
New round, new rules

For those who weren't in last Thursday (or weren't listening).. as of week 37 there are a few changes.
The entry fee is now 5€ per table. Good for those who play with 6, not so good for teams of 2 or 3. Non-negotiable though. And teams with more than 7 players have to split up, there's not enough space in most corners for more than 5 per table anyway... and each team should have at least a modicum of 'personal' space.
Bookings can only be made for 3 weeks in advance, by either getting your name in the book on quiz night or phoning Oscar Wilde. First come first seated. That way every team has a chance of getting one of the 'good' tables once in a while (if they're fast enough).. those who can't live without 'their' tables.... see previous post.
Not turning up without cancelling leads to loss of all other reservations.

And this was the book on Friday (not sure it's the current one though - Oscar's staff are the only ones who can tell you :).. if you want in.. you know the drill.

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