch total auf die Zeitreise geschickt :)
Dementis/denials & discoveries
First of all, the denial (in German "Dementi" - must have something to do with dementia). The Inquizition #15 next Monday is NOT the last one in November since November has 30 days so I'll see you for InQuizition #16 on Monday, 30 November.
And now the discoveries. As some of you might remember (or know), Bobby Darin was not the man who came up with the idea for "Beyond the Sea". Because the song with re-written lyrics in English was based on Charles Trenet's "La Mer".
And apparently it was not the first or the only time that American or Canadian writers and singers plundered la musique francophone.
I just totally stumbled upon the fact that
And if you want to do your own research or just be entertained and edumacated or guess what I'll be playing next - here's a great website I found... and my first choice blog for the interesting things in music is this one here. Check out the Originals series - amazing stuff.
Alreet quizzers, must get some sleep before tonight's Quiky, and need a few more questions and pictures too. Till then - have a good one.
And now the discoveries. As some of you might remember (or know), Bobby Darin was not the man who came up with the idea for "Beyond the Sea". Because the song with re-written lyrics in English was based on Charles Trenet's "La Mer".
And apparently it was not the first or the only time that American or Canadian writers and singers plundered la musique francophone.
I just totally stumbled upon the fact that
- "Seasons in the Sun" was not a 1974 Terry Jacks original. It was not even the English original. Earlier versions had been released by The Kingston Trio in 1963, The Fortunes in 1968 and by Pearls Before Swine in 1970/71. But... Jacques Brel (who happened to be Belgian) wrote and sang "Le Moribond" some 13 years before. Guckst du hier.
- And even more interesting, "My Way" was not a 1969 Sinatra original. Again, the English version was (lyrics by none other than Paul Anka) but.... the song was French to start with. Claude François penned and first recorded the song 2 years earlier. More on that here.That's another two 3-pointers for the next cover version round in the Harp (#17 on 7 December)
And if you want to do your own research or just be entertained and edumacated or guess what I'll be playing next - here's a great website I found... and my first choice blog for the interesting things in music is this one here. Check out the Originals series - amazing stuff.
Alreet quizzers, must get some sleep before tonight's Quiky, and need a few more questions and pictures too. Till then - have a good one.
Did U Know That....
This is the first post of probably many (or at least some) wherein I'll spread some of the interesting, intriguing or just immensely funny facts I've found while looking for something completely different. In no particular order, and most of them very likely useless in real life.
In the quiz universe though they might be worth a point or two. If you can remember them.
So, here goes. (Some of you might know some of these already but then, I bet you'll find something new too.)
Cover/Original versions
In The Army Now - I've always thought it was Status Quo. It's Bolland& Bolland (do NOT listen to the original if you like the song!!! :)
Black Magic Woman - written and first performed (less convincingly) by Fleetwood Mac.
Strange causes of death
Antoni Gaudi (he of the Sagrada Familia fame) - got run over by a tram, died 3 days later.
When playing at home, Olympique Marseille's team run out to Van Halen's "Jump". Every time they score, Puff Daddy's "Come With Me" is played.
And here's another source of useless knowledge.
And this one made me laugh. Not so Paris. She's threatening to sue the advertising agency.
In the quiz universe though they might be worth a point or two. If you can remember them.
So, here goes. (Some of you might know some of these already but then, I bet you'll find something new too.)
Cover/Original versions
In The Army Now - I've always thought it was Status Quo. It's Bolland& Bolland (do NOT listen to the original if you like the song!!! :)
Black Magic Woman - written and first performed (less convincingly) by Fleetwood Mac.
Strange causes of death
Antoni Gaudi (he of the Sagrada Familia fame) - got run over by a tram, died 3 days later.
When playing at home, Olympique Marseille's team run out to Van Halen's "Jump". Every time they score, Puff Daddy's "Come With Me" is played.
And here's another source of useless knowledge.
And this one made me laugh. Not so Paris. She's threatening to sue the advertising agency.

The naked truth
That was the funnest (I know that's not a proper word :) and funniest (yes, there is a difference :) quiz night I had since.... the Mata Hari one. It might have had something to do with the relatively high percentage of T&A on display (and definitely with the 3 pints of Guinness - you evil people made me go back on my promise. Thanx :). And of course it had to do with the quality and sense of humour of the multi-cultural and multi-lingual teams :)
Anyroad, before I cover nude leftovers, here are the points.

Mummy Kazoo, if /when you read this - your boy done good!! Bit lacking in the arts department but I admit he was a tad distracted. Trying to spot the ball. As were the rest of his team.
So - to give yis all more to practise with, here's all you need to know about "what's-her-face-with-the-big-balls"...
yes, her..
Her name, in case you care, is Simona Halep. 17, Romanian. And the rest is here. Take a last long butchers because she's soon gonna be a tad flat.
And if you've just got into the ball-spotting thing, you might want to look here, or here, or here. I'm sure you can do the rest of your research on your own :) But whatever you do, do NOT look here. BTW - the full version of the "points" background - here.
Now, Inquizition # 15 next week is the last one in November as the Irish Harp is closed for a private Veranstaltung on Monday 23 (which gives me almost a whole week off. Yippeeeh!!!! Urlaub!!! :)
And since we don't have a Yogi theme I'm gonna pick one. Let's make it... The Moon. In history, science, technology, music, sports, advertising, film...
Round 1 could be Travel & Geography, Round 2 - Big Screen, Small Screen (aka Movie & TV).
Music is The Name Game. Songs with names in the title. Ya know, Mandy, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Lola, Johnny Walker, Jesse, Daniel, Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel, too... and Who TF is Alice??!
Keep swotting, here's an interesting and edumacating source for music trivia. More tips & links up here, demnächst. Watch this space. And have a good week.
Anyroad, before I cover nude leftovers, here are the points.

Mummy Kazoo, if /when you read this - your boy done good!! Bit lacking in the arts department but I admit he was a tad distracted. Trying to spot the ball. As were the rest of his team.
So - to give yis all more to practise with, here's all you need to know about "what's-her-face-with-the-big-balls"...
yes, her..

