
Holidays half-time heads-up

Still very much enjoying the tranquility of my northern Heimat but thinking of quiz questions already (was watching a quiz show on telly the other night, with a familiar face as the 'champion' (who might want to brush up on his culinary knowledge before the next Berlin/German/European/World Championships ;)) and was reminded that the next Wilde Quiz is only 1 week away.
Les Frenchies have sent me their 3 Yogi topics :)
Monday being Canada Day and Thursday Force of July, we are definitely going to have a mixed US/Canadian round. And music will come all the way back from the 80s. A promise I will gladly keep.

Back to barbecues, boats, bicycles and Bildende Kunst.. see you next week. We still have a few tables.

UPDATE: looking forward to welcoming new teams Struwwelpeter, semi-new team Les Frenchies and Oldies but Goldies DAQ*, Saving Graces*, Die 3 Fragezeichen***, LN et les Golfeurs, and maybe JM2D. Shout if I forgot you, it's been almost 2 weeks ;)
We do have enough tables so feel free to pop in unannounced, we'll find a little corner for you.

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