
MerryQuizmas - leftovers & limericks

Proper round-up of last night's festive folly when I'm fully awake again. Just that much - I really enjoyed our time-honoured tradition. However, these nights of booze catch up with you's. And that is an actual fact.
Limerick round was a good laugh, we shall be doing that again soon. Keep practising. Unfortunately, in my haste to tidy up the place, I chucked all the answer sheets in the bin at the end of the night. When I had actually planned to publish your poetry here. So if you remember your lines, or want to come up with new ones - drop me a mail and they''ll appear here for the world to have a reet good giggle. And since I had other things to do last night and never got a go - here's mine.

It was Christmas again in Berlin,
Rudolph bought rounds of tonic and gin.
After 15, ye know,
I fell - wham! - in the snow.
That made the old red-nosed one grin.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I will catch up on some sleep, get enough nutrition and collect my thoughts.
And that is the end of that.

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