Still no time for the lot so 5 here, the other 32 here for ogling/downloading. The remaining 40 or so might be up or not, depends on what distractions life has in store for me this week.
As for WQ#28 - I got no Yogi topic from JM2D so all 3 rounds are my choice ;)
NBA - nichts besonders aufregendes
Not much time at the mo so here's all you get for now. points/CL (hopefully correct this time) and the 'book' for next week(s) (UPDATE: table 25 is taken too, the Craggies return :)
Rest Monday. Have a good one, and thanks again to all for a wonderful Wilde Quiz #27.
And a wee funny I found on FB :)
Rest Monday. Have a good one, and thanks again to all for a wonderful Wilde Quiz #27.
And a wee funny I found on FB :)
Champions League,
Wilde Quiz
Blue tits and big balls
Quick one before I go to bed - MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to APLHA STRONG who won their first quiz (not only due to the wisely (?) chosen NBA Yogi round :P).. tonight's results should shake up the Champions League a bit :P
It was an all round LOVELY night, the pictures to prove and points and all other stuff up here over the weekend.. I'm taking some personal time for a day or two.
Yogi Round for Wilde Quiz #28 - Just Met Today (bis Sonntag 21.00 Uhr :)
Reservations - as in last week's graph, plus Hurricanes at Table 34.
It was an all round LOVELY night, the pictures to prove and points and all other stuff up here over the weekend.. I'm taking some personal time for a day or two.
Yogi Round for Wilde Quiz #28 - Just Met Today (bis Sonntag 21.00 Uhr :)
Reservations - as in last week's graph, plus Hurricanes at Table 34.
Genetic freebie (and points)
Been busy with new genetic experiments and have leftovers.. well, that one didnt' really fit in either the left/right or top/bottom categories...
First one to get both people hidden in this pic starts with 2 points ... tomorrow, or next week, or the week after.. Just leave a comment with your guess and team name here.
Use whatever means available to you ;).. it's tricky but not impossible.
And since we don't do halbe Sachen - you have to get BOTH PEOPLE for the 2 points. No 1 pt per person. Like it or leave it.
First one to get both people hidden in this pic starts with 2 points ... tomorrow, or next week, or the week after.. Just leave a comment with your guess and team name here.
Use whatever means available to you ;).. it's tricky but not impossible.
And since we don't do halbe Sachen - you have to get BOTH PEOPLE for the 2 points. No 1 pt per person. Like it or leave it.
Champions League eff-up
As kindly pointed out by an eagle-eyed Newbie ;) .. the CL table was somewhat faulty :O
Twas of course not the fault of my trusty Excel spreadsheet (though that one is a bit hinky too).. all mistakes were mine and entirely zurückzuführen to the rotten Saturday ...
Correct version here.. and before someone else points out that it should be best 1 of 2 after 2 weeks - added that version too.
Twas of course not the fault of my trusty Excel spreadsheet (though that one is a bit hinky too).. all mistakes were mine and entirely zurückzuführen to the rotten Saturday ...
Correct version here.. and before someone else points out that it should be best 1 of 2 after 2 weeks - added that version too.
Weird quiz pics
All the 40+ pictures are now in the PB album for you to peruse and download at your leisure.
Wilde & weird Quiz #26 - Results
Quickly, before I'm too pee-off with today's footie results to write 2 lines without excessive amounts of swearing... Thursday's points, pics & the first Champins League table. And the 'book' for the next 3 weeks. Not necessarily in that order.
Enjoy. The other 35 pictures up here (or at least the link to the photobucket folder) on Monday.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend, rain, snow, and crappy footie ignored.
Enjoy. The other 35 pictures up here (or at least the link to the photobucket folder) on Monday.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend, rain, snow, and crappy footie ignored.
Champions League,
picture round,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
Sherlocked, smurfs and a smashing Sunday
You (and you and you) who weren't there...don't know what you've missed :P
A BIG FAT THANK YOU to the owner & staff of the Oscar Wilde Irish Pub who made this wonderful weekend entertainment possible (and we're not even talking about the - largely forgettable but ultimately successful - Newcastle game).
And a big thank you to the BBC, and the plea to pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease make another season.. Seriously, how can you not?!?!
See you on Thursday.... and maybe we'll watch it again. Together.
A BIG FAT THANK YOU to the owner & staff of the Oscar Wilde Irish Pub who made this wonderful weekend entertainment possible (and we're not even talking about the - largely forgettable but ultimately successful - Newcastle game).
