Greetings, Queops!!
It's T-2 days and we still have a few tables left for our first DENK MAL! QUIZ.
If you want one of them, PHONE Denkmal Lounge at 030/ 2060 9289... all the other info in the post(s) below .. or in the FB group
Wir haben noch ein paar freie Tische, ruft für Reservierungen bitte direkt in der Denkmal Lounge an ..
DENK MAL! - new quiz, old rules..
For all of you who haven't had the pleasure.. here are the current general rules for DENK MAL! quiz
.. wer bis zu Ende liest findet natürlich auch die deutsche Version :)
General rules & rounds
allgemeine Regeln & Runden
.. wer bis zu Ende liest findet natürlich auch die deutsche Version :)
General rules & rounds
- Denk Mal! Quiz is brought to you in English and German and usually consists of 5 rounds with 10 questions each
- entry fee is 5€ per table (NO COPPER COINS!!!)
- max. 6 players per team. Teams with 7 players get 1 point deducted in each round. Teams of 8 players and more have to split up. NO exceptions/ excuses :)
- you get pens & answer sheets when you register your team.
- each round is split into 2 topics, 5 questions each (music, sports, assorted bullshit, history, picture puzzles, geography.... and much more) .. there's something for almost every nationality, age, and field of expertise..
- After you’ve answered all 10 questions, swap your answer sheet with one of your friendly neighbouring teams, mark according to the correct answers given by the MerryKwizMiz, do the math, and hand in the sheets.
- Winners of the round get vodka shots, losers get peanuts.
- Joker Round – the topics of the 5 rounds are announced before kick-off. Pick the one you think you’ll do best at and double your points in that round (choice must be announced before kick-off). Unless stated otherwise, every round yields 20 points.
- Creativity counts - if you do not have the correct answers, try and come up with something creative or funny. Do not waste points by leaving blanks – funny might get you points, blanks won’t.
- Repeated smart-arsing, showing off, and other annoying behaviour will lead to yellow cards (first offence) and red cards with an automatic 1-point deduction. Smart-arses have to wear the Silly Hat of Shame until a new offender is found.
- Shame on cheats – the use of mobile devices of any kind during the rounds will be punished by deduction of half the points in the respective round. No exceptions or excuses. If you have a brain you won’t need a smartphone (at least not for the quiz).
- Winners get a bottle of vodka or whiskey, second team gets a round of drinks. The last team gets the chance to pick a topic for two of the questions rounds in the following quiz (aka Yogi Round).
allgemeine Regeln & Runden
- Denk Mal! Quiz wird euch in Deutsch und Englisch dargeboten und besteht üblicherweise aus 5 Runden mit je 10 Fragen
- Startgebühr ist 5€ pro Tisch (KEINE KUPFERMÜNZEN!!!!)
- max. 6 Spieler pro Team, Teams mit 7 Spielern erhalten 1 Punkt Abzug pro Runde. Teams von 8 oder mehr Spielern müssen sich aufteilen. KEINE Ausnahmen oder Ausreden :)
- Antwortzettel und Stifte gibt’s bei Anmeldung
- jede Runde teilt sich auf in 2 Themen mit jeweils 5 Fragen (Musik, Sport, Geography, Geschichte, vermischter Blödsinn, Bilderrätsel.. und noch viel mehr), für jede Nationalität, Altersgruppe und die meisten Interessengebiete ist etwas dabei...
- am Ende der Runde Antwortzettel mit dem freundlichen Nachbarteam tauschen, die Antworten der Nachbarn anhand der vorgelesenen richtigen Antworten bewerten, Punkte zusammen zählen und die Zettel der MerryKwizMiz aushändigen.
- Gewinner der Runde bekommen Wodka-Shots, Verlierer bekommen Erdnüsse.
- Joker-Runde – die Themen der Runden werden vor Beginn bekannt gegeben, jedes Team wählt sich eine Lieblingsrunde, in der sie ihre Punkte verdoppeln. Die Wahl muß vor Anpfiff bekannt gegeben werden. Falls nicht anders angegeben, hat jede Runde 20 Punkte.
