
Morning after moan

Just a brief nag in the wee hours... not to spoil the memory of the fun night we had. But a few things are/were slightly annoying me.
Punctuality... if (most of) you want to officially start at 20:30 just let me know and we change the rules/times. No probs. If not do remember that the start is 8pm. And next time we really will. Start at 8pm... whether you're there or not.
Reservations/cancellations. If you have reserved a table and cannot make it - do the polite thing and phone the Oscar's to cancel so we can give the table to other teams. In future I will not take reservations on the night (for the following week) except from Just Met Today, Pinkies, and Howard The Original Duck. All reservations from now on by phone through Oscar's.

Rant over.. pics and points and stuff up here Saturday ;)
Wishing some of you a happy GDRniversary ;)

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