From the north and well-deserved and much-needed holidays this as the last post of 2013 (well, almost).
It was a fantastic Quizmas party, I was well-chuffed to see so many long-missed faces again and the festive cheer and spirit (and spirits) - simply wonderful.
Thanks for all the lovely prezzies, and most of all, thanks for coming and playing and sharing festive fun & seasonal silliness. Can't wait for the next one.
Below the first few pictures, there will be more once I'm back from hols and have time (and maybe a new laptop). For now, raw points and a handful of pics, and Masiive thanks again to all for a fantastic 201 quiz year. I look forward to kicking off the new one with New Year's 2013 Review quiz and then CL Season 10. More contenders joining us on a regular basis to try and get DAQ's throne & trophy (Brainless & Let's Get Quizzical, at least). We shall see.
For now I'm wishing y'all happy holidays, whatever/whereever you are celebrating, and a very happy, joyful, peaceful, successful & ever so slightly silly 2014. May not all of your questions be answered (or mine) so that we'll often have to come together again :D
We'll meet again soon, or even sooner (remember to let me know if you want in for Sherlock on New Year's Day.. fb message or mail)
Wilde Quizmas 2013 Winners - Lord Pinky, The Pinkies & Dr. Brain (75,5 points)
CannonbellZ* 74
Peter & his Ho-Ho-Hos (aka Let's Get Quizzical) 63,5
DAQ*** 63,5
Amazing Graces & Dogs* 61,5
Waiting 4 Fred 54,5
The Whats 51
Just Met Today 50,5
Brainless (but still here) 49,5
Rutherfords 44
Out with the old, in with the new... the end is nigh. So is the beginning..
Right - quick round-up of wotsapp next.
Ye Wilde Quizmas is almost upon us - the usual annual seasonal silliness, festive fun, drinks & games. And the odd question. Along with sweets, and treats, and Weihnachtslieder. Gonna be fun, freuma schon.
Next up - Wilde New Year's Quiz on 2 January. First one of the new year with loads of questions about what and who happened in 2013. Get reading Wiki. Or watch Menschen 2013 :D
And THEN it's time to kick off Champions League Season 10. WQ#120 on 9 January. Try and topple the Champions DAQ***. Looking forward to new teams joining the gang.
Oh, and information re. Sherlock Season 3 - in the fb group. It's GO!!!! NEW YEAR'S DAY 10pm.
Ye Wilde Quizmas is almost upon us - the usual annual seasonal silliness, festive fun, drinks & games. And the odd question. Along with sweets, and treats, and Weihnachtslieder. Gonna be fun, freuma schon.
Next up - Wilde New Year's Quiz on 2 January. First one of the new year with loads of questions about what and who happened in 2013. Get reading Wiki. Or watch Menschen 2013 :D
And THEN it's time to kick off Champions League Season 10. WQ#120 on 9 January. Try and topple the Champions DAQ***. Looking forward to new teams joining the gang.
Oh, and information re. Sherlock Season 3 - in the fb group. It's GO!!!! NEW YEAR'S DAY 10pm.
Trongs & Songs, Scrabble, Seventies, & David Hasselhoff's .. thingie revealed - WQ#117
Better late than never but at the mo there is so much to do before Quizmas.. and Christmas. Anyroad - WQ#117 was sooo much fun (I know, Schivelbeiners, I keep saying that all the time. And more often than not it's true.)
I'm so glad we finally got David Hasselhoff's sex toy out of the way so now we need another 'excuse' in the picture round.
Here are last week's points, and a few pics. Lovely new teams, some of whom will return. Loooking forward to it.
BRAINLESS HAVE YOGI for WQ#120 (Champions League Season 10, Game 1) on Thursday 9 January 2014. We'll talk.
I'm so glad we finally got David Hasselhoff's sex toy out of the way so now we need another 'excuse' in the picture round.
Here are last week's points, and a few pics. Lovely new teams, some of whom will return. Loooking forward to it.
Playing for points - PotW
BTW - more points up for grabs (DAQ & Das Komitee already have 1). Prediction of the week: Swansea - Newcastle. KO is tonight at 8.45, you have until then. Send me the usual 2 predictions (result & score) for a potential 2 points tomorrow.