And a big thank you to the BBC, and the plea to pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease make another season.. Seriously, how can you not?!?!
See you on Thursday.... and maybe we'll watch it again. Together.
Pictures perfect
The remaining 25 pictures of last Thursday's quiz extravaganza are in the album now.
Go fetch :)
Go fetch :)
Elementary, dear Watson
.. is something Sherlock never said in the books... (it's up there with "beam me up Scotty' and 'Schau mir in die Augen Kleines'...)
Anyroad, before something else happens (it's still Friday 13th...) - last night's points, first pics.. and the current 'book'. Because you were such a wonderful audience :)
Right, Blogger is pissing me off now (excusez mon French) and won't let me upload more than 1 pic at a time... and patience is not my forte.. only the 'book' for the next 3 weeks, the first 15 photos are here.

And in case anyone is still in two minds about how to spend the arse end of Sunday ... BBC SHERLOCK. LIVE. BIG SCREEN. OSCAR WILDE. 10PM. Let's have a party.. and get to know each other even better (name tags will be provided :)
The non-Sherlocked of you I'll see on Thursday. We still have a few tables left :D
Anyroad, before something else happens (it's still Friday 13th...) - last night's points, first pics.. and the current 'book'. Because you were such a wonderful audience :)
Right, Blogger is pissing me off now (excusez mon French) and won't let me upload more than 1 pic at a time... and patience is not my forte.. only the 'book' for the next 3 weeks, the first 15 photos are here.

And in case anyone is still in two minds about how to spend the arse end of Sunday ... BBC SHERLOCK. LIVE. BIG SCREEN. OSCAR WILDE. 10PM. Let's have a party.. and get to know each other even better (name tags will be provided :)
The non-Sherlocked of you I'll see on Thursday. We still have a few tables left :D
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
The shape of things to come...
Quickly (wegen der fortgeschrittenen frühen Stunde).... BIG THANK YOU to all 12 teams tonight, you made this fun. And I'm still pleasantly shocked that we actually finished at 11pm. Let's do that again.
For now, the revised 'book' for WQ#26 (19 January) and WQ#27 (26 January)... non-graphic form.
And - in case someone has missed the 15 announcements - if you're into the BBC's 'Sherlock' and want to watch series 2, episode 3 (series FINALE!!!) "The Reichenbach Fall" LIVE on the BIG SCREEN in HD...Oscar Wilde back bar, Sunday 15 January, 10pm at the very latest.
The rest of it here tomorrow or über's Wochenende. Hope to see you soon for more fun.
BTW - The Invaders have the right to pick their Yogi topic of choice for next week's quiz.. send me your suggestion by mail by Sunday 9pm at the latest.
For now, the revised 'book' for WQ#26 (19 January) and WQ#27 (26 January)... non-graphic form.
Newbies, Apples, Graces, Alpha Strong, Pinkies, Just Met 2Day and ??? have their usual tables. Hurricanes have 26, Cannonballs 34, KBF 35... free are 27, 28, 29.. and ghost tables 36+37.WQ#27
Newbies, Apples, Graces, Alpha Strong, Pinkies, and Just Met 2Day have their usual tables. Feid Club have 31+32, Howard 35, and KFB 34... free are 26, 27, 28, 29.. and ghost tables 36+37.And - in case someone has missed the 15 announcements - if you're into the BBC's 'Sherlock' and want to watch series 2, episode 3 (series FINALE!!!) "The Reichenbach Fall" LIVE on the BIG SCREEN in HD...Oscar Wilde back bar, Sunday 15 January, 10pm at the very latest.
The rest of it here tomorrow or über's Wochenende. Hope to see you soon for more fun.
BTW - The Invaders have the right to pick their Yogi topic of choice for next week's quiz.. send me your suggestion by mail by Sunday 9pm at the latest.
New season - new rules & rounds
The best laid plans of mice and men.. and quizmizzes...
Haven't had the time yet to think through/formulate/translate... the new rules en detail so this only up front.
If you would like to show off your knowledge about special topics dear to your heart (and brain) do send me your suggestions ANYTIME. That offer has been standing since the invention of MerryKwizzes :)
Likewise, if you let me know what sort of music you're into, or books, films, etc.. I can choose my rounds better to please - if not all of you - at least the majority.