- Kreativität zählt – wer die richtigen Antworten gerade nicht parat hat, darf sich gern in Humor und Kreativität versuchen. Wer Antworten ausläßt, verschenkt einfach nur Punkte.
- Häufiges Klugscheißen, Angeben oder andere nervtötende Unarten werden beim ersten Verstoß mit der gelben Karte, bei wiederholten Verstößen mit Rot und 1 Punkt Abzug geahndet. Missetäter müssen den Peinlichen Hut der Schande tragen, bis sich ein anderer Klugscheißer findet.
- Mogeln ist für Muppets – die Verwendung von Smartphones und andern Hilfsmitteln während der Runden wird mit Abzug der Hälfte der Punkte in dieser Runde geahndet. KEINE Ausnahmen oder Ausreden. Wer ein Hirn hat braucht (zumindest für’s Quiz) kein 'smart phone'.
- Das Siegerteam bekommt eine Flasche Wodka oder Whiskey, die Zweitplatzierten bekommen ein Runde Getränke. Die Letzten dürfen das Thema für zwei der Fragerunden im darauffolgenden Quiz bestimmen (das sogenannte Yogi-Thema).
DENK MAL! - It's happening...
T- 16 days.
The first DENK MAL! Quiz kicks off on Thursday 30 November, 8pm.
The tech check was successful and all that's left to do for me is make ansa sheets and assemble a quiz. The format, for now, remains the old one (questions? read the rules or hit me with questions).
T- 16 days.
The first DENK MAL! Quiz kicks off on Thursday 30 November, 8pm.
The tech check was successful and all that's left to do for me is make ansa sheets and assemble a quiz. The format, for now, remains the old one (questions? read the rules or hit me with questions).
RESERVATIONS are a MUST, and can be made either in the FB group or you can simply PHONE DENKMAL 030/20609289. Any day from 1pm.
Und natürlich ist das Denk Mal! Quiz zweisprachig (English und Deutsch) und auch Fragen und Kommentare werden in mindestens zwei Sprachen beantwortet :)
DENK MAL! Pub Quiz
Denkmal Lounge Irish Pub
Auguststraße 92 (Mitte/Ecke Oranienburger)
10117 Berlin
fon 030/20609289
Und natürlich ist das Denk Mal! Quiz zweisprachig (English und Deutsch) und auch Fragen und Kommentare werden in mindestens zwei Sprachen beantwortet :)
DENK MAL! Pub Quiz
Denkmal Lounge Irish Pub
Auguststraße 92 (Mitte/Ecke Oranienburger)
10117 Berlin
fon 030/20609289
New beginnings.. again? Denk Mal!
Gooooooooooood morning Queops!
So - Denkmal Lounge Irish Pub it is.. or is it? Do check it out (best way is to go there and have a look & a pint) ...and let me know what you think (comment here or mail me).. I for one am dying to ask all the stupid questions I've collected this summer :D
After a long-ish absence (and some withdrawal symptoms), some - hopefully good - quiz news.
We might have found us a new home.
Denkmal Lounge Irish Pub, Auguststraße 92, 10117 Berlin.
It's an Irish/international/German/50s&60s pub/sports bar, HUUUGE, with lots of space, 11 ginormous TV screens, cozy seating, all the tech we need, beer bargains, the cleanest and most spacious toilets I've seen in a long time, and very nice international staff. And almost literally round the corner from Oscar's..
For all the pros there are a few cons..
It's a smokers' pub but we can simply take the ashtrays off the table and smoke outside between rounds.., just like we did in Oscar's. The more of us, the fewer 'non-quiz' people who smoke in the front.
As a smokers' pub it has no kitchen. BUT there's a lovely Italian resto across the road where you can pick up quiz nosh (or even get it delivered). Also - it's just off Oranienburger Straße .. loads of international food just minutes away.
It's large but basically just one room(ish)... we'd need a few teams to be in the majority ;) ..
