
Bolero, Barbera, Bier & Big River - WQ#42

At the risk of sounding like a broken record - that was a smashing night (quiz and afterwards ;).. lots of fun, and points, and drink (thanks once more to the generous winners Die 3 Fragezeichen who shared their bottle of whisky with everyone who wanted a last drink... or two ;).. good to see Just Met Today back again.. something was missing :).. apart from the Alpha and Graces reserved signs...will make new ones as soon as I'm back from sunny and serene McPom.
Anyroad - only had time for points and stats and book. Pics after the weekend - I got LOADS.
Looking forward to WQ#43 already - Thursday 31 May.
There will be NO SUMMER BREAK. Just that one week in June (14th) when König Fußball kicks us out of the back bar. The other dates in the right-hand column or on facebook. Apropos BOOK - below is the current one. To book or unbook (yes, that is definitely a word, just like 'gerebloggt') phone the Oscars. As early as poss.
That's all she wrote, off on my bike to cycle round the lake before dinner. Have a lovely one. See you soon. (looking forward to begrüßing Ponyclub again ;)
PS - Yogi - Hurricanes - Monday - 21:00 - 2 topics - mail. Danke ;)
PPS - I'm still pondering the 1l beer in 1.3 sec record. HOW THE F...

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