
Trongs & Songs, Scrabble, Seventies, & David Hasselhoff's .. thingie revealed - WQ#117

Better late than never but at the mo there is so much to do before Quizmas.. and Christmas. Anyroad - WQ#117 was sooo much fun (I know, Schivelbeiners, I keep saying that all the time. And more often than not it's true.)
I'm so glad we finally got David Hasselhoff's sex toy out of the way so now we need another 'excuse' in the picture round.
Here are last week's points, and a few pics. Lovely new teams, some of whom will return. Loooking forward to it.

BRAINLESS HAVE YOGI for WQ#120 (Champions League Season 10, Game 1) on Thursday 9 January 2014. We'll talk.

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