Oh, and Schalke fans might have to wear sunglasses, the interior has shades of yellow and black :)))
All that said, I'm totally willing to give it a go (we could keep our'm not willing to travel round town to check all the other pubs...
So - Denkmal Lounge Irish Pub it is.. or is it? Do check it out (best way is to go there and have a look & a pint) ...and let me know what you think (comment here or mail me).. I for one am dying to ask all the stupid questions I've collected this summer :D
Happy November (or Movember, or Yesvember.. )
Merry QuizMiz
This is the end, my friends.... A Wilde Quiz Swan Song
On #DelugeDay, at the end of an exciting and fun Champions League final (in which Fietscherings****** beat CannonballZ** by HALF A POINT and gathered their 6th Wilde Quiz Champions title) we were hit over the head with the sad (but no quite unexpected) news that the Oscar Wilde Irish Pub closes its gates on 16 July. Not only do we mourn a place were friends were made, football followed, were Guinness flowed freely and languages were learned, we also have to say good bye to the institution that was, for almost 15 years, YE WILDE QUIZ.
It is with a heavy heart and more than one tear in our eyes that we announce the VERY, VERY, VERY LAST WILDE QUIZ. In which we are going to partay, ask and answer questions, laugh and drink, play silly games, and reminisce the f*** out of the night.
We have 4 tables left on TUESDAY 11 July. The door to the back bar will open at 7pm (the quiz starts at 8pm) and (most of) the ususal rules apply.
Mail your reservation requests, questions, and/or comments to
Whatever the future might bring is unclear as yet. Maybe we'll move on to another place, maybe we'll meet in the park. And maybe we'll never meet again.. For updates do watch this space.
The End is nigh... of Champions League season 18
Queops, the summer is (finally?) upon us and we want to bring the exciting Wilde Quiz Champions League Season 18 to an end before we all, at various times, head into the summer hols.. Only 3 quizzes left and although it seems as if Fietscherings have already run away with their 6th title, we might still see the finishing line attack of Great BallZ on Fire... or Powerpoints on the prowl. In the quiz biz you never know...
After the fun night that was WQ#224 (with F-words, trips down memory lane, polyphonic ringtones & the novelty 'movie scene song' round) we meet again for WQ#225 on Thursday 1 June at 8pm.. YAY - KINDERTAG!!
There will be rounds on (not of) fast food and fast animals (and slow ones), kinder(leichte) Fragen and sightseeing trips. And we will celebrate the return of the fresh Raspberry Ginger Mint Lime Vodka Shot. YUM!!
We still have 4 tables for teams looking for a challenge (or looking to challenge) .. bookings by mail to NO PHONE CALLS to Oscar Wilde, I won't get them before Thursday night and that's too late.
The remainder of season 18 will be played in June.
WQ#226 - Thursday 15 June, 8pm
WQ#227 - Thursday 29 June, 8pm
Dates for July and August are yet to be confirmed.
After the fun night that was WQ#224 (with F-words, trips down memory lane, polyphonic ringtones & the novelty 'movie scene song' round) we meet again for WQ#225 on Thursday 1 June at 8pm.. YAY - KINDERTAG!!
There will be rounds on (not of) fast food and fast animals (and slow ones), kinder(leichte) Fragen and sightseeing trips. And we will celebrate the return of the fresh Raspberry Ginger Mint Lime Vodka Shot. YUM!!
We still have 4 tables for teams looking for a challenge (or looking to challenge) .. bookings by mail to NO PHONE CALLS to Oscar Wilde, I won't get them before Thursday night and that's too late.
The remainder of season 18 will be played in June.
WQ#226 - Thursday 15 June, 8pm
WQ#227 - Thursday 29 June, 8pm
Dates for July and August are yet to be confirmed.
