
Ye Wilde Halloween Quiz

After consulting the BigBadBook of Reservations we have found that tomorrow's bloody Halloween quiz is BOOKED OUT.
In the book are the following teams with table numbers (we might have to shift a bit tomorrow, depending on how many actually turn up)

Howard Met Your Brother (35)
Cannonballs (34)
Pinkies (33)
Janine (27)
Craggy Islanders (26)
Christian (25)
David Ellis (24)
4 Graces (23)
Simpsons (22)
Just Met Today (30)
Groupon I (31)
??? (32)
L'Equipe (28)
Groupon II (29)
Groupon III (36)

If for whatever reason you cannot come, PLEASE DO PHONE AND CANCEL.. we have at least 3 mroe teams who are hoping for a table.
If you have no reservation but want to try your luck, do turn up IN TIME. We might be able to cram in some 5-8 more people...

And DO TURN UP IN TIME anyway.. we start at 8.15 sharp. Also, read/remember the new rules.
If you feel like showing up/off in a Halloween or other costume... all the better. There might be extra points for creativity.

Looking forward to a bloody good night... :D

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