Her name, in case you care, is Simona Halep. 17, Romanian. And the rest is here. Take a last long butchers because she's soon gonna be a tad flat.
And if you've just got into the ball-spotting thing, you might want to look here, or here, or here. I'm sure you can do the rest of your research on your own :) But whatever you do, do NOT look here. BTW - the full version of the "points" background - here.
Now, Inquizition # 15 next week is the last one in November as the Irish Harp is closed for a private Veranstaltung on Monday 23 (which gives me almost a whole week off. Yippeeeh!!!! Urlaub!!! :)
And since we don't have a Yogi theme I'm gonna pick one. Let's make it... The Moon. In history, science, technology, music, sports, advertising, film...
Round 1 could be Travel & Geography, Round 2 - Big Screen, Small Screen (aka Movie & TV).
Music is The Name Game. Songs with names in the title. Ya know, Mandy, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Lola, Johnny Walker, Jesse, Daniel, Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel, too... and Who TF is Alice??!
Keep swotting, here's an interesting and edumacating source for music trivia. More tips & links up here, demnächst. Watch this space. And have a good week.
Strike One
It was bound to happen and I can't say I was surprised. While the actual quiz was fun and the teams were very knowledgable and well-behaved, the rest of Quiky #293 was less pleasant.
Lack of preparation, drunken gate-crashers and a rather Spartan attendance made it a prime example for how I don't want to spend my Thursday nights. The next two weeks will show if this gig has a future.
Anyroads, the competition was fierce (and sometimes serious :) and in the end it was quite tight. The pretty version of the table might appear here sometime later this week, in the meantime the bullet-point version.
BTW - was Schokoladenfabriken angeht - Peaches, ihr hattet Recht, und auch nicht... nicht daß es was am Ergebnis geändert hätte :)
Oompa loompa doompety doo, I've got more perfect puzzles for you...
As for Rose McGowan's .. dubious sense of style... guckst du hier.
Lack of preparation, drunken gate-crashers and a rather Spartan attendance made it a prime example for how I don't want to spend my Thursday nights. The next two weeks will show if this gig has a future.
Anyroads, the competition was fierce (and sometimes serious :) and in the end it was quite tight. The pretty version of the table might appear here sometime later this week, in the meantime the bullet-point version.
- Smashing Peaches 56
- Feid Club Reunited 51
- Pinkies & The Brain 49,5
- The Serious Competitors 47,5
- 3 Zweisteins 36,5
BTW - was Schokoladenfabriken angeht - Peaches, ihr hattet Recht, und auch nicht... nicht daß es was am Ergebnis geändert hätte :)
Oompa loompa doompety doo, I've got more perfect puzzles for you...
As for Rose McGowan's .. dubious sense of style... guckst du hier.
Points & Patrick Swayze
Ritualistically, first things first. InQuizition #13 - Punkte.
Leninskij 79
Wilmersdorfer Witwen 53
Föderation Schranke 41
Team Max 31
Zweitens, die Antwort auf die quälende Frage wie groß Patrick Swayze war. Ganze 1,78m. Plus minus nichts :)
Nächste Woche wieder "reguläre" Runden, da Newcastle schon am Samstag gewinnt. Musik könnte polyphone Klingeltöne werden, oder mysteriöse Geräusche. Oder Duos.
Der Rest der Runden entscheidet sich gegen Ende der Woche. Schaut einfach noch mal rein.
Leninskij 79
Wilmersdorfer Witwen 53
Föderation Schranke 41
Team Max 31
Zweitens, die Antwort auf die quälende Frage wie groß Patrick Swayze war. Ganze 1,78m. Plus minus nichts :)
Nächste Woche wieder "reguläre" Runden, da Newcastle schon am Samstag gewinnt. Musik könnte polyphone Klingeltöne werden, oder mysteriöse Geräusche. Oder Duos.
Der Rest der Runden entscheidet sich gegen Ende der Woche. Schaut einfach noch mal rein.
Points & (p)reviews
First of all the points for the last two Quikys (damit die Smashing Peaches nicht hinterher immer die Zettel zusammensuchen müssen)

So, two nights into the new season (?) and attendance at least doesn't seem to be the problem. Which, once more, leads me to the following reminder.
If you want to make sure you have a table on Quiky Night, do reserve one. The plan with the table numbers can be found under "Reservations". If you make up your mind 12,45 hours before the quiz starts, phone the Kilkenny directly (number is somewhere under "Reservations" too). Emails might not be read & taken care of in time. Likewise, if you change your mind, please call and cancel so the table can be given to someone else.
Next week's Music round is black & white, and the third question round might be themed "Planes". All categories.
Inquizition News. Lucky(?) Number 13 is coming up on Monday 2 November.
Question round 1 is a sports/music/movie crossover. Singing/acting sportsmen, running, jumping, racing, singing actors. Films & songs about sporting events....
"Yogi" round might be silent movies or ... ships.
Question round 3 will be handouts this time - it's Toon on telly and I would love to watch at least 15 minutes of our glorious death by Blades. Anagrams sound appealing or maybe strange signs & logos or you'll have to draw something yourselves. Or write a limerick. We'll see.
Picture round - many new genetic experiments await, and the odd mystery object too.
Music round - first Monday of the month - cover versions!!!
I find much of my material and my inspiration here.. and I bet you didn't know that Bolland & Bolland wrote & first recorded Status Quo's "In the Army Now" :)

So, two nights into the new season (?) and attendance at least doesn't seem to be the problem. Which, once more, leads me to the following reminder.
If you want to make sure you have a table on Quiky Night, do reserve one. The plan with the table numbers can be found under "Reservations". If you make up your mind 12,45 hours before the quiz starts, phone the Kilkenny directly (number is somewhere under "Reservations" too). Emails might not be read & taken care of in time. Likewise, if you change your mind, please call and cancel so the table can be given to someone else.
Next week's Music round is black & white, and the third question round might be themed "Planes". All categories.
Inquizition News. Lucky(?) Number 13 is coming up on Monday 2 November.
Question round 1 is a sports/music/movie crossover. Singing/acting sportsmen, running, jumping, racing, singing actors. Films & songs about sporting events....
"Yogi" round might be silent movies or ... ships.
Question round 3 will be handouts this time - it's Toon on telly and I would love to watch at least 15 minutes of our glorious death by Blades. Anagrams sound appealing or maybe strange signs & logos or you'll have to draw something yourselves. Or write a limerick. We'll see.
Picture round - many new genetic experiments await, and the odd mystery object too.
Music round - first Monday of the month - cover versions!!!
I find much of my material and my inspiration here.. and I bet you didn't know that Bolland & Bolland wrote & first recorded Status Quo's "In the Army Now" :)
Bloody Hell!!!! Mumien, Monster, Mutationen...
It's creeping closer....
Tomorrow it's time for our annual Grusel-Fest. Irish Harp Inquizition, the Halloween Special Edition. It's the only one I'm doing this year and I hope the Harp's preparations are as thorough as mine.
The 3 question rounds are:
1 - geography, history, science (mostly plants & animals :) - gruesome and other events on 30/31 October throughout the centuries, Blood River, Dead Sea, rats, bats & other creepy critters.
2 - film, TV and music (maybe a wee bit of sports) - movie monsters, mummies, mutants, creepy TV shows and terrifying tunes & artists.
3 - books & assorted Halloween BS. Serial killers, record pumpkins, bloody laws and freaky facts.
Picture round - this week's genetic experiments are brought to you by none other than Dr. Frankenstein and might look something like this.

