Fair's fair an' all... the facebook 'groupies' have had their heads-up so here is for the others too..
One round in Wilde Quiz #92 will be Trivial Pursuit (the Darts version) and music round will be cover versions. And BOY DO I HAVE mystery objects and baby photos for the picture round :)
No idea what the other two rounds will be but the night is still young.
If you miss THAT quiz you only have yourself to blame :D
To quiz.. that is no question
Wilde Quiz #92 on Thursday 30 May.
We have just about enough teams to go along as planned with the second quiz in Champions League Season 8.
We start bright and early at 8pm!!! and finish at 11pm at the very latest. I have a last bus to catch ;)
Anyone who's still undecided - come on down and join the fun. Even short notice. Just be there before 8pm :D
We have just about enough teams to go along as planned with the second quiz in Champions League Season 8.
We start bright and early at 8pm!!! and finish at 11pm at the very latest. I have a last bus to catch ;)
Anyone who's still undecided - come on down and join the fun. Even short notice. Just be there before 8pm :D
Neue Staffel, neues Glück oder: Alcohol Is Free
Well, that was another fun night in familiärer Atmosphäre.
First winners in Wilde Quiz Season 8 - Cannonballs! And thanks for the vodka ;)
Points and 5 or 6 pics later this weekend.
Just a few important things before I tackle the chaos that is moving house. READ CAREFULLY.
Summer is (allegedly) coming and we will have fewer teams (or more space) over the next couple of weeks. The Wilde Quiz will not take a summer break BUT we will need at least 5 teams on any given quiz night to justify the effort to write and prepare the quizzes. Reservations won't be necessary for the time being BUT a heads-up is appreciated so that we know who is coming and if we get enough teams for a quiz. Leave a comment here or on FB or mail me or - best - phone Oscar Wilde.
So far we have 3 teams for Thursday 30 May and that means no quiz. If we get at least 2 more 'reservations' we'll have one. Check here for updates.
And IF we do have one on Thursday 30 May, you can start with 2 points if you predict the following:
First winners in Wilde Quiz Season 8 - Cannonballs! And thanks for the vodka ;)
Points and 5 or 6 pics later this weekend.
Just a few important things before I tackle the chaos that is moving house. READ CAREFULLY.
Summer is (allegedly) coming and we will have fewer teams (or more space) over the next couple of weeks. The Wilde Quiz will not take a summer break BUT we will need at least 5 teams on any given quiz night to justify the effort to write and prepare the quizzes. Reservations won't be necessary for the time being BUT a heads-up is appreciated so that we know who is coming and if we get enough teams for a quiz. Leave a comment here or on FB or mail me or - best - phone Oscar Wilde.
So far we have 3 teams for Thursday 30 May and that means no quiz. If we get at least 2 more 'reservations' we'll have one. Check here for updates.
And IF we do have one on Thursday 30 May, you can start with 2 points if you predict the following:
- which of the 2 German teams will win the Champions League tonight?
- how many goals will be scored in total (that would theoretically include extra time and penalties)
you can leave your prediction as a comment here or in the FB group or mail me. Deadline is 9pm tonight.
Nur noch mal zur Erinnerung (bitte SORGFÄLTIG LESEN)
Wilde Quiz macht keine Sommerpause ABER wenn wir nicht mindestens 5 Teams am Abend zusammenkriegen lohnt sich der ganze Aufwand nicht. Reservierungen aus Platzgründen werden vorerst nicht nötig sein aber Ansagen wären gut damit ich weiß wie viele kommen. Einfach hier oder bei FB Kommentar hinterlassen oder mail schicken oder im Oscar ins Buch eintragen lassen.
Für kommenden Donnerstag haben sich erst 3 Teams gemeldet d.h. momentan gibt's kein Quiz am 30 Mai. Sollten noch mindestens 2 dazu kommen ändert sich das natürlich.
ABER (sollten wir ein Quiz haben) - 2 Punkte sind zu holen für PREDICTION OF THE WEEK: Bis Samstag 21.00 Uhr dürft ihr raten/vorhersagen:
Nur noch mal zur Erinnerung (bitte SORGFÄLTIG LESEN)
Wilde Quiz macht keine Sommerpause ABER wenn wir nicht mindestens 5 Teams am Abend zusammenkriegen lohnt sich der ganze Aufwand nicht. Reservierungen aus Platzgründen werden vorerst nicht nötig sein aber Ansagen wären gut damit ich weiß wie viele kommen. Einfach hier oder bei FB Kommentar hinterlassen oder mail schicken oder im Oscar ins Buch eintragen lassen.
Für kommenden Donnerstag haben sich erst 3 Teams gemeldet d.h. momentan gibt's kein Quiz am 30 Mai. Sollten noch mindestens 2 dazu kommen ändert sich das natürlich.
ABER (sollten wir ein Quiz haben) - 2 Punkte sind zu holen für PREDICTION OF THE WEEK: Bis Samstag 21.00 Uhr dürft ihr raten/vorhersagen:
- wer gewinnt das Champions League Finale (50/50 Joker ;))
- wie viele Tore werden insgesamt fallen (das würde theoretisch bis in Verlängerung/Elfmeterschießen gehen)
Spannung, Champions & Chansons
Well, that was a memorable und totally enjoyable Champions League Final. Not to speak of spannend bis zum Schluß.
