
The end...

not yet.. it's only half-time. At Newcastle, and in the Wilde Quiz Champions League.
First things first though, points for #5, and #6, and two or three pics from last Thursday's fun night.

And after 6 weeks and best 3 of, the Champions League at half-time looks like this.

There's plenty of room for improvement, another 6 weeks.. and there will be a few teams from that list missing in the next 2 weeks ;) - geddin there!!!!!

All in all another very lovely night, I particularly liked the international flair.. Völkerverständigung, like. Pinkies adopting Kev The Canuck, and ??? sharing their winner's whiskey with the losing team from Ireland.... and we've now gone family and dog friendly.. Walter the Wunderdog will be back, with his barked-out comments and his team.. and his very watchful attitude. Wau.

So - back to my Newcastle game, and hopefully a pleasant surprise in the 2nd half.
Yogi-Recht geht an Just Met Today da the last 2 teams Touris sind und Craggy Islanders next week nicht da sind. Montag 21.00 Uhr ist Einsendeschluß :)

See you all (or some) on Thursday 18 August, for round 7 of the Champions League. Music will be cover versions ;)
Have a good one.

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