
May/June/July schedule - revised. Again.

Below is the latest schedule for the next 8 weeks. WQ#44 has also changed from Thursday to Wednesday, due to a 'more important' event in the Oscar Wilde back bar on 7 June. The dates for #45 and #46 are suggestions (albeit the only possible ones) for now, the option being a 3-wek break...
Please do let me know by mail or comment here or on FB which option you'd prefer.. I'll adjust my schedule accordingly. The minimum number of teams, in order to have a semi-fair and fun night, is 6.

And this is the book for the next 3 weeks. As you can see #41 is getting voll, with - at the moment - only 3 spare tables left. If you want in.. you know the drill. 2828166 :)
Or tell me on Wednesday 16 May :P

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