Music round - spooky mix - from TV & movie themes to songs about werewolves, witches, vampires & other bloodthirsty creatures.
It's the creepiest, spookiest, bloodiest quiz in town - enter, if you dare. Be prepared though, and bring silver bullets, stakes, and crosses. You can ask for garlic in the kitchen.
Tomorrow it's time for our annual Grusel-Fest. Irish Harp Inquizition, the Halloween Special Edition. It's the only one I'm doing this year and I hope the Harp's preparations are as thorough as mine.
The 3 question rounds are:
1 - geography, history, science (mostly plants & animals :) - gruesome and other events on 30/31 October throughout the centuries, Blood River, Dead Sea, rats, bats & other creepy critters.
2 - film, TV and music (maybe a wee bit of sports) - movie monsters, mummies, mutants, creepy TV shows and terrifying tunes & artists.
3 - books & assorted Halloween BS. Serial killers, record pumpkins, bloody laws and freaky facts.
Picture round - this week's genetic experiments are brought to you by none other than Dr. Frankenstein and might look something like this.

Music round - spooky mix - from TV & movie themes to songs about werewolves, witches, vampires & other bloodthirsty creatures.
It's the creepiest, spookiest, bloodiest quiz in town - enter, if you dare. Be prepared though, and bring silver bullets, stakes, and crosses. You can ask for garlic in the kitchen.
Boints & Breviews
First things first - last night's boints, the (temborarily) abridged version.
1/2 Leninskij (who are still looking for a new name) 46
Two and a half boobs 44
Grand Daddy Baddy 40,5
And now for something combletely different. It's..... ubcoming events.
Thursday sees the (planned) return of the formerly much-beloved Quiky, the Quiz im Kilkenny. Start at 8pm, the details here. Pinkies - your usual table is reserviert. And as mentioned before, this is a probationary Veranstaltung and its future entirely depends on attendance.
More importantly (for some of us) - this year's much-beloved and only Halloween Quiz.
Monday 26 October, 8pm, Irish Harp.

The usual spooky mix of haunting tunes, horrible questions, and spine-chilling images. Headless chicken are a must, massacres and serial killers are classics. Zombified celebrities in the genetix round, Halloween history (like, whatever happend on 31st October), ghost, ghouls & other gruesome critters in literature, movies & music.
More details and sneak preview here towards end of the week.
1/2 Leninskij (who are still looking for a new name) 46
Two and a half boobs 44
Grand Daddy Baddy 40,5
And now for something combletely different. It's..... ubcoming events.
Thursday sees the (planned) return of the formerly much-beloved Quiky, the Quiz im Kilkenny. Start at 8pm, the details here. Pinkies - your usual table is reserviert. And as mentioned before, this is a probationary Veranstaltung and its future entirely depends on attendance.
More importantly (for some of us) - this year's much-beloved and only Halloween Quiz.
Monday 26 October, 8pm, Irish Harp.

The usual spooky mix of haunting tunes, horrible questions, and spine-chilling images. Headless chicken are a must, massacres and serial killers are classics. Zombified celebrities in the genetix round, Halloween history (like, whatever happend on 31st October), ghost, ghouls & other gruesome critters in literature, movies & music.
More details and sneak preview here towards end of the week.
Brown-eyed girl
Thanks to the ever-reliable and utterly diligent Stewart, the mystery surrounding Mata Hari's eyes has been solved. Guckst du hier (in inglisch :)

So allegedly she had brown eyes as a child and later turned into a greenish-eyed ... monster?!?
Thanks again Stewart, the next puzzle is probably just around the corner.
Monday night's riddles include tunes about the Big Apple (not just in the title tho), Capital geography (capital cities around the globe, their mayors, coats of arms, nicknames, sights and history. And all that in only 9 questions).
Yogi round seems to be all up to me (unless someone else would like to throw in a suggestion). Question round #3 is brought to you by the letter B. Which means that all the answers start with the letter "B". Should make it a bit easier :)
Pictures are the usual BS.
See you Monday at 8. Till then, have a good one.

So allegedly she had brown eyes as a child and later turned into a greenish-eyed ... monster?!?
Thanks again Stewart, the next puzzle is probably just around the corner.
Monday night's riddles include tunes about the Big Apple (not just in the title tho), Capital geography (capital cities around the globe, their mayors, coats of arms, nicknames, sights and history. And all that in only 9 questions).
Yogi round seems to be all up to me (unless someone else would like to throw in a suggestion). Question round #3 is brought to you by the letter B. Which means that all the answers start with the letter "B". Should make it a bit easier :)
Pictures are the usual BS.
See you Monday at 8. Till then, have a good one.
Coming up roses..
First things first - Monday night's points. As so often, not too many teams but I prefer quality over quantity anyways. And it was fun. As so often.

And now to the part with the unanswered questions. I still haven't found what I was looking for, reliable information on what colour Mata Hari's eyes were. Help or clues appreciated.
Another question tho shall be answered (much to the joy of our male audience :). Someone asked (themselves?) what Rose McGowan's dress
might have looked like front-side.
Here's what.

As to the question what she was thinking when she picked it/put it on - I guess you need something bold when you don't want to be outdone by Mr. Manson.

And next week we look at some eye candy for our female quizzers :)
Other features of InQuizition #11 include songs about the Big Apple, Capital punishment (i.e. geopgraphy, capital cities) and genetic experiments with couples.
Till then, send your suggestions or wishes, enjoy the last days of autumn, and have a good one.

And now to the part with the unanswered questions. I still haven't found what I was looking for, reliable information on what colour Mata Hari's eyes were. Help or clues appreciated.
Another question tho shall be answered (much to the joy of our male audience :). Someone asked (themselves?) what Rose McGowan's dress

Here's what.

As to the question what she was thinking when she picked it/put it on - I guess you need something bold when you don't want to be outdone by Mr. Manson.