Bücher, Berge, Ben Skywalker & Great BallZ* on fire - WQ#223
1. CannonballZ** 99
2. Quizzers w/ Attitude 90,5
3. Pünktchen 85,5
4. Fietscherings***** 77,5
5. Quiz in my Pants 63
6. Yvonne III 59,5
7. Moostard 57,5
8. Vom Fuchs Geleckt 52
9. P2P 46,5

The next quiz is WQ#224 on Thursday 11 May (the Thursday before Eurowischen #justsaying) and we still have 5 tables.
Then we take a 3-week break till 1 June (Kindertag!!!) ... the next Wilde Quiz dates are
WQ#224 11 May
WQ#225 1 June
WQ#226 15 June
WQ#227 29 June
See you on of those days,
Tennis, Tiddlytubbies, and The Big Apple. Powerpünktchens. And never mind RAMRO - WQ#222
WQ#222 was a night of fun and f***-ups. Well, actually just ONE F-UP but what a glorious one :)
Glorious was also what I would call the performance of POWERpoints aka Pünktchens. Congrats on grabbing gold in WQ#222, and staying on the heels of Fietscherings.. with 5 games left, can we crown NEWnew champions this summer??
1. Pünktchen 89,5
2. CannonballZ** 86,5
3. Fietscherings***** 83,5
4. Amazing Graces* 76,5
5. P2P 75,5
6. Vom Fuchs Geleckt 68
7. Monkey Team 67
8. Stat Gehirn 63,5
9. MyStat 55,5

WQ#223 on 4 May (May the Fourth, hint, hint ;)) will give the rest of the regular teams their 6th game and the Champions League season will kick of for real.
1. Pünktchen 89,5
2. CannonballZ** 86,5
3. Fietscherings***** 83,5
4. Amazing Graces* 76,5
5. P2P 75,5
6. Vom Fuchs Geleckt 68
7. Monkey Team 67
8. Stat Gehirn 63,5
9. MyStat 55,5

WQ#223 on 4 May (May the Fourth, hint, hint ;)) will give the rest of the regular teams their 6th game and the Champions League season will kick of for real.
WQ#224 will most likely take place on Thursday 11 May since we have other plans for 18 May. But more on that in May...
P2P, Pelmeni, Penny/Peggy & Pepsi f***-up - WQ#221
Fietscherings and Pünktchens were the first teams to reach 6 games and can now start on their Streichergebnisse (in case of Fietschs... muahaha - their WORST is 78!).. maybe we will see the first Champions in Wilde Quiztory with a 600+ score .. ich bin schon so aufgeregt ...
1. Fietscherings***** 97,5
2. Pünktchen 95,5
3. Quizzers w/ Attitude (fka 4.2.Won) 89,5
4. Vom Fuchs Geleckt 68
5. Amazing Graces* 67,5
6. Moostard 65
7. P2P 63
Massive THX to P2P for two lovely Yogi topics (with LOADS of leftover questions #justsaying), so lovely in fact that they have the next two, too :D
Now we take a well deserved and much needed Easter/פֶּסַח break.. I wish you all Hoppy Easter and/or חַג כָּשֵׁר וְשָׂמֵחַ ... see you on 20 April for WQ#222 (only 3 tables left now so get them while you can...)
Now we take a well deserved and much needed Easter/פֶּסַח break.. I wish you all Hoppy Easter and/or חַג כָּשֵׁר וְשָׂמֵחַ ... see you on 20 April for WQ#222 (only 3 tables left now so get them while you can...)
Spring Roll Call & Roundup
Quick recap for the few Queops who are not following things at BrainsInBerlin ..
WQ#220 was another 'fun en famille' night and BallZ finally started their title defence.. Fietschs and Pünktchens still lead the table and the fun really starts after we celebrate halftime on 6 April. Below are points of the night and the Champions League table before Bergfest.

WQ#220 was another 'fun en famille' night and BallZ finally started their title defence.. Fietschs and Pünktchens still lead the table and the fun really starts after we celebrate halftime on 6 April. Below are points of the night and the Champions League table before Bergfest.
