- Cottbus - Rot-Weiß Erfurt Saturday 2pm
- Werder Bremen - HSV Saturday 3.30pm
- The New Saints - Airbus UK (Welsh PL) Saturday 6.15pm
- Leicester - ManU Saturday 6.30pm
- Tottenham - Chelsea Sunday 1pm
- St. Pauli - Nürnberg Sunday 1.30pm
- West Ham - West Brom Sunday 3pm
- Leverkusen - Schalke Sunday 5.30pm
Prediction of the Week for WQ#192
Just in time for the football weekend - prediction of the week. If you want to start WQ#192 with 4 points, pick 4 (!!) of the 8 games and predict the result (win/draw). Deadline / Einsendeschluß - KO times /Anstoßzeiten. You can send me a mail or leave a comment here or in the fb group.
France, fun & viele neue Gesichter - WQ#191
Greetings, Queops!!
Before it's too late (I have a been a tad busy with 'things') .. the current CL table, last week's points, and reservations as of today)
1. DAQ******* 94
2. Fietscherings***** 87,5
3. Amazing Graces* 86,5
4. Cannonballs* 83,5
5. Pünktchen +/- Arno 81
6. A-Team 68,5
7. 4-2-Won 65,5
8. Die Quizzzers 63,5
9. Sauerkraut 61,5
10. Quereinsteiger 53
11. Stan & The Stanimals 50,5
Also - Quereinsteiger - ihr habt noch bis morgen (Samstag) Abend um mir eure Themenvorschläge (Yogi-Runde) zu schicken, sonst gehe ich davon aus daß ihr nicht dabei seid, gebe euren Tisch frei und denk mir selbst was aus :)
Get ready for WQ#192 ... it's DAQ hunting season!!!
Before it's too late (I have a been a tad busy with 'things') .. the current CL table, last week's points, and reservations as of today)
2. Fietscherings***** 87,5
3. Amazing Graces* 86,5
4. Cannonballs* 83,5
5. Pünktchen +/- Arno 81
6. A-Team 68,5
7. 4-2-Won 65,5
8. Die Quizzzers 63,5
9. Sauerkraut 61,5
10. Quereinsteiger 53
11. Stan & The Stanimals 50,5

Also - Quereinsteiger - ihr habt noch bis morgen (Samstag) Abend um mir eure Themenvorschläge (Yogi-Runde) zu schicken, sonst gehe ich davon aus daß ihr nicht dabei seid, gebe euren Tisch frei und denk mir selbst was aus :)
Get ready for WQ#192 ... it's DAQ hunting season!!!
If you want one of the remaining tables - RESERVATIONS ONLY BY MAIL to quiz_miz@hotmail.com
Vive la France!!!
We are gonna have a 'France' round, and celebrate World Television Day, and also do things 'initially'. Be prepared :D .. and most of all - BE PUNCTUAL!!
There are only 4 tables left - if you want one of them - send us a mail. It's the only way to reserve a table.
PLEASE NOTE: I will read, and reply to, all mails sent before Thursday 2.30pm. After that, I'll be offline till quiz kicks off. You'd have to come down to Oscar's and hope that you find a free table.
There are only 4 tables left - if you want one of them - send us a mail. It's the only way to reserve a table.
PLEASE NOTE: I will read, and reply to, all mails sent before Thursday 2.30pm. After that, I'll be offline till quiz kicks off. You'd have to come down to Oscar's and hope that you find a free table.
Prediction of the Week - WQ#191
Since the next Wilde Quiz is almost upon us - here is the new Prediction of the Week. 4 points are up for grabs, the game is FOOTBALL ('soccer' to some of you)..
The first 2 points:
David Beckham "Unicef for Children" match,
The first 2 points:
GB/Ireland XI vs Rest of the World XI (Sunday 4pm)
Who will win (and don't say 'the children')/how many goals will be scored? GB/IRe 3 RotW 1 (Graces, BallZ & Fietschs 1 pt each)
For 2 more points - pick 2 of the following internationals on Monday/Tuesday (EURO qualifiers/meaningless friendlies) and predict the results (win/draw)
Who will win (and don't say 'the children')/how many goals will be scored? GB/IRe 3 RotW 1 (Graces, BallZ & Fietschs 1 pt each)
For 2 more points - pick 2 of the following internationals on Monday/Tuesday (EURO qualifiers/meaningless friendlies) and predict the results (win/draw)
Ireland - Bosnia-Herzegovina Mon 8.45pmIRE 2 - BOS 0- Denmark - Sweden Tue 8.45pm
- Russia - Croatia Tue 5pm
Belgium - Spain Tue 8.45pminstead I offer you Austria - Switzerland Tue 8.45pm- German - Holland Tue 8.45pm
- England - France Tue 9pm
Deadlines are the respective KO times. Predictions by mail or comment here/fb group.
And now goeth and findeth your crystal ballZ... or tea leaves.08/11/2015
Fassy, Viel Fun & F-Words in the Title - WQ#190
As if we'd never been away....
The first Wilde Quiz since.. before the summer went well, and was heaps of fun. (never mind the few hiccups in preparation). And as if to celebrate the return to old stomping grounds, BigBallZ decided to take the game to DAQ (who had won the first 4 games in season 16) and bagged their first win of the season.
WQ#191 is Halbzeit for DAQ, Graces & Fietscherings. After that - Streichergebnisse ;) .. P+/-A still need 3 games, BallZ 4. With another 7 games to play, anything can happen.
WQ#191 is Halbzeit for DAQ, Graces & Fietscherings. After that - Streichergebnisse ;) .. P+/-A still need 3 games, BallZ 4. With another 7 games to play, anything can happen.
- CannonballZ* 80,5
- Fietscherings***** 76
- DAQ******* 75
- Graces* 69
- Pünktchen +/- Arno 71,5
- Feid Club 54,5
- Crazy Pumpkins 48
Crazy Pumpkins got their first Yogi (please do send me a mail with at least 3 suggestions .. NO more 'celebrity person' rounds, no quantum physics, no boy bands ;) by Saturday 14 November. And just in case - if Pumpkins don't return on 19 November, Feid Club can send me 3 topics too.
Next week is Hasenquiz Week, and Ye Wilde Quiz returneth on Thursday 19 November. We start pretty much on time (need to finish 11pm) so please be there before 8pm. I promise the back bar will be open 7.45pm at the latest.
We only have 4 tables left. If you want one, send a mail. Or leave a note in the fb group.
That's all for now - enjoy the nice side of autumn. See you soon at one of the quizzes, rabbit or wilde.
Small balls, massive points - Prediction of the Week WQ#189
Almost forgot - not only is Ye Wilde Quiz back - POTW is also making a return.
If you are attending WQ#189 on Thursday 5 November, and want to start with 4 points, pick 3 of the following 6 Champions League / Europa League games and predict the result (win/draw)
Also, for 1 bonus point - how many goals will be scored in all those 8 games together? #plusminusgarnichts
Good luck. See you Thursday!
If you are attending WQ#189 on Thursday 5 November, and want to start with 4 points, pick 3 of the following 6 Champions League / Europa League games and predict the result (win/draw)
PSV 2 - Wolfsburg 0Gladbach 1 - Juve 1Bayern - Arsenal Wednesday 8.45pmRoma - Leverkusen Wednesday 8.45pmChelsea - Kiev Wednesday 8.45pm- Dortmund - Qäbälä Thursday 7pm
- Sparta - Schalke Thursday 9pm
- Augsburg - Alkmaar Thursday 9pm
Good luck. See you Thursday!
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