
Inquizition #39 - it's gonna be KOOL

Right, apologies for the silence, absence, lack of attention.. but there was a wee footie tourno going on. Now that all's back to 'normal' for a few weeks, here's your vorläufig last chance to enjoy stupid questions in cool climate, show off, smart-ass me a bit, and win some booze.

De ting: Irish Harp Inquizition #39
De date: Thursday 15 July, 8pm
Da place: the nicely air-conditioned Irish Harp (I recommend table 30 or 34 :)
Ze rounds:
Music: 'summer' songs
(Summertime, Summer in the City, Summer Wine, Summerfly...)
Round 1: Karl May (we'll have to do him eventually :)
Round 2: By the numbers (mixed round, all the main answers are numbers, add them up correctly and get another 5 points)
Yogi: up to Marx Brothers.. Or I'll pick something
Picture: The usual BS..

So, do show up (and off, if you have to) and we might have a kewl kwiz .. If no one turns up I'll hog the a/c and drink the iced shots myself. Friday I'm off on hols, an I don't know when I'll be back for the next one yet. See yis Thursday or when the summer's gone.

Oh, and before I forget it - points for #38

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