The end is nigh
For those of you not on fb:
Just as an exception und aus gegebenem Anlaß - this is the book for the Jahreswechsel 2013/14, 4 weeks in advance, tomorrow not included (for CLS9 Final so far all previous teams minus Mostly Harmless still in).
In case some of you have missed it - CL SEASON 10 starts on 9 January 2014.
WQ117 is a special außer-der-Reihe ABSAG (Assorted BullShit And Games) round. Still not certain what topics (F1 probable, Newcastle possible, BYO possible... 70s or 90s party quizzes will have to wait till next year ;))
Wilde Quizmas is the usual Weihnachtsfeier with sweets & treats, fun, games and o/c a few questions and tunes. Reservation only, by 12 December at the latest. Just wegen der Planung
WQ119 is big 2013 re(ar)view quiz. Wiki the last 12 months or watch Menschen 2013. Or woteva ;)
And just for Team Brainless: Es ehrt euch daß ihr euch jetzt schon für das Champions League Finale Season 10 anmeldet (und alle Quizze dazwischen) aber Reservierungen werden maximal für 3 Wochen im voraus angenommen. Außer von Stammteams. Es ist in der Vergangenheit zu oft vorgekommen, daß neue Teams im Überschwang der Gefühle ganze Monate im voraus gebucht haben, und auch noch die guten Tische und dann nicht aufgetaucht sind. Bis wir sicher sein können, daß dies in eurem Fall nicht zutrifft, könnt ihr nur so weit buchen wie es die Reservierungs'tabelle' (aka THE BOOK) erlaubt. Auch das Personal im OW kann daran nichts ändern. Und falls ihr jetzt eure Reservierung überdenken wollt (die neue Staffel Champions League fängt wie gesagt erst am 9. Januar an) ruft bitte im Oscar Wilde an. Ansonsten freuen wir uns natürlich darauf, euch am 12. Dezember zu sehen und schauen mal wie es von da aus weiter geht.
So then, Queeps (Quiz peeps) - mark your calendars and book your tables. Fly my pretties, fly!!!!
Just as an exception und aus gegebenem Anlaß - this is the book for the Jahreswechsel 2013/14, 4 weeks in advance, tomorrow not included (for CLS9 Final so far all previous teams minus Mostly Harmless still in).
In case some of you have missed it - CL SEASON 10 starts on 9 January 2014.
WQ117 is a special außer-der-Reihe ABSAG (Assorted BullShit And Games) round. Still not certain what topics (F1 probable, Newcastle possible, BYO possible... 70s or 90s party quizzes will have to wait till next year ;))
Wilde Quizmas is the usual Weihnachtsfeier with sweets & treats, fun, games and o/c a few questions and tunes. Reservation only, by 12 December at the latest. Just wegen der Planung
WQ119 is big 2013 re(ar)view quiz. Wiki the last 12 months or watch Menschen 2013. Or woteva ;)
And just for Team Brainless: Es ehrt euch daß ihr euch jetzt schon für das Champions League Finale Season 10 anmeldet (und alle Quizze dazwischen) aber Reservierungen werden maximal für 3 Wochen im voraus angenommen. Außer von Stammteams. Es ist in der Vergangenheit zu oft vorgekommen, daß neue Teams im Überschwang der Gefühle ganze Monate im voraus gebucht haben, und auch noch die guten Tische und dann nicht aufgetaucht sind. Bis wir sicher sein können, daß dies in eurem Fall nicht zutrifft, könnt ihr nur so weit buchen wie es die Reservierungs'tabelle' (aka THE BOOK) erlaubt. Auch das Personal im OW kann daran nichts ändern. Und falls ihr jetzt eure Reservierung überdenken wollt (die neue Staffel Champions League fängt wie gesagt erst am 9. Januar an) ruft bitte im Oscar Wilde an. Ansonsten freuen wir uns natürlich darauf, euch am 12. Dezember zu sehen und schauen mal wie es von da aus weiter geht.
So then, Queeps (Quiz peeps) - mark your calendars and book your tables. Fly my pretties, fly!!!!
Doppelherz, Delicious cakes & Die Kelly Family
Thanks a million for the birthday wishes and thoughtful gifts, all very much appreciated (btw, da ist noch ne Runde Doppelherz übrig von last week.... please remind me)
CL table after 11 out of 12 rounds looks like this. No done deal yet but the final on 5 December should be exciting.
