And thanks again to all teams for a fun night, and for a great test run of Darts Round. I'll work out the kinks and try to get them darts straightened (while you might want to practice at home or in the Harp :)
This is the plan for InQuizition #20 on 28 January. Wilmersdorfer Witwen kindly went with the pre-planned James Bond theme for the Yogi Round, so we'll have tons of questions (or at least 9) on 007. The man, the books, the author, the films, the cars, the gadgets, baddies, Bond girls, and the odd tune too. Way too many questions to choose from so we might try determination by darts again (maybe I'll get a chance to chuck one too :)

The remaining two question rounds are Red Round (mix from anything Tomatina to Torino, red hair to Red Square, red bloodcells and red books, and maybe Liverpool FC .. that would be in the "fun" section tho :)
The other one is the Royal Round. Kings & Queens (NO King of Queens tho), princesses & princes (real and fictional), gossip & genealogy, castles & crowns (but no cards).
Music is The Name Game - songs with names in the title. And Pictures are the usual BS mix, with more new genetix.
LPL (loyalty points list) so far
Pinkies & The Brain 2
Freiburschers 2
Äh-Häh, Craggy Islanders, Ole & Inga, Cannonballs, de Guude, TTFKA Muttis and FeidClub 1 each.
And - change of plans - you can use them for your weekly points tally (added to total points at the end) or trade them for tips (0.5 point per clue).
Since no one had the desire or money to play for the jackpot, it's still 15€. And from Thursday on you'll only have to answer 1 (!) question correctly. A rather tough one, of course, and no clues :)
So, that's that for now, see you Thursday or ...
Hallo Teeeeena, ich (der Tom) komme morgen endlich mal vorbei, um Dir das versprochene Dankeschön-Guinness für das Super-Weihnachtsquiz zu spendieren. Und wenn Du trotz der allgemeinen Klimakatastrophe Dein Quiz durchziehst, mache ich sogar mit. Dabei wird mich morgen mein Töchterchen Helena unterstützen. Ich geh'mal davon aus, dass wir sowieso die einzigen sein werden, die sich durch den Schnee pflügen und rechne mir damit echte Siegchancen aus. Bis dann !!!
ich gehe nicht davon aus daß ihr die einzigen seid (zumindest hoffe ich es) .. dann gibt's nämlich auch kein Quiz zu gewinnen :)
außerdem haben wir in den letzten 2 Wochen einigen Zulauf gehabt.
schaun wir mal, bis morgen.
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