And next week we look at some eye candy for our female quizzers :)
Other features of InQuizition #11 include songs about the Big Apple, Capital punishment (i.e. geopgraphy, capital cities) and genetic experiments with couples.
Till then, send your suggestions or wishes, enjoy the last days of autumn, and have a good one.
Inquizition #10
Done finalizing the topics/questions.
Question round #1 - Big Screen/Small Screen. TV & movie-related questions from Babelsberg to Barbarella, Hollywood to Hollyoaks, soap operas to stars & starlets.
Yogi round - Silent Movies (if Stewart attends, for he chose it) or Roses (from Axl to gardens)

Question round 3 - Connect 9 (9 question the answers to which provide clues to a term/person/thingie..)
Picture round - more of the usual BS, ALL NEW genetic experiments and mystery objects
Music round - we're going to the zoo. 9 tracks with animals in the title. Think Hound Dog, What's New Pussycat, Karl der Käfer... all 9 merged into one :)
See you Monday, keep working on your team names and practice with the genetics you find here :)
Question round #1 - Big Screen/Small Screen. TV & movie-related questions from Babelsberg to Barbarella, Hollywood to Hollyoaks, soap operas to stars & starlets.
Yogi round - Silent Movies (if Stewart attends, for he chose it) or Roses (from Axl to gardens)

Question round 3 - Connect 9 (9 question the answers to which provide clues to a term/person/thingie..)
Picture round - more of the usual BS, ALL NEW genetic experiments and mystery objects
Music round - we're going to the zoo. 9 tracks with animals in the title. Think Hound Dog, What's New Pussycat, Karl der Käfer... all 9 merged into one :)
See you Monday, keep working on your team names and practice with the genetics you find here :)
Quiky - The Return
For reasons I can't quite comprehend anymore I've agreed to take up the Quiky once again. A decision I might rue (and take back) in a few weeks but until then let's stay optimistic and give it a shot.
Some things remain the same.
Quiz starts at 8pm on Thursdays, in the Kilkenny, back room.
Teams of 6 players max., bigger groups will have to split up or lose 1 point per surplus player, per round.
Entrance fee is 1€ per player, payable upon registration.
Some things change.
Format is the "original" 5 rounds: question round 1 - history/geography/science, question round 2 - sports/TV/movie/music, question round 3 - arts/literature/bullshit (or current affairs). Picture round on the big screen, the usual mix of genetic experiments, macros, logos, BS. Music rounds are themed.
Previews and extensive revisions in the blog fall by the wayside, all you'll find here are basic versions of points & quiz dates.
There won't be any special rounds anymore as they take too much time preparing, and there are no themed quizzes planned. For the time being. Also no bonus round and no Yogi prize/round.
Prizes - bottle of vodka for first, round of drinks for second. Vodka/Lemon shots for winning the round. Nuts for losers if provided by the pub.
The whole show will run as long as attendance makes it worth my while.
And we start on Thursday 22 October. Reservations or at least a heads-up would be appreciated so that I know who/how many to expect.
And since we'll bedoing it in Dshörmen too...
Aus nicht mehr so richtig nachvollziehbaren Gründen habe ich zugestimmt das Quiky wieder aufleben zu lassen. Eine Entscheidung die ich möglicherweise bedauern und zurücknehmen werde aber bis dahin laßt uns optimistisch sein und es nochmal versuchen.
Einige Dinge bleiben beim Alten.
Das Quiz beginnt jeden Donnerstag um 20.00 Uhr im Kilkenny, im hinteren Raum.
Teamstärke maximal 6 Spieler, größere Gruppen müssen sich aufteilen oder pro überzähligen Spieler pro Runde 1 Punkt abgeben.
Eintritt ist 1€ pro Spieler und bei der Anmeldung zu entrichten.
Einige Dinge ändern sich.
Wir gehen zurück zum "Original"-Format. 5 Runden: Fragerunde 1 - Geschichte/Geographie/Wissenschaft, Fragerunde 2 - Sport/TV/Film/Musik, Fragerunde 3 - Kunst/Literatur/Bullshit (oder Aktuelles). Bilderrunde wie gehabt auf der Leinwand, der übliche Mix. Musikrunde thematisch.
Die übliche Vorschau und Nachbereitung im blog fällt weg, Termine und Plazierungen erscheinen hier un Kurzfassung.
Um den Aufwand bei der Vorbereitung so gering wie möglich zu halten gibt es keine Spezial-Runden mehr ( wie z.B. Connect 9) und es sind auch keine thematischen Quizze (Halloween, Weihnachten) mehr geplant. Zumindest vorerst. Anders als im Irish Harp gibt's auch keine Bonus-/Joker-Runden und keine Yogipreise und -runden.
Preise - Flasche Wodka, für die Sieger und Runde Getränke für die Zweiten. Wodka/Lemon- Shots für die Rundengewinner. Nüsse für die Rundenverlierer falls das Kilkenny welche stellt.
Die ganze Show läuft so lange wie die Anwesenheit den zeitlichen und Arbeitsaufwand rechtfertigt.
Der Startschuß fällt am Donnerstag den 22. Oktober. Reservierungen oder zumindest Vorwarnungen wären nett damit ich weiß mit wem/wie vielen ich rechnen muß.
Some things remain the same.
Quiz starts at 8pm on Thursdays, in the Kilkenny, back room.
Teams of 6 players max., bigger groups will have to split up or lose 1 point per surplus player, per round.
Entrance fee is 1€ per player, payable upon registration.
Some things change.
Format is the "original" 5 rounds: question round 1 - history/geography/science, question round 2 - sports/TV/movie/music, question round 3 - arts/literature/bullshit (or current affairs). Picture round on the big screen, the usual mix of genetic experiments, macros, logos, BS. Music rounds are themed.
Previews and extensive revisions in the blog fall by the wayside, all you'll find here are basic versions of points & quiz dates.
There won't be any special rounds anymore as they take too much time preparing, and there are no themed quizzes planned. For the time being. Also no bonus round and no Yogi prize/round.
Prizes - bottle of vodka for first, round of drinks for second. Vodka/Lemon shots for winning the round. Nuts for losers if provided by the pub.
The whole show will run as long as attendance makes it worth my while.
And we start on Thursday 22 October. Reservations or at least a heads-up would be appreciated so that I know who/how many to expect.
And since we'll bedoing it in Dshörmen too...
Aus nicht mehr so richtig nachvollziehbaren Gründen habe ich zugestimmt das Quiky wieder aufleben zu lassen. Eine Entscheidung die ich möglicherweise bedauern und zurücknehmen werde aber bis dahin laßt uns optimistisch sein und es nochmal versuchen.
Einige Dinge bleiben beim Alten.
Das Quiz beginnt jeden Donnerstag um 20.00 Uhr im Kilkenny, im hinteren Raum.
Teamstärke maximal 6 Spieler, größere Gruppen müssen sich aufteilen oder pro überzähligen Spieler pro Runde 1 Punkt abgeben.
Eintritt ist 1€ pro Spieler und bei der Anmeldung zu entrichten.
Einige Dinge ändern sich.
Wir gehen zurück zum "Original"-Format. 5 Runden: Fragerunde 1 - Geschichte/Geographie/Wissenschaft, Fragerunde 2 - Sport/TV/Film/Musik, Fragerunde 3 - Kunst/Literatur/Bullshit (oder Aktuelles). Bilderrunde wie gehabt auf der Leinwand, der übliche Mix. Musikrunde thematisch.
Die übliche Vorschau und Nachbereitung im blog fällt weg, Termine und Plazierungen erscheinen hier un Kurzfassung.
Um den Aufwand bei der Vorbereitung so gering wie möglich zu halten gibt es keine Spezial-Runden mehr ( wie z.B. Connect 9) und es sind auch keine thematischen Quizze (Halloween, Weihnachten) mehr geplant. Zumindest vorerst. Anders als im Irish Harp gibt's auch keine Bonus-/Joker-Runden und keine Yogipreise und -runden.
Preise - Flasche Wodka, für die Sieger und Runde Getränke für die Zweiten. Wodka/Lemon- Shots für die Rundengewinner. Nüsse für die Rundenverlierer falls das Kilkenny welche stellt.
Die ganze Show läuft so lange wie die Anwesenheit den zeitlichen und Arbeitsaufwand rechtfertigt.
Der Startschuß fällt am Donnerstag den 22. Oktober. Reservierungen oder zumindest Vorwarnungen wären nett damit ich weiß mit wem/wie vielen ich rechnen muß.
Inquizition #9 - points
As promised, before Wednesday turns into a pumpk.. err, into Thursday... Monday night's points - tight race and different choice of bonus rounds could have made for a different table but then there's always next week.

