In a feeble attempt to make up for it, I thought I'd post a few pix and questions to remind you what got you the points in the first place (and for those of you who had to leave early, to show you what you missed :)) - genetix & macros first... (answers in the comment)

That's all for now, more pictures - and questions - later. And now excuse me while I go looking for the lost points (being a newcastle fan, I'm used to it). All that's left to do for you is hangin' on in there.

1 comment:
ze ansas (top to bottom, left to right)
1 Kate Winslet/Jodie Foster and Toby Maguire/Ben Kingsley
2 Pierce Brosnan/Heath Ledger and Robert DeNiro/Morgan Freeman
3 Kate Winslet/Sarah Jessica Parker and Sean Penn/Morgan Freeman
(seems as if Mr. Freeman and Ms Winslet have rather genetic faces but I assure you there's no preferential treatment :)
1 mushroom/(Lamellen)Pilz and USB plug (USB-Stecker)
2 battery/Batterie (don't aske me what the little holes are for) and chopsticks/Eßstäbchen
3 clothes peg/Wäscheklammer and plastic straws /Plastik-Trinkhalme
4 can opener/Dosenöffner and mouse trap/Mausefalle (complete with cheese)
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