
Take that Wilde Quiz #67... in Europe

Finally.. pics & points & stuff... bit very much later but I had birthdays to celebrate and drink to forget how shite Newcastle have become once more.
Anyroad - here is the short version. T'was much fun and very well behaved. Let's try it again this Thursday...
Oh, and for the first time this seasons DAQ came 'only' second. There IS hope for yis all :P

Table 31 is reserved for Feid Club (WELCOME BAAACK!!! :)). Table 22, and the two tables around Cannonballs are still available (or were, at 10pm Monday)
40 photos here... I have some 70 more but won't have the time to 'shop them .. not for the next 2 weeks anyway. Ff you're looking for any more pics of your team - gizzus a shot (mail or facebook)

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