Question rounds will be Tinseltown (aka TV, movie & celebrities), Connect 9 (9 mixed questions, answers are clues to a Lösungswort), Yogi round is Silent Movies, picture round is the usual BS mix and music is coming from the zoo.. 9 tunes with animals in the title.
On second thought, if Stew doesn't make it we'll change the Yogi round to something entirely different.
Watch this space.
And no more pity points for being Kiwi, Dutch, or promising to strip and/or sing. Find something new.
Till Monday - have a good one, and keep practising :)

Question rounds will be Tinseltown (aka TV, movie & celebrities), Connect 9 (9 mixed questions, answers are clues to a Lösungswort), Yogi round is Silent Movies, picture round is the usual BS mix and music is coming from the zoo.. 9 tunes with animals in the title.
On second thought, if Stew doesn't make it we'll change the Yogi round to something entirely different.
Watch this space.
And no more pity points for being Kiwi, Dutch, or promising to strip and/or sing. Find something new.
Till Monday - have a good one, and keep practising :)
Aller guten Dinge...
Wie immer (oder immer öfter) beziehe ich Anregungen aus dem www.
Und wer bisher schon dachte daß die genetischen Experimente schei...schwer sind und unfair und bullshit.. un det allet - you ain't seen nothing yet.
Bisher hatten wir "nur" 2-in-1 Bilder (abgesehen von den 2 Versuchen aus 2x2 eins zu machen).
Hier sind SEHR gute Beispiele wie man 3 in 1 umwandeln kann.
Und jetzt entschuldigt mich - ich hab da einiges an Photoshop aufzuholen :)
Und wer bisher schon dachte daß die genetischen Experimente schei...schwer sind und unfair und bullshit.. un det allet - you ain't seen nothing yet.
Bisher hatten wir "nur" 2-in-1 Bilder (abgesehen von den 2 Versuchen aus 2x2 eins zu machen).
Hier sind SEHR gute Beispiele wie man 3 in 1 umwandeln kann.
Und jetzt entschuldigt mich - ich hab da einiges an Photoshop aufzuholen :)
Dutch courage.. and suspected spies

What can I say? Slow to get out of the starting blocks today but an absolutely fun night in the end. I really dig being challenged by chemically inconvenienced people, any excuse to run that gob :) ... and I absolutely admired the tenacity :)
And we never got to see the Haka performed properly.. or the striptease (tease he did tho) .. or hear the songs.. Well, there's always next week. Hopefully a bit better prepared .. and easier (can't promise anything but I'll try) and definitely with at least as much bullshit as we had today.
Thumbs up to the very generous winners "All for one bottle" - caring is sharing and it was really nice to break open that whiskey (I never got to sample any :)
The Yogi round (courtesy of Stewart) is "Silent Movies".. music might be the animalic round I had prepared for #8. Or something completely different.
Suggestions are always welcome, points & leftovers will be up here Wednesday(ish) and the rest when I'm done with my work.
Thanks once more for a smashing 3+ hours, looking forward to a repeat performance.
PS - Sasukeit (consider a different name next week? :) - your round has herewith been officially logged.
...and because it would be a waste to not show it again..

Sneak peek
Hah, new genetics! Thanx Katrin, for the inspiration :)

and no, it's not a real-life version of Alfred E. Neuman :)

and no, it's not a real-life version of Alfred E. Neuman :)
Smokers Corner Quiz
Well that quiz was rather different. Nice private Q&A session in the nice private smokers lounge and I did enjoy spending time with nice people (mostly, I don't dig bad manners no matter what your excuse is) and testing next week's rounds. Because it would be a waste of time to not use all those lovely questions (almost) no one turned up to answer.
So Hélène was beaten by Jon (not literally o/c, only by 2 points), Maarten chose boozing over losing, and the animalic tunes were too tough.. apparently. Therefore (and because it is the first Monday of the month) we'll have cover versions in the music round. Rest as it was (or would have been) - Sports, In the Year 1978, 1987 or 1992, picture mix and Mata Hari.
I'm prepared to give it one more shot on Monday, result might decide the future.
So Hélène was beaten by Jon (not literally o/c, only by 2 points), Maarten chose boozing over losing, and the animalic tunes were too tough.. apparently. Therefore (and because it is the first Monday of the month) we'll have cover versions in the music round. Rest as it was (or would have been) - Sports, In the Year 1978, 1987 or 1992, picture mix and Mata Hari.
I'm prepared to give it one more shot on Monday, result might decide the future.
Was lange währt...
..wird vielleicht nicht endlich gut aber zumindest erledigt sich vieles von selbst.
Zuerst mal die Nachreichung der Punkte, offiziell, mit offiziellem Space Dog (und der ist nicht gephotoshopped, so was tun Leute ihren Vierbeinern an :).