And (thx for the reminder) there will be new rules/penalties for texting/using mobile devices during the rounds. If you can't go without facebooking/tweeting/texting Mutti for 10.5 minutes you can take your mobile and do it outside.. you will have to sit out the rest of the round though. I'm not the only one annoyed by people using smart and other phones, even if they're not cheating. No more debates or excuses, one rule for all. 'Offenders' caught will face points deduction.
Last thing for now - ciggies breaks.
In order to ensure a timely end we will have 2!!! ciggie breaks during the quiz. Probably after the second and the fourth round. If you can't go without your beloved cancer sticks (that goes for yours truly too :)) you can nip out during the round, quietly!!!, but you have to leave any mobile devices behind :D
That's it for now.... let's pretend the Wilde Quizzes is a democratic event :) - if you have comments regarding the above rules or additions... or if you have other suggestions, requests, remarks, or ideas to improve the quiz - do let me know. Comment here, or in the facebook group (I will be seeting up a new one soon) or - if it's super secret - email me.
Looking forward to the start of Wilde Quiz Season 3... and this week's Yogi topic. Well chosen, Just Met Today!!!!
Haven't had the time yet to think through/formulate/translate... the new rules en detail so this only up front.
Yogi Round
- As of Wilde Quiz #25, only 1 TV topic (show or general) per month can be chosen.
- You have to play all 5 rounds of the night in order to be entitled to pick the Yogi (in case you lose)
- If I detect that teams lose on purpose because they want to pick a round of their choice, they're disqualified (for the Yogi choice).
- Since I need more time this year for other tasks, the topics have to be sent in by Sunday, 9pm.
- Über-specific topics like integral calculus, deutsche Wasserballregeln Stand 2012, quantum physics etc., chosen to piss off all other teams AND the quizmiz, will be ignored or result in an easy multiple-choice round to give everyone a half-chance and save me some time. I will NOT waste my limited spare time researching things no one knows (and give a small rodent's behind) about. Be specific but be fair. If you want to be on the safe side, send two suggestions (you never know, the other one might come up in one of the following weeks ;)
If you would like to show off your knowledge about special topics dear to your heart (and brain) do send me your suggestions ANYTIME. That offer has been standing since the invention of MerryKwizzes :)
Likewise, if you let me know what sort of music you're into, or books, films, etc.. I can choose my rounds better to please - if not all of you - at least the majority.
And (thx for the reminder) there will be new rules/penalties for texting/using mobile devices during the rounds. If you can't go without facebooking/tweeting/texting Mutti for 10.5 minutes you can take your mobile and do it outside.. you will have to sit out the rest of the round though. I'm not the only one annoyed by people using smart and other phones, even if they're not cheating. No more debates or excuses, one rule for all. 'Offenders' caught will face points deduction.
Last thing for now - ciggies breaks.
In order to ensure a timely end we will have 2!!! ciggie breaks during the quiz. Probably after the second and the fourth round. If you can't go without your beloved cancer sticks (that goes for yours truly too :)) you can nip out during the round, quietly!!!, but you have to leave any mobile devices behind :D
That's it for now.... let's pretend the Wilde Quizzes is a democratic event :) - if you have comments regarding the above rules or additions... or if you have other suggestions, requests, remarks, or ideas to improve the quiz - do let me know. Comment here, or in the facebook group (I will be seeting up a new one soon) or - if it's super secret - email me.
Looking forward to the start of Wilde Quiz Season 3... and this week's Yogi topic. Well chosen, Just Met Today!!!!
Here's the current 'book' for the start of CL season 3.. if you're on the list, sit back, relax, and turn up in time.
As for reservations - if you want on the list please PHONE THE OSCAR WILDE. Same goes for teams who want to bring a 'second string'.. DO NOT SEND ME MAILS, especially not a day or so before the quiz. I don't regularly check the quiz mail address, I don't know if there are tables available, and I can't put you in the book until I get to the Oscar's on Thursday nights.
Same goes for cancellations - if you have a table and can't make it for whatever reason - PLEASE LET THE OSCAR WILDE STAFF KNOW THAT THE TABLE IS AVAILABLE AGAIN (I will make sure the information gets processed better this year :)
That said... looking forward to the challenge that is CL season 3 - for you and me alike ;)
See you soon.
As for reservations - if you want on the list please PHONE THE OSCAR WILDE. Same goes for teams who want to bring a 'second string'.. DO NOT SEND ME MAILS, especially not a day or so before the quiz. I don't regularly check the quiz mail address, I don't know if there are tables available, and I can't put you in the book until I get to the Oscar's on Thursday nights.