1. CannonballZ** 94,5
2. Fietscherings***** 78
3. 4-2-Won 76
4. Pünktchen 66
5. Amazing Graces* 57,5
6. Angela’s Ankles 44
7. Professional Monkey Feeders 42
8. P2P 25,5
2. Fietscherings***** 78
3. 4-2-Won 76
4. Pünktchen 66
5. Amazing Graces* 57,5
6. Angela’s Ankles 44
7. Professional Monkey Feeders 42
8. P2P 25,5

WQ#221 takes place on 6 April, we have 3 tables left and deadline for reservations is Wednesday 9am. After that we'll throw ourselves into the preparations for what is going to be our annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Egg hunt & other games, sweets 'n' treats and a bigly basket full of interesting topics, new pictures and sweet sounds. And maybe even fresh raspberry vodka shots ...
I eggsaterate not when I say we're rolling out an eggsciting quiz ... chicken bet on it 👯
Songs with numbers, spot the ball, super Shellfish Giants, and Spring break - WQ#219
1. Fietscherings***** 98,5
2. CannonballZ** 98
3. Shellfish Giants 94
4. Pünktchen 93
5. The Fab Five 64
6. Amazing Graces* 58,5
7. P2P 58,5
8. Nieman Sisters 56,5
9. Angela’s Ankles 54,5
10. MD aka MicroDiscovery 46,5
11. P2 Squared (after 4 rounds) 38
BallZ and 4.2.Won teamed up again, finished a close second and this time Ballz took the points (and got the better deal) ...BUT Pünktchens profited from 4.2.Won forfeiting the round and climbed into second place with another nice 90+ score. This race is definitely just starting and looks more and more interesting by the week...
As announced, we take a 3-week break and return for WQ#220 on 23 March (ONLY 4 TABLES LEFT). Then back to the old 1st+3rd Thursday routine.. details on Easter Quiz soon..
Have a phantastic March and enjoy the spring and the sun.
WQ#219 - Prediction of the Week
As announced, POTW for #WQ219 is Oscars.
Pick 4!!!! of the following 7 categories and predict the winners. Deadline is Sunday midnight.
(wer die deutschen Kategorien/Filmtitel braucht - GIYF ;)
Best Adapted Screenplay
- Arrival – Eric Heisserer
- Fences – August Wilson (posthumous nomination)
- Hidden Figures – Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
- Lion – Luke Davies from A Long Way Home
- Moonlight – Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney
Best Foreign Language Film
- Land of Mine (Denmark) in Danish – Martin Zandvliet
- A Man Called Ove (Sweden) in Swedish – Hannes Holm
- The Salesman (Iran) in Persian – Asghar Farhadi
- Tanna (Australia) in Nauvhal – Martin Butler and Bentley Dean
- Toni Erdmann (Germany) in German – Maren Ade
Best Animated Feature Film
- Kubo and the Two Strings – Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner
- Moana – John Musker, Ron Clements, and Osnat Shurer
- My Life as a Zucchini – Claude Barras and Max Karli
- The Red Turtle – Michaël Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki
- Zootopia – Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Clark Spencer
Best Original Song
- "Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" from La La Land
- "Can't Stop the Feeling!" from Trolls
- "City of Stars" from La La Land
- "The Empty Chair" from Jim: The James Foley Story
- "How Far I'll Go" from Moana
Best Visual Effects
- Deepwater Horizon
- Doctor Strange
- The Jungle Book
- Kubo and the Two Strings
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Best Director
- Denis Villeneuve – Arrival
- Mel Gibson – Hacksaw Ridge
- Damien Chazelle – La La Land
- Kenneth Lonergan – Manchester by the Sea
- Barry Jenkins – Moonlight
Best Supporting Actress
- Viola Davis – Fences as Rose Maxson
- Naomie Harris – Moonlight as Paula
- Nicole Kidman – Lion as Sue Brierley
- Octavia Spencer – Hidden Figures as Dorothy Vaughan
- Michelle Williams – Manchester by the Sea as Randi
(wer die deutschen Kategorien/Filmtitel braucht - GIYF ;)