Still haven't got round to shopping pics but these 3 ;)
CL table after 11 out of 12 rounds looks like this. No done deal yet but the final on 5 December should be exciting.
Still haven't got round to shopping pics but these 3 ;)
Viva Las Vegas - the loud and lustig WQ#114
Quick one for now, CL table and book for the next 3 weeks. Pics, Prediction of the Week, and updates on December plan later. Or earlier in the fb group.
All in all a very fun night though streckenweise a wee bit loud. We have to work on the discipline side of things.

All in all a very fun night though streckenweise a wee bit loud. We have to work on the discipline side of things.

If you build, it they will come
And coming they are.. if you're still thinking about attending WQ#114 tomorrow, think faster. Book is getting fuller by the minute. Only 4 tables left now, and not exactly the bestest (except terrific table thirty)
Phone Oscar's.
Phone Oscar's.
The end is nigh..
at least of Champions League Season 9, and 2013 in general. Time to make plans..
Theoretically, Season 10 would start on 12 December. After WQCLS10G1 though we would have a 3-week break before Game 2.
19 December: Ye Wilde Quizmas. Classic. Non-CL
26 December: whatever your quiz-free plans are
2 January: Ye Wilde New Year's Quiz - Special 2013 Review. Classic. Non-CL
9 January: Champions League Season 10 Game 2.
OR: we do another 80s (or 70s? or any other themed) Quiz on 12 December (before Christmas the number of teams dwindles anyway) and start CL Season 10 in January.
Up to you. Use the fb group to discuss or send me your suggestions by mail or comment here.
If I don't get any feedback I will, as usual, do whatever I like best :)
UPDATE: So far, we have 2,5 comments/votes for a 90s-themed quiz on 12 December and CLS10 start on 9 January. I am inclined to go with. Since no one else seems to have an opinion on it.
Also: if you want in for Quizmas, book early. We only make game & other preparations (and bunte Teller) for the 'registered' teams.
Theoretically, Season 10 would start on 12 December. After WQCLS10G1 though we would have a 3-week break before Game 2.
19 December: Ye Wilde Quizmas. Classic. Non-CL
26 December: whatever your quiz-free plans are
2 January: Ye Wilde New Year's Quiz - Special 2013 Review. Classic. Non-CL
9 January: Champions League Season 10 Game 2.
OR: we do another 80s (or 70s? or any other themed) Quiz on 12 December (before Christmas the number of teams dwindles anyway) and start CL Season 10 in January.
Up to you. Use the fb group to discuss or send me your suggestions by mail or comment here.
If I don't get any feedback I will, as usual, do whatever I like best :)
UPDATE: So far, we have 2,5 comments/votes for a 90s-themed quiz on 12 December and CLS10 start on 9 January. I am inclined to go with. Since no one else seems to have an opinion on it.
Also: if you want in for Quizmas, book early. We only make game & other preparations (and bunte Teller) for the 'registered' teams.
Dragons, dosh & the capital city of Tonga - WQ#113
Right.. that was soooooo much fun last night - thanks y'all. Quite impressed by the amount of 'trivia' your heads contain. Nukuʻalofa, really?!? Go and show off at the Berlin Quiz Championship :)
Before I head off into the WE, quick CL table after 9 weeks. PointsProper&Pics on Monday.
DAQ have made a huge leap to regain top spot but with 3 weeks still to play, anything is possible. DEFINITELY the most interesting season so far
Yogi Right goes to Anybody But Me or, if the dynamic duo doesn't return, Die Fantastischen vier 6. If you're not quite sure what you're supposed to do - send me at least 3 topics of your choice for one of the question rounds. By mail, by Monday 9 p.m. If you need more explanations - mail or fb message :)
If I don't get any topics I assume you won't be in on Thursday and I will pick all 3 rounds .. and you know where that ends ;)
Have a nice WE and see you Thursday 21 Nov for WQ#114. Remember, the end is nigh :D
DAQ have made a huge leap to regain top spot but with 3 weeks still to play, anything is possible. DEFINITELY the most interesting season so far
Yogi Right goes to Anybody But Me or, if the dynamic duo doesn't return, Die Fantastischen vier 6. If you're not quite sure what you're supposed to do - send me at least 3 topics of your choice for one of the question rounds. By mail, by Monday 9 p.m. If you need more explanations - mail or fb message :)
If I don't get any topics I assume you won't be in on Thursday and I will pick all 3 rounds .. and you know where that ends ;)
Have a nice WE and see you Thursday 21 Nov for WQ#114. Remember, the end is nigh :D
Wanted: Brains in Berlin
Es ist mal wieder soweit - die 3. Berliner Quizmeisterschaft steht vor der Tür. Und für alle die ihr 'nutzloses' Wissen mal einem Nutzen zuführen wollen und am 27. November noch nichts vorhaben (das Ganze dauert nicht annähernd so lang wie das donnerstägliche QuizChaos) - alle relevanten Infos und Details zu Ablauf und Anmeldung findet ihr auf der Seite des Deutschen Quizvereins. Guckst du hier.
