Anyroad, before something else happens (it's still Friday 13th...) - last night's points, first pics.. and the current 'book'. Because you were such a wonderful audience :)
Right, Blogger is pissing me off now (excusez mon French) and won't let me upload more than 1 pic at a time... and patience is not my forte.. only the 'book' for the next 3 weeks, the first 15 photos are here.

And in case anyone is still in two minds about how to spend the arse end of Sunday ... BBC SHERLOCK. LIVE. BIG SCREEN. OSCAR WILDE. 10PM. Let's have a party.. and get to know each other even better (name tags will be provided :)
The non-Sherlocked of you I'll see on Thursday. We still have a few tables left :D
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