Best Adapted Screenplay
- Arrival – Eric Heisserer
- Fences – August Wilson (posthumous nomination)
- Hidden Figures – Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi
- Lion – Luke Davies from A Long Way Home
- Moonlight – Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney
Best Foreign Language Film
- Land of Mine (Denmark) in Danish – Martin Zandvliet
- A Man Called Ove (Sweden) in Swedish – Hannes Holm
- The Salesman (Iran) in Persian – Asghar Farhadi
- Tanna (Australia) in Nauvhal – Martin Butler and Bentley Dean
- Toni Erdmann (Germany) in German – Maren Ade
Best Animated Feature Film
- Kubo and the Two Strings – Travis Knight and Arianne Sutner
- Moana – John Musker, Ron Clements, and Osnat Shurer
- My Life as a Zucchini – Claude Barras and Max Karli
- The Red Turtle – Michaël Dudok de Wit and Toshio Suzuki
- Zootopia – Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Clark Spencer
Best Original Song
- "Audition (The Fools Who Dream)" from La La Land
- "Can't Stop the Feeling!" from Trolls
- "City of Stars" from La La Land
- "The Empty Chair" from Jim: The James Foley Story
- "How Far I'll Go" from Moana
Best Visual Effects
- Deepwater Horizon
- Doctor Strange
- The Jungle Book
- Kubo and the Two Strings
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Best Director
- Denis Villeneuve – Arrival
- Mel Gibson – Hacksaw Ridge
- Damien Chazelle – La La Land
- Kenneth Lonergan – Manchester by the Sea
- Barry Jenkins – Moonlight
Best Supporting Actress
- Viola Davis – Fences as Rose Maxson
- Naomie Harris – Moonlight as Paula
- Nicole Kidman – Lion as Sue Brierley
- Octavia Spencer – Hidden Figures as Dorothy Vaughan
- Michelle Williams – Manchester by the Sea as Randi
Oscars at the Oscar's - WQ#219
First things first, Wilde Quiz #218 was the most fun in a long time, largely due to the big but very well-behaved and most knowledgable crowd we've seen this year. We look forward to seeing some of the 'newbies' again for WQ#219.. do make it a habit :)
BallZ joined forces with 4-2-Won... and won, And generously donated their Champions League points to 4-2-Won who climbed up to #2 in the CL table. For now.
1. 4-2-BallZ 88,5
2. Amazing Graces* 87,5
3. Fietscherings***** 85
4. P2P 75
5. Pünktchens 71
6. Professional Monkey Feeders 68
7. Angela’s Ankles 67
8. Schmidteinander 62,5
9. Fröbel Röbel 55,5
10. Frozen Mushrooms 51,5
11. Team Moloko 41
BallZ joined forces with 4-2-Won... and won, And generously donated their Champions League points to 4-2-Won who climbed up to #2 in the CL table. For now.
1. 4-2-BallZ 88,5
2. Amazing Graces* 87,5
3. Fietscherings***** 85
4. P2P 75
5. Pünktchens 71
6. Professional Monkey Feeders 68
7. Angela’s Ankles 67
8. Schmidteinander 62,5
9. Fröbel Röbel 55,5
10. Frozen Mushrooms 51,5
11. Team Moloko 41
Wilde Quiz #219 on 2 March is now fully booked. There is a waiting list in case someone cancels - if you want on it, send us a mail to
Prediction of the week in a separate post, or in the FB group.
Looking forward to WQ#219 with cover versions, Oscars trivia, naked facts, Fasching, and viel fun.
Von A(lternative Facts) bis Z(itate)... and almost everything inbetween... plus Grammy songs, puzzling pics - WQ#218
Now that BAFTAs and GRAMMYs have been won (or at least handed out) it's time to return to the Wilde Quiz title race... round 3 (WQ#218) is up on Thursday 16 February and we are now FULLY BOOKED/AUSGEBUCHT.
It will be interesting to see who takes the third win of the season. Can Fietscherings make it a treble of century breaks? With DAQ absent again and BallZ missing their S04 core, can Pünktchens prevail, Graces go for gold, or 4-2-Won win? With new quiz-savvy teams joining us the game, Mrs. Hudson, is definitely on...