Und dann auch gleich die guten Nachrichten (oder zumindest die besseren).
Angeblich sollen ab Montag wieder S-Bahnen nach Charlottenburg fahren (glaub ich wenn ich angekommen bin, sach ich ma :). Und die Smokers Lounge im Harp ist fertig (bis auf den noch nicht hängenden Kronleuchter - falls Elektriker das also lesen.. meldet euch :) und so gemütlich daß ich fast wieder zum Raucher werden könnte ...
Was die Runden für InQuizition #8 angeht - noch ist keine Meldung für's Yogi-Thema eingegangen (Mischgemüse?), Samstag Abend ist Einsendeschluß. Ansonsten hab ich da schon ein oder zwei Ideen
In der Musikrunde wird's animalisch - von War Pigs bis Space Monkeys oder 'nem Pferd auf dem Flur... Fragerunde 1 wird zur Abwechslung mal Sport sein und Fragerunde 3 Geschichte. Aus einem bestimmten Jahr. Das ihr aus 5 wählen konnt. Am Montag :) Bilderrunde - das Übliche, nur halt was anderes :)
Und da die Tage kürzer und die Abende kälter werden, und sich der Montags-Quiz-Termin langsam rumspricht - Tischreservierung ist empfohlen wenn bestimmte Tische in der Region der Leinwand bevorzugt werden (SuperNova - "eurer" hat die Nummer 29). Ruft am besten im Harp an, Nummer ist 22 32 87 35. Wer kurzentschlossen auftaucht findet natürlich auch immer einen Platz, der Laden ist groß genug. Allerdings vielleicht "nur" in den kuscheligen Ecken am Fenster.
Und das war das. Bis Montag also, zu einem weiteren Abend mit Spiel, Spaß und was zu Naschen :)
And for a change the gist in English :)
Good news - allegedly the trains (S-Bahn) to Charlottenburg are running again on Monday (not as reguarly yet but gift horse mouth :). And the new, "revamped" Irish Harp smokers lounge is open (the chandelier is still missing tho :) and so cozy that I'd almost get tempted to "unquit"...
Preview for InQuizition #8 looks like this. Question round 1 - Sports (finally, I hear some say). Question round 3 - history. 9+ questions about one specific year (which I'll let you pick from a choice of 5.. on Monday :). Music round - animalic. We're going to the zoo, 9 songs about space monkeys, war pigs, horses with no names, cats in cradles.. ya know. Picture round the usual mix, with new challenges of course. Leaves the Yogi round, and I haven't got a suggestion for the specialist theme yet but will pick something myself if I don't hear from Mixed Veggies by Saturday night.
One last thing - nights are getting too cold for beergarden, and word about the quiz seems to be getting round so if you want a specific table near the screen - phone the Harp and reserve one (number is 22 32 87 35). Otherwise you might have to content yourself with the cozy corners up front :)
See yis Monday for yet another night of entertainment, edumacation and seemingly endless streams of vodka/lemon.
Zuerst mal die Nachreichung der Punkte, offiziell, mit offiziellem Space Dog (und der ist nicht gephotoshopped, so was tun Leute ihren Vierbeinern an :).

Und dann auch gleich die guten Nachrichten (oder zumindest die besseren).
Angeblich sollen ab Montag wieder S-Bahnen nach Charlottenburg fahren (glaub ich wenn ich angekommen bin, sach ich ma :). Und die Smokers Lounge im Harp ist fertig (bis auf den noch nicht hängenden Kronleuchter - falls Elektriker das also lesen.. meldet euch :) und so gemütlich daß ich fast wieder zum Raucher werden könnte ...
Was die Runden für InQuizition #8 angeht - noch ist keine Meldung für's Yogi-Thema eingegangen (Mischgemüse?), Samstag Abend ist Einsendeschluß. Ansonsten hab ich da schon ein oder zwei Ideen
In der Musikrunde wird's animalisch - von War Pigs bis Space Monkeys oder 'nem Pferd auf dem Flur... Fragerunde 1 wird zur Abwechslung mal Sport sein und Fragerunde 3 Geschichte. Aus einem bestimmten Jahr. Das ihr aus 5 wählen konnt. Am Montag :) Bilderrunde - das Übliche, nur halt was anderes :)
Und da die Tage kürzer und die Abende kälter werden, und sich der Montags-Quiz-Termin langsam rumspricht - Tischreservierung ist empfohlen wenn bestimmte Tische in der Region der Leinwand bevorzugt werden (SuperNova - "eurer" hat die Nummer 29). Ruft am besten im Harp an, Nummer ist 22 32 87 35. Wer kurzentschlossen auftaucht findet natürlich auch immer einen Platz, der Laden ist groß genug. Allerdings vielleicht "nur" in den kuscheligen Ecken am Fenster.
Und das war das. Bis Montag also, zu einem weiteren Abend mit Spiel, Spaß und was zu Naschen :)
And for a change the gist in English :)
Good news - allegedly the trains (S-Bahn) to Charlottenburg are running again on Monday (not as reguarly yet but gift horse mouth :). And the new, "revamped" Irish Harp smokers lounge is open (the chandelier is still missing tho :) and so cozy that I'd almost get tempted to "unquit"...
Preview for InQuizition #8 looks like this. Question round 1 - Sports (finally, I hear some say). Question round 3 - history. 9+ questions about one specific year (which I'll let you pick from a choice of 5.. on Monday :). Music round - animalic. We're going to the zoo, 9 songs about space monkeys, war pigs, horses with no names, cats in cradles.. ya know. Picture round the usual mix, with new challenges of course. Leaves the Yogi round, and I haven't got a suggestion for the specialist theme yet but will pick something myself if I don't hear from Mixed Veggies by Saturday night.
One last thing - nights are getting too cold for beergarden, and word about the quiz seems to be getting round so if you want a specific table near the screen - phone the Harp and reserve one (number is 22 32 87 35). Otherwise you might have to content yourself with the cozy corners up front :)
See yis Monday for yet another night of entertainment, edumacation and seemingly endless streams of vodka/lemon.
Space dogs & Mammut-Saug-Service
Quick round-up of tonight's fun-fest.
Winners Mammut-Saug-Service 46pts, second (after a hammer finish) NIWA with 44,5, followed by My Fellow Americans (who would have won by half a mile), 'ne Tüte Mischgemüse.. and Fistus who went to the pictures where they hopefully had more fun.
For now just 2 snippets:
There really is a company called Mammut-Saug-Service ... even tho their Internetpräsenz is f**ked. Still, I'd appreciate a different choice next time :)
And Laika (who originally was named Kudryavka which is Russian for Little Curly-Haired One), never made it back alive. As for who/how/why - I shall continue this investigation and report here. If you know whodunnit, leave a comment :) If not we wait for the return of Leninskij who most likely know all about it.

The rest (and other languages) here tomorrow or Wednesday, along with pictures of Daisy Swayze and funny answers. If there were any tonight.
Winners Mammut-Saug-Service 46pts, second (after a hammer finish) NIWA with 44,5, followed by My Fellow Americans (who would have won by half a mile), 'ne Tüte Mischgemüse.. and Fistus who went to the pictures where they hopefully had more fun.
For now just 2 snippets:
There really is a company called Mammut-Saug-Service ... even tho their Internetpräsenz is f**ked. Still, I'd appreciate a different choice next time :)
And Laika (who originally was named Kudryavka which is Russian for Little Curly-Haired One), never made it back alive. As for who/how/why - I shall continue this investigation and report here. If you know whodunnit, leave a comment :) If not we wait for the return of Leninskij who most likely know all about it.

The rest (and other languages) here tomorrow or Wednesday, along with pictures of Daisy Swayze and funny answers. If there were any tonight.
Purely belt-er
After a comment last Monday (must have been SuperNova, others wouldn't remember the olden days at Oscar Wilde) I did some excavating this weekend and, lo and behold, found THE green belt. So no more looking for pens, I'm gonna be well-girded from now on.

