
Quiz-WM - lots of links

Apologies for still not having more photos (I PROMISE if you bring a stick on Monday you'll get tons.. or I'll mail them if I have your address).. busy working on the very last Quiky.. and finding more info on the upcoming World Quizzing Championships (i.e. format, venue, resources, and previous winners)
To save time I'll put up a few links where you can read up on stuff, in English and/or German.
The more I find out the more it looks like some SERIOUS business ;) .. I still intend to be there on 4 June.. though just as observer... the 10€ starter's fee will be more wisely invested in alcohol ;)

Right - here's where/how/what.. just follow the links and the links in the links..
http://www.qmania.de/ (this is where you have to register to take part in the Germany edition)
http://www.wqc2011.com/format.html (World Quizzing Championships 2011 website - ENG)
https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=122685884414754 (WQC 2011 facebook group)

there are tons more but those should keep you busy for the time being.. not to speak of preparation for Monday's Final...
Topics will be up here late Saturday, before I spend most of my Sunday watching Newcastle beat Liverpool (hope springs eternal :)...and warming up the liver for Monday.

PS: info for Spectators/Zuschauer 
this is the registration form for the players.
Mere spectators don't have to register but just turn up and pay their obolus (5€).
Since space in Salz-Club is limited players have priority. Turning up in time to get a (good) seat just to ogle the brainiacs is all important. We'll have to discuss and coordinate potential (group) attendance on Monday.
Spieler müssen sich über das obige Online-Formular anmelden. Für Zuschauer gilt keine Anmeldepflicht allerdings sind Plätze im Salz-Club begrenzt und natürlich haben Spieler Vorrang. Wer also nur gaffen will muß rechtzeitig auftauchen (Einlaß ab ca. 12.00 Uhr), seinen Obolus von 5€ entrichten und hoffen daß er einen (guten) Platz findet. Wir sollten also potentielles Gruppen-Zuschauen am Montag diskutieren und koordinieren.

PPS: Just checked out Salz-Club (on the 'net) - you can book the place (or parts of it) FREE OF CHARGE. sounds like a cute little (!) location for the occasional Quiz Night, with Karaoke or 'Disco' afterwards.. I'll look into it... we might get something NICE going there... maybe some BIG quiz event once a month ;)

UPDATE: Für Pub-, Kneipen- und Tablequizze gibt es dieses Jahr eine Rabattaktion: Sollte ein ganzes Pubquizteam anreisen, so müssen nur die ersten drei Teilnehmer die Gebühr entrichten, die restlichen Spielern wären davon befreit. Dies müsste dem Veranstalter aber zuvor mitgeteilt werden, um entsprechend planen zu können.

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