
Smokers Corner Quiz

Well that quiz was rather different. Nice private Q&A session in the nice private smokers lounge and I did enjoy spending time with nice people (mostly, I don't dig bad manners no matter what your excuse is) and testing next week's rounds. Because it would be a waste of time to not use all those lovely questions (almost) no one turned up to answer.
So Hélène was beaten by Jon (not literally o/c, only by 2 points), Maarten chose boozing over losing, and the animalic tunes were too tough.. apparently. Therefore (and because it is the first Monday of the month) we'll have cover versions in the music round. Rest as it was (or would have been) - Sports, In the Year 1978, 1987 or 1992, picture mix and Mata Hari.
I'm prepared to give it one more shot on Monday, result might decide the future.

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