What cheered me up even more tho is that I also found my old KwizMiz t-shirt.. and it fits again!!! Yay! At least all the abstinence and healthy life-style is paying off :)
(and yes, I did have hair once. LOL)
So - shirted and girded I look forward to tonight's Patrick Swayze memorial round (I even have movies :) :) and the rest of the rounds (I think famous couples in the anagram round could be the missing part.)
Be there or be square :)

What cheered me up even more tho is that I also found my old KwizMiz t-shirt.. and it fits again!!! Yay! At least all the abstinence and healthy life-style is paying off :)
(and yes, I did have hair once. LOL)
So - shirted and girded I look forward to tonight's Patrick Swayze memorial round (I even have movies :) :) and the rest of the rounds (I think famous couples in the anagram round could be the missing part.)
Be there or be square :)
He's like the wind
This time I know it's for real...
Due to recent events (is a death an event?) we will have another Patrick Swayze Round (this might well be the Yogi round since I haven't got any suggestions yet .. from anyone.) The man, his life, his music, his films, his shoe size.. from North to South and all the way to the City of Joy.
Question round 1 is going to be Around the World in 9 Questions... or you can call it geography.
Picture round - the usual mix.
3rd question round - no idea yet, we might do Connect 9. Or anagrams. Or you'll have to write a limerick :)
And the music round is brought to you by the colour Blue. From Blue Hawaii to Blue Hotel and It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.
And now goeth forth and studieth.
Due to recent events (is a death an event?) we will have another Patrick Swayze Round (this might well be the Yogi round since I haven't got any suggestions yet .. from anyone.) The man, his life, his music, his films, his shoe size.. from North to South and all the way to the City of Joy.
Question round 1 is going to be Around the World in 9 Questions... or you can call it geography.
Picture round - the usual mix.
3rd question round - no idea yet, we might do Connect 9. Or anagrams. Or you'll have to write a limerick :)
And the music round is brought to you by the colour Blue. From Blue Hawaii to Blue Hotel and It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.
And now goeth forth and studieth.
(Ich bin immer noch nicht der Ansicht daß das mehr als einen halben Punkt verdiente :)
Anyways, in Kürze
Cannonballs 66,5
Super Nova 62,5
Die Girlies 43
Die Girlies sind berechtigt das Yogi-Thema vorzuschlagen, sollten sie das nicht tun wollen oder können :P nehme ich auch was von den anderen sofern sie am 21. September auftauchen. Einreichung wie immer per Kommentar hier oder per email an Und bis spätestens Samstag nacht.
Alles in allem wieder ein sehr lustiger Abend auch wenn sich the Big S-Bahn F*ck-Up doch bemerkbar macht. Aber wie immer gilt auch hier "quality, not quantity". Und wie auch immer werde ich natürlich versuchen die Fragen noch mal zu rekonstruieren und hier zu veröffentlichen. Mehr in den nächsten Tagen, bis dahin weiß ich dann vielleicht auch was wir nächsten Montag machen :) (außer playing t*ts & *rse)
Oh, und aus gegebenem Anlass (diesmal nun wirklich) könnten wir noch mal eine Patrick Swayze Gedenkrunde spielen, es sind noch Fragen vom letzten Mal übrig :)
Anyways, in Kürze
Cannonballs 66,5
Super Nova 62,5
Die Girlies 43
Die Girlies sind berechtigt das Yogi-Thema vorzuschlagen, sollten sie das nicht tun wollen oder können :P nehme ich auch was von den anderen sofern sie am 21. September auftauchen. Einreichung wie immer per Kommentar hier oder per email an Und bis spätestens Samstag nacht.
Alles in allem wieder ein sehr lustiger Abend auch wenn sich the Big S-Bahn F*ck-Up doch bemerkbar macht. Aber wie immer gilt auch hier "quality, not quantity". Und wie auch immer werde ich natürlich versuchen die Fragen noch mal zu rekonstruieren und hier zu veröffentlichen. Mehr in den nächsten Tagen, bis dahin weiß ich dann vielleicht auch was wir nächsten Montag machen :) (außer playing t*ts & *rse)
Oh, und aus gegebenem Anlass (diesmal nun wirklich) könnten wir noch mal eine Patrick Swayze Gedenkrunde spielen, es sind noch Fragen vom letzten Mal übrig :)
All together now
...the rounds for Inquizition #6, that is.
Since no one of Team "Wir lieben Anton" has stepped forward to give me a theme for the Yogi round we'll make it Bears!!! As usual, that can be anything from history, toys, music, film, sports and other categories I can't come up with now... PS totally forgot that thing with the animals.. zoology!!!
And that completes the list of topics for Monday night. Start picking your bonus round :)
Question round 1: History (brought to you by the month September)
Yogi round: Bears (gummi, teddy, polar, cartoon...)
Picture round: assorted BS (more genetic experiments and a new look at logos :)
Question round 3: Literature (and a bit of the other arts)
Music round: Geographical (songs with cities, countries, rivers, mountains etc. in the title)
Go on, swot. See you Monday.
Und wie versprochen, Vorschau auf Inquizition #6 - zweisprachig :)
Da niemand von Team "Wir lieben Anton" ein Thema für die Yogi-Runde vorgeschlagen hat, gibt's diese Woche 9 Fragen zu Bären. Wie üblich der große Mix aus Geschichte, Spielzeug, Musik, Sport, Film und anderen Kategorien die mir gerade nicht einfallen. Damit ist die Themenliste für Montag komplett, fangt schon mal an eure Bonus-Runde zu wählen.
Fragerunde 1: Geschichte (alles aus dem Monat September)
Yogi-Runde: Bären (Gummi-, Teddy, Eis-, Cartoon-...)
Bilderrunde: vermischter Blödsinn (mehr genetische Experimente und eine neue Art der Logo-Verknüpfung :)
Fragerunde 3: Literatur (und ein bißchen andere Kunst)
Musikrunde: Erdkunde (Songs mit Städten, Länder, Flüssen, Bergen usw. im Titel)
Auf denn, gehet hin und strebet. Wir sehen uns Montag.
Since no one of Team "Wir lieben Anton" has stepped forward to give me a theme for the Yogi round we'll make it Bears!!! As usual, that can be anything from history, toys, music, film, sports and other categories I can't come up with now... PS totally forgot that thing with the animals.. zoology!!!
And that completes the list of topics for Monday night. Start picking your bonus round :)
Question round 1: History (brought to you by the month September)
Yogi round: Bears (gummi, teddy, polar, cartoon...)
Picture round: assorted BS (more genetic experiments and a new look at logos :)
Question round 3: Literature (and a bit of the other arts)
Music round: Geographical (songs with cities, countries, rivers, mountains etc. in the title)
Go on, swot. See you Monday.
Und wie versprochen, Vorschau auf Inquizition #6 - zweisprachig :)
Da niemand von Team "Wir lieben Anton" ein Thema für die Yogi-Runde vorgeschlagen hat, gibt's diese Woche 9 Fragen zu Bären. Wie üblich der große Mix aus Geschichte, Spielzeug, Musik, Sport, Film und anderen Kategorien die mir gerade nicht einfallen. Damit ist die Themenliste für Montag komplett, fangt schon mal an eure Bonus-Runde zu wählen.
Fragerunde 1: Geschichte (alles aus dem Monat September)
Yogi-Runde: Bären (Gummi-, Teddy, Eis-, Cartoon-...)
Bilderrunde: vermischter Blödsinn (mehr genetische Experimente und eine neue Art der Logo-Verknüpfung :)
Fragerunde 3: Literatur (und ein bißchen andere Kunst)
Musikrunde: Erdkunde (Songs mit Städten, Länder, Flüssen, Bergen usw. im Titel)
Auf denn, gehet hin und strebet. Wir sehen uns Montag.
Besser spät als nie
Entschuldigungen sind angebracht (oder Ausreden, je nachdem wie man das englische "excuse" übersetzen will :).
Erstens für die - mittlerweile übliche :( - Verspätung bei der Veröffentlichung der Punkte. Was hiermit nachgeholt sei.