Und nun gehet fort und kommet als frischgebackene Berliner Meister wieder.
Und nun gehet fort und kommet als frischgebackene Berliner Meister wieder.
Prediction of the week WQ #113 - #UNBELIEVABLEMAN
Afore I forget - Graces, BallZ, and Goonies (and of course all other teams who might want to play on Thursday and start with 2 points) still have to (well, can) leave their prediction of the week. Guess the result and the score of the Tottenham - Newcastle game on Sunday 1pm. Deadline is Sunday 1pm, by mail or comment or in the fb group.
so far: ??? 2-1 / DAQ 1-0 / Let'sGetQuizzical 2-1 / Graces 3-1
1 day later: wrongwrongwrongwrong :P
Magpies 1 - Cockerels Sweet FA
So no one starts with any points, and since Peanuts/Die Ahnungslosen apparently choose not to return, and didn't choose a topic - Yogi is mine. You can send me suggestions... no promises though.
so far: ??? 2-1 / DAQ 1-0 / Let'sGetQuizzical 2-1 / Graces 3-1
1 day later: wrongwrongwrongwrong :P
Magpies 1 - Cockerels Sweet FA
So no one starts with any points, and since Peanuts/Die Ahnungslosen apparently choose not to return, and didn't choose a topic - Yogi is mine. You can send me suggestions... no promises though.
Everybody be cool, this is a Wilde Quiz - Pulp Fucktion, Yellow Perils and Towering Inferno
And yet another fun night past. Ran a bit late this time but next week we'll start on time (8.15pm) and keep a tighter schedule. Promised.
Anyroad, while the new teams had much fun (or so it looked and sounded), the Stammteams gave their all in the race for the crown. Or cup. This is by far the most exciting Champions League season we've had in a loooong time.. Graces added to their lead, Cannonballs are nearly there now (just the 69 erased) and ??? still have an outsider's chance. I wouldn't even rule out Let's Get Quizzical... already looking forward to WQ#113.
Thanks a million to Les Goonies for picking the most wonderful Yogi topic in a while. I have soooo many questions left that we will soon(ish) be having another Pulp Fiction round. Those of you who have never seen this classic - WATCH! And almost as some sort of thank you, Goonies madeas many points in that one quiz as in the other two before :D .. and could have won hadn't it been for the not-so-great score in the music round. Well, la prochaine fois ;)
Here are CL table and book for November, points&pics later, have to make 'Reserved' signs for Goonies & Let's Get Quizzical .. welcome to the Wilde Club :)
Shot on Halloween
Only a handful of Halloween pics, it's too much hassle to put them all up here. The full 20+ are in the fb group.
Pics of WQ#110 follow in the next few days, promise.
Wotsapp next?
With the very fun Halloween special behind us, Ye Wilde Quiz continues as 'normal'. WQ#112 is already pretty much in demand, with only 5 tables left. First phone, first (re)served so if you want in, get your skates on. 2828166.
Also, if you're in the book and can't make Thursday, please cancel. I have started a 'naughty' list for those who block tables by not 'unreserving' and then not turning up... just saying ;)
GOONIES - you have until tonight 9pm to send me at least 3 suggestions for your YOGI round. Pick something nice and stick it in the mail :)
Also, if you're in the book and can't make Thursday, please cancel. I have started a 'naughty' list for those who block tables by not 'unreserving' and then not turning up... just saying ;)
GOONIES - you have until tonight 9pm to send me at least 3 suggestions for your YOGI round. Pick something nice and stick it in the mail :)
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