Same goes for cancellations - if you have a table and can't make it for whatever reason - PLEASE LET THE OSCAR WILDE STAFF KNOW THAT THE TABLE IS AVAILABLE AGAIN (I will make sure the information gets processed better this year :)
That said... looking forward to the challenge that is CL season 3 - for you and me alike ;)
See you soon.
New Year.. happy
At least I was, after the first Wilde Quiz of 2012. What a great turn-out, and quel fun :)
As usual, a few choice pics, and a desktop calendar, and the points, the rest of the lot (70+ pics) here for your viewing and downloading pleasure.
Thanks again to everyone who made it happen, and here's looking forward to Ye 2012 Wilde Quiz 'proper'.... Champions League Season 3 starts on 12 January, 8pm.
And Just Met Today have the Yogi-Recht for Thursday.. einzusenden bis Sonntag 22.00 Uhr.
As usual, a few choice pics, and a desktop calendar, and the points, the rest of the lot (70+ pics) here for your viewing and downloading pleasure.
Thanks again to everyone who made it happen, and here's looking forward to Ye 2012 Wilde Quiz 'proper'.... Champions League Season 3 starts on 12 January, 8pm.
And Just Met Today have the Yogi-Recht for Thursday.. einzusenden bis Sonntag 22.00 Uhr.
Mindsweep International Quiz
Because I was - once more last minute - asked to advertise a 'serious' quiz event...
short version because a) I don't have more information than this and b) I'm getting tired of one-way traffic...
'Mindsweep' international quiz, Saturday 7 January, Oscar Wilde back bar, start 1pm
200 questions to be answered in writing in 2 hours, English only, dictionaries for non-native speakers will be provided.
Event will be held simultaneously in India, USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Norway and Sri Lanka.
If you're interested please register here.
More info at And that's me done promoting for 2012.
short version because a) I don't have more information than this and b) I'm getting tired of one-way traffic...
'Mindsweep' international quiz, Saturday 7 January, Oscar Wilde back bar, start 1pm
200 questions to be answered in writing in 2 hours, English only, dictionaries for non-native speakers will be provided.
Event will be held simultaneously in India, USA, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Norway and Sri Lanka.
If you're interested please register here.
More info at And that's me done promoting for 2012.
Neues Jahr, neues Glück
First of all a Happy New Year to all you lovely quizmanics out there.. hope you had a nice 2-week break, and the brains are well-rested and hungry (gah, now the Kopfkino is playing a very strange film :)
Anyroad, since there's no rest for the wicked, and I've been really missing our nights of nonsense, this week brings the 2012 return of Ye Wilde Quiz.
And as in all the years past, we're going to kick off Quiz Year 2012 on 5 January with the big "That Was The Year That Was" Special Edition... 2011 Review. Last year in music, politics, society, sports, film.. and assorted bullshit :D
In the book are the usual suspects (Just Met Today, Pinkies, Newbies, Bad Apples, Amazing Graces, Alpha Strong, Kirschbierfraktion) as well as The Simpsons, Cheap & Cheerful and an unknown team (?). No Meldung yet from reigning Championes Cannonballs or 3 Fragezeichen, nor Craggy Islanders or David Ellis. We have a few tables left so if you want to test what memories of 2011 you have ... or Kwiki/google some... phone the Oscars to book a table. Or turn up and chance it.
The Champions League Season 3 starts on 12 January. New Rules will be up here soon.
Till then (or Thursday 5 January) - Ick froi ma schon :D
Anyroad, since there's no rest for the wicked, and I've been really missing our nights of nonsense, this week brings the 2012 return of Ye Wilde Quiz.
And as in all the years past, we're going to kick off Quiz Year 2012 on 5 January with the big "That Was The Year That Was" Special Edition... 2011 Review. Last year in music, politics, society, sports, film.. and assorted bullshit :D
In the book are the usual suspects (Just Met Today, Pinkies, Newbies, Bad Apples, Amazing Graces, Alpha Strong, Kirschbierfraktion) as well as The Simpsons, Cheap & Cheerful and an unknown team (?). No Meldung yet from reigning Championes Cannonballs or 3 Fragezeichen, nor Craggy Islanders or David Ellis. We have a few tables left so if you want to test what memories of 2011 you have ... or Kwiki/google some... phone the Oscars to book a table. Or turn up and chance it.
The Champions League Season 3 starts on 12 January. New Rules will be up here soon.
Till then (or Thursday 5 January) - Ick froi ma schon :D
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