Irgendwie ist meine Woche anders als geplant verlaufen nach Montag nacht. Und das beinhaltet noch nicht mal den/die/das massive f*ck up bei der BVG.
Zweitens - und das kann nur auf Alkohol zu schieben sein (zu viel, zu wenig, falsche Sorte?) hab ich völlig vergessen Montag die Urkunden mit den Preisen auszuteilen. Wird natürlich bei nächster Anwesenheit öffentlich nachgeholt. Vielleicht gibt's dann ja auch schon das neue Design :)
Und die letzte Korrektur/Nachreichung betrifft das Yogi-Thema. Da Stew die nächsten beiden Wochen aussetzt, geht das Recht ein kniffliges Thema für nächsten Montag zu wählen an "Wir Lieben Anton" (ich auch :). Einzureichen bis spätestens Samstag. Hier per comment, oder aber per mail an Wenn ich keinen Vorschlag bekomme suche ich selbst eins aus, und ihr wißt wo das enden kann :)
Die bisher feststehenden Themen sind Geography in der Musikrunde (Titel in denen Stadt, Land, Fluß usw. vorkommen), und Literatur in der 3. Fragerunde. Bilder - eventuell Schnellraterunde zum Thema "At the movies" oder der übliche Bullshit-Mix. Die 2. Fragerunde steht noch aus, wie immer dürft ihr da auch gerne was empfehlen/wünschen/nominieren (alles außer Wissenschaft :).
Der Rest wie immer hier etwas zeitnaher an Montag.
Erstens für die - mittlerweile übliche :( - Verspätung bei der Veröffentlichung der Punkte. Was hiermit nachgeholt sei.

Irgendwie ist meine Woche anders als geplant verlaufen nach Montag nacht. Und das beinhaltet noch nicht mal den/die/das massive f*ck up bei der BVG.
Zweitens - und das kann nur auf Alkohol zu schieben sein (zu viel, zu wenig, falsche Sorte?) hab ich völlig vergessen Montag die Urkunden mit den Preisen auszuteilen. Wird natürlich bei nächster Anwesenheit öffentlich nachgeholt. Vielleicht gibt's dann ja auch schon das neue Design :)
Und die letzte Korrektur/Nachreichung betrifft das Yogi-Thema. Da Stew die nächsten beiden Wochen aussetzt, geht das Recht ein kniffliges Thema für nächsten Montag zu wählen an "Wir Lieben Anton" (ich auch :). Einzureichen bis spätestens Samstag. Hier per comment, oder aber per mail an Wenn ich keinen Vorschlag bekomme suche ich selbst eins aus, und ihr wißt wo das enden kann :)
Die bisher feststehenden Themen sind Geography in der Musikrunde (Titel in denen Stadt, Land, Fluß usw. vorkommen), und Literatur in der 3. Fragerunde. Bilder - eventuell Schnellraterunde zum Thema "At the movies" oder der übliche Bullshit-Mix. Die 2. Fragerunde steht noch aus, wie immer dürft ihr da auch gerne was empfehlen/wünschen/nominieren (alles außer Wissenschaft :).
Der Rest wie immer hier etwas zeitnaher an Montag.
Sail away...
Latest & last update.
Yogi round - since no one stepped forward with a suggestion (at least not in time, I need at least a day to prepare stuff) tonight's "specialist" theme is Ships (Schiffe). Not as in relation, or member, but the things that sail the seas. Or space. In movies, history, technology, music... you'll see.
Till tonight then, ahoi!
PS - Muttis (or team formerly know as.. GPP - Guinea Pig Power??) - da ich keine genaue Ansage hatte ist der Tisch unterm Fenster der eure heute Abend. Ihr dürft euch natürlich gerne umsetzen.
Yogi round - since no one stepped forward with a suggestion (at least not in time, I need at least a day to prepare stuff) tonight's "specialist" theme is Ships (Schiffe). Not as in relation, or member, but the things that sail the seas. Or space. In movies, history, technology, music... you'll see.
Till tonight then, ahoi!
PS - Muttis (or team formerly know as.. GPP - Guinea Pig Power??) - da ich keine genaue Ansage hatte ist der Tisch unterm Fenster der eure heute Abend. Ihr dürft euch natürlich gerne umsetzen.
Ja sind wir hier bei "Wünsch dir was"?
Da ich gerade daran erinnert wurde - Cannonballs hatten sich beim letzten Mal was von den Ärzten gewünscht. Nach Durchsicht aller meiner Festplatten :) mußte ich leider feststellen daß die Titel, die ich dachte zu haben, irgendwie verschwunden sind... hmm .
Falls ihr also Montag kommt, und nach musikalischen Medizinern fragt, ich spiele was ihr mitbringt :)
Gleiches gilt grob generell für alle. Ausgenommen sind Celine Dion, Marianne Rosenberg, David Hasselhoff, Britney Spears und deutsche ABBA-Versionen (und ein oder zwei Künstler die mir gerade nicht einfallen.. :)
Falls ihr also Montag kommt, und nach musikalischen Medizinern fragt, ich spiele was ihr mitbringt :)
Gleiches gilt grob generell für alle. Ausgenommen sind Celine Dion, Marianne Rosenberg, David Hasselhoff, Britney Spears und deutsche ABBA-Versionen (und ein oder zwei Künstler die mir gerade nicht einfallen.. :)
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