Winner of WQ#90 and new 'old' Wilde Quiz Champions (for the third time, so they can keep the trophy)
Die 3 Fragezeichen (aka ???)
Only 2.5 points more than DAQ in the end, you don't get them much closer. Congratulations to the new Champions and to all the other teams who fough till the end and hopefully had fun all the while.
But Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel and next week we start with Champions League Season 8. Another 12 weeks of Spiel & Spaß & Spannung.
Pics, points and the final table up here in the next few days, I'm busy moving house.
and before I forget - PREDICTION OF THE WEEK:
If you want to start WQ#91 on 23 May with 3 points you have to - correctly - predict the following:
Which country will win tomorrow's Eurovision Song Contest, which country will be last, and in what place with Germany end up? Give or take nothing ;)
You can send your predictions by mail or leave a message in the facebook group. Deadline is tomorrow (Saturday) 9pm.
end in Dschörmin: es gibt für WQ91 next week 3 Punkte zu holen wenn ihr richtig vorhersagt wer morgen beim Jurowischen thingie Erster wird, Letzter wird, und welchen Platz Germany belegt. PlusMinusGarnichts ;)
Einsendungen per mail oder in der FB Gruppe hinterlassen, ist ja nicht so daß man abgucken könnte ;)
von ???*** und Hurricanes hab ich Vorhersagen (beide haben übrigens schon einen Punkt von gestern ;)) - alle anderen haben bis Samstag 18. Mai um 21.00 Uhr Zeit.
Und next week gibt's ne Jurowischen Runde ;)
Spiel, Spaß & Spannung (und suspicious singing)
Bit late (just like the penultimate quiz night which - of course - could have ended 10.42pm ;)) but RL is keeping me busy till end of the month (and probably beyond).
All in all a lovely night, Mr. Talking Stick was not needed, neither were green hat & pink beret, and the post-quiz karaoke made me laugh (and only once or twice cringe and flee the room ;)).. Rest assured girls, we will do it again, and this time I have 'your song'.
All in all a lovely night, Mr. Talking Stick was not needed, neither were green hat & pink beret, and the post-quiz karaoke made me laugh (and only once or twice cringe and flee the room ;)).. Rest assured girls, we will do it again, and this time I have 'your song'.
Main event though was the quest for points and places and the right to put another star behind the team name soon. And in a MIGHTY effort, with the finish line almost within reach, DAQ (much like Aston Villa and Wigan) strengthened their position and moved up in the table once more. Die 3 ??? - despite coming second - lost some ground.
BUT - only 5 points between reigning Champions DAQ and two-times previous champions Die 3 ??? and the race is still very much open. That's gonna be the most exciting CL Final since.. Chelsea beat Bayern Munich last year. Or rather THAT Liverpool - Milan final.
Anyroad, if you want a table for the nailbiter event that will be The Grande Finale on Thursday 16 May - phone Oscar Wilde. In the book so far Graces, DAQ, Bedebow, Denny Crane, JM2D, Die 3 ??? und Cannonballs. No new BOOK beyond that (for now), we continue with Wilde Quiz #91 (first game in CLS8) on 23 May. Since we're going into summer, and thus holiday season, we might have more free tables than in winter but no guarantee.
Since no one (apart from Graces and Cannonballs) wanted to play on 9 May, there is no Quiz this week. Next up CLS7 Final, Bedebow have Yogi right (by Sunday 12 May).
Have a nice spring break, see (some of you) on Thursday 16 May, for the showdown between DAQ and ???.
Oh, almost forgot. points & CL table ;)

BUT - only 5 points between reigning Champions DAQ and two-times previous champions Die 3 ??? and the race is still very much open. That's gonna be the most exciting CL Final since.. Chelsea beat Bayern Munich last year. Or rather THAT Liverpool - Milan final.
Anyroad, if you want a table for the nailbiter event that will be The Grande Finale on Thursday 16 May - phone Oscar Wilde. In the book so far Graces, DAQ, Bedebow, Denny Crane, JM2D, Die 3 ??? und Cannonballs. No new BOOK beyond that (for now), we continue with Wilde Quiz #91 (first game in CLS8) on 23 May. Since we're going into summer, and thus holiday season, we might have more free tables than in winter but no guarantee.
Since no one (apart from Graces and Cannonballs) wanted to play on 9 May, there is no Quiz this week. Next up CLS7 Final, Bedebow have Yogi right (by Sunday 12 May).
Have a nice spring break, see (some of you) on Thursday 16 May, for the showdown between DAQ and ???.
Oh, almost forgot. points & CL table ;)
- DAQ* 87,5
- Die ???** 60
- Denny Crane 59
- Hurricanes 58,5
- Hélène & Les Golfeurs 54,5
- Amazing Graces* 54
- Lucky Ladies 43
- Bedebow 40,5

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