Beat-the-BallZ** season is open - next up: NFL, jubilees & nackte Tatsachen. WQ#217
Apologies for the late update but RL and all that...
First game of Champions League Season 18 was fun (despite, or maybe because of, the relatively small crowd), and yielded YUUUUGE points (first century break of the season already!!).. even though it cost me my voice...
Anyroad, I've finally found the points table with last week's MASSIVE SCORES. The best scores! We always have the best numbers. The very best. Ever. WIN!
And the first winners of Champions League Season 18 are...
1. Fietscherings***** 105,5
2. CannonballZ** 9,5
3. DAQ******** 84
4. Pünktchens 84
5. 4-2-Won 81,5
6. Friend Sips 76,5
7. The Importance of Being Quizzical 69,5
Massive points indeed when the 'last' team has more points than the second-placed team on many other nights.
And the first winners of Champions League Season 18 are...
1. Fietscherings***** 105,5
2. CannonballZ** 9,5
3. DAQ******** 84
4. Pünktchens 84
5. 4-2-Won 81,5
6. Friend Sips 76,5
7. The Importance of Being Quizzical 69,5
Massive points indeed when the 'last' team has more points than the second-placed team on many other nights.
As for the future - my voice is back if still a bit scratchy and I WON'T SHOUT NEXT THURSDAY (nor will I needlessly repeat questions if queops can'tbe quiet) but WQ#217 IS GO!!! Thursday 2 February at 8pm. Only 2 tables left now.. mail me if you want one.
Those who have a table might want to start with up to 5 points by chancing it in the Prediction of the Week. Simply pick 5 of the following 9 matches (football, tennis, handball) and predict the winner (or draw). Deadlines are the respective kick-off times.
• Ingolstadt – HSV 3.30pm
• Oxford Utd. – Newcastle Utd 4pm
• Southampton - Arsenal 6.30pm
• Senegal - Cameroon 8pm
• Freiburg – Hertha 3.30pm
• Congo - Ghana 5pm
• USA - Serbia 10pm
• Liverpool – Chelsea 9pm
Saturday / Sunday
• Australian Open Women’s Single Final
• Australian Open Men’s Single Final
• Handball World Cup Final
• Ingolstadt – HSV 3.30pm
• Oxford Utd. – Newcastle Utd 4pm
• Southampton - Arsenal 6.30pm
• Senegal - Cameroon 8pm
• Freiburg – Hertha 3.30pm
• Congo - Ghana 5pm
• USA - Serbia 10pm
• Liverpool – Chelsea 9pm
Saturday / Sunday
• Australian Open Women’s Single Final
• Australian Open Men’s Single Final
• Handball World Cup Final
Let's get serious (not too much though) - Ye Wilde Quiz Champions League Season 18!!!
Greetings, Queops! It has been a while since real news appeared here but I'm a bit 'hand'icapped at the mo and typing one-handedly is a chore.
Anyroads, show must go on... New Years quiz is a thing of the past (lots of new faces and even more fun) and was meant to be a soft start into quiz year 2017 (points somewhere below, for those of you who need reminder or confirmation).
We are kicking off the new Wilde Quiz Champions League season with WQ#216 on Thursday 19 January at 8pm. Going back to the regular rules and rounds, we're going to have 2 picture rounds and 2 music rounds, one golden round and one round about current events and ****heads about to take office. The other topics are still top secret ;)
Fietscherings - if you are reading this, I await your Yogi topics with impatience and preferably before Sunday 9pm,
We still have a few tables. If you want in drop us a line (
And last but not least the chance to start with up to FOUR! points. Prediction of the week -.Handball World Cup. Pick four of the following eight games and predict the winners. Send me your wild guesses by mail, before the respective games kick off.
14 Jan Brasil - Poland
15 Jan France - Norway
15 Jan Chile - Germany
16 Jan Slovenia - Macedonia
16 Jan Denmark - Sweden
16 Jan Croatia - Belarus
17 Jan Germany - Saudi Arabia
18 Jan Argentina - Egypt
And here are the New Year's points. Congrats to 4-2-Won on the first victory 2017.
1. 4-2-Won 76
2. CannonballZ 71
3. Pünktchens 70
4. U Been Trumped 69,5
5. Bierpfütze 60,5
6. Flying Penguins 58,5
7. Amazing Graces 54
8. Fietscherings 52,5
9. Die Unterschriftenmafia 38,5
PS To all the smartarses and Immerdazwischenquatscher - we have a new #HatOfShame ;)
Anyroads, show must go on... New Years quiz is a thing of the past (lots of new faces and even more fun) and was meant to be a soft start into quiz year 2017 (points somewhere below, for those of you who need reminder or confirmation).
We are kicking off the new Wilde Quiz Champions League season with WQ#216 on Thursday 19 January at 8pm. Going back to the regular rules and rounds, we're going to have 2 picture rounds and 2 music rounds, one golden round and one round about current events and ****heads about to take office. The other topics are still top secret ;)
Fietscherings - if you are reading this, I await your Yogi topics with impatience and preferably before Sunday 9pm,
We still have a few tables. If you want in drop us a line (
And last but not least the chance to start with up to FOUR! points. Prediction of the week -.Handball World Cup. Pick four of the following eight games and predict the winners. Send me your wild guesses by mail, before the respective games kick off.
14 Jan Brasil - Poland
15 Jan France - Norway
15 Jan Chile - Germany
16 Jan Slovenia - Macedonia
16 Jan Denmark - Sweden
16 Jan Croatia - Belarus
17 Jan Germany - Saudi Arabia
18 Jan Argentina - Egypt
And here are the New Year's points. Congrats to 4-2-Won on the first victory 2017.
1. 4-2-Won 76
2. CannonballZ 71
3. Pünktchens 70
4. U Been Trumped 69,5
5. Bierpfütze 60,5
6. Flying Penguins 58,5
7. Amazing Graces 54
8. Fietscherings 52,5
9. Die Unterschriftenmafia 38,5
PS To all the smartarses and Immerdazwischenquatscher - we have a new #HatOfShame ;)
Manners matter
Quiz year 2017 kicked off rather nicely and all teams old and new were enjoying themselves plenty.
For those teams who booked a table, didn't show up and never even bothered to cancel thus robbing other teams of the chance to get a table - bad manners.
Don't bother trying to book again. Much like Santa, I'm making a list. And you're on it,
That said - all the new teams tonight were lovely queops and are welcome back any Thursday. Your names I have too :)
ps. points & stuff later this week ;D
For those teams who booked a table, didn't show up and never even bothered to cancel thus robbing other teams of the chance to get a table - bad manners.
Don't bother trying to book again. Much like Santa, I'm making a list. And you're on it,
That said - all the new teams tonight were lovely queops and are welcome back any Thursday. Your names I have too :)
ps. points & stuff later this week ;D
Wilde Quiz 2017.. here we go again
NewYear's greetings, queops! Hope y'all had a good start into 2017 and are chomping at the bit.
We start the new quiz year on Thursday 5 January, 8pm, with the annual review quiz - 4 rounds about things and people that mattered in 2016.
There is only 1 table left now. If you want in best be quick to send a mail to
The dates for the next quizzes are
WQ#216 Thursday 19 January (start WQ Champions League Season 18)
WQ#217 Thursday 2 February
WQ#218 Thursday 16 January
WQ#219 Thursday 2 March
We start the new quiz year on Thursday 5 January, 8pm, with the annual review quiz - 4 rounds about things and people that mattered in 2016.
There is only 1 table left now. If you want in best be quick to send a mail to
The dates for the next quizzes are
WQ#216 Thursday 19 January (start WQ Champions League Season 18)
WQ#217 Thursday 2 February
WQ#218 Thursday 16 January
WQ#219 Thursday 2 March
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