As promised, right after Pfingshtn - the pics from last week's quiz feast.. a few hand-picked ones at least :)
All 71 are here for viewing/download. Optionally visit your friendly fuckbook group :)
See you Thursday, camera battery has been recharged :P
Bolero- & Bier-Bilder - WQ #42
Bolero, Barbera, Bier & Big River - WQ#42
At the risk of sounding like a broken record - that was a smashing night (quiz and afterwards ;).. lots of fun, and points, and drink (thanks once more to the generous winners Die 3 Fragezeichen who shared their bottle of whisky with everyone who wanted a last drink... or two ;).. good to see Just Met Today back again.. something was missing :).. apart from the Alpha and Graces reserved signs...will make new ones as soon as I'm back from sunny and serene McPom.
Anyroad - only had time for points and stats and book. Pics after the weekend - I got LOADS.
Looking forward to WQ#43 already - Thursday 31 May.
There will be NO SUMMER BREAK. Just that one week in June (14th) when König Fußball kicks us out of the back bar. The other dates in the right-hand column or on facebook. Apropos BOOK - below is the current one. To book or unbook (yes, that is definitely a word, just like 'gerebloggt') phone the Oscars. As early as poss.
That's all she wrote, off on my bike to cycle round the lake before dinner. Have a lovely one. See you soon. (looking forward to begrüßing Ponyclub again ;)
PS - Yogi - Hurricanes - Monday - 21:00 - 2 topics - mail. Danke ;)
PPS - I'm still pondering the 1l beer in 1.3 sec record. HOW THE F...
Anyroad - only had time for points and stats and book. Pics after the weekend - I got LOADS.
Looking forward to WQ#43 already - Thursday 31 May.
There will be NO SUMMER BREAK. Just that one week in June (14th) when König Fußball kicks us out of the back bar. The other dates in the right-hand column or on facebook. Apropos BOOK - below is the current one. To book or unbook (yes, that is definitely a word, just like 'gerebloggt') phone the Oscars. As early as poss.
That's all she wrote, off on my bike to cycle round the lake before dinner. Have a lovely one. See you soon. (looking forward to begrüßing Ponyclub again ;)
PS - Yogi - Hurricanes - Monday - 21:00 - 2 topics - mail. Danke ;)
PPS - I'm still pondering the 1l beer in 1.3 sec record. HOW THE F...
This is the up-to-datest information (even though the pic does not reflect it)
And because I probably haven't mentioned it enough. PLEASE do phone the Oscar Wilde for cancellations, especially when it's QuizDay already.. there are always teams who want in last minute and Oscar's are the only ones with the book and need to know which tables are available. I can't check my mail and phone them every few hours to update. TA muchly :)
Just Met Today - Table 30 for WQ#42
And because I probably haven't mentioned it enough. PLEASE do phone the Oscar Wilde for cancellations, especially when it's QuizDay already.. there are always teams who want in last minute and Oscar's are the only ones with the book and need to know which tables are available. I can't check my mail and phone them every few hours to update. TA muchly :)
WQ#42.. and beyond
This is the current Book for the next 3 weeks... Just Met Today seem to have kommentarlos left our little quiz family so table 30 (and 31) are all yours, Minus2/Delays/Tacheles (irgendwann werdet ihr euch mal auf einen Namen festlegen 'müssen' :)
Ponies are sitting this one out so table 24 goes to WTF is David Ellis. 5 tables still available. Phone Oscar's if you want in on the fun (lovely Yogi round, I promise :)
Final decision on the June dates up here soon - if you want any say in the matter - say it now :)
Wer sich noch an der Gestaltung der Juni-Termine beteiligen möchte - Kommentare zu den Vorschlägen (6.6., 20.6. und 26.6.) hier oder bei facebook (oder per mail)
Ponies are sitting this one out so table 24 goes to WTF is David Ellis. 5 tables still available. Phone Oscar's if you want in on the fun (lovely Yogi round, I promise :)
Final decision on the June dates up here soon - if you want any say in the matter - say it now :)
Wer sich noch an der Gestaltung der Juni-Termine beteiligen möchte - Kommentare zu den Vorschlägen (6.6., 20.6. und 26.6.) hier oder bei facebook (oder per mail)
WQ#41 - Donkey Kong & Dead Presidents
It might sound repetitive but Wednesday was yet another FUN! WQ night.. despite the lowest number of teams so far this season. And the scores - from 1st to 8th place - were above average :).. shows once more that it's all about quality, not quantity ;)
Proof in figures and photos below.. as usual the full album (60 pics) is here for download/viewing.. or on facebook.
Yogi-Recht für WQ#42 liegt bei Minus 2 - als alte Hasen wißt ihr ja nun wie/wo/wann :P
Book for the next 3 weeks - if Ponyclub drop out of WQ#42, David Ellis get table 24. Table 30 would become available to whoever fancies the couch first :)
Proof in figures and photos below.. as usual the full album (60 pics) is here for download/viewing.. or on facebook.
Yogi-Recht für WQ#42 liegt bei Minus 2 - als alte Hasen wißt ihr ja nun wie/wo/wann :P
Book for the next 3 weeks - if Ponyclub drop out of WQ#42, David Ellis get table 24. Table 30 would become available to whoever fancies the couch first :)
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
WQ#41 - Double Yogi
The Yogi right for Wilde Quiz #41 goes to teams Alpha Strong and Tacheles. (Alphas - you know the drill .. BTW - if I ever find out that you lose 'for tactical reasons' ... the new CL points system/format - whichever of the 2 we'll adopt - will take care of that :)
Team Tacheles:
Bitte schickt mir 2 Vorschläge für eure 'Lieblings-/Spezialisten-Runde' per mail bis spätestens Sonntag 21.00 Uhr.
Themen die aus Wiederholungsgründen zur Zeit NICHT angenommen werden:
Gleichfalls NICHT genommen werden Themen die a) einen erhöhten Arbeitsaufwand bedeuten (Fotos von bestimmten spezifischen Objekten machen (eh, Tacheles? LOL)... und/oder b) der Allgemeinheit überhaupt keine Chance geben Punkte zu bekommen.
Ich behalte mir - wie immer :) - das Recht vor Themen abzulehnen oder zu ignorieren. Ohne Angabe von Gründen. Because :P
Wenn ihr sicher gehen wollt schickt einfach mehr als 2 Vorschläge, und früher als Sonntag Nacht :)
Team Tacheles:
Bitte schickt mir 2 Vorschläge für eure 'Lieblings-/Spezialisten-Runde' per mail bis spätestens Sonntag 21.00 Uhr.
Themen die aus Wiederholungsgründen zur Zeit NICHT angenommen werden:
- Fernsehserien, speziell Komödien.
- Fußball.
- Pferdchen :) (oder irgendwelche anderen spezifischen Tierchen)
- Comics in irgendeiner Form.
- Raumfahrt.
Gleichfalls NICHT genommen werden Themen die a) einen erhöhten Arbeitsaufwand bedeuten (Fotos von bestimmten spezifischen Objekten machen (eh, Tacheles? LOL)... und/oder b) der Allgemeinheit überhaupt keine Chance geben Punkte zu bekommen.
Ich behalte mir - wie immer :) - das Recht vor Themen abzulehnen oder zu ignorieren. Ohne Angabe von Gründen. Because :P
Wenn ihr sicher gehen wollt schickt einfach mehr als 2 Vorschläge, und früher als Sonntag Nacht :)
May/June/July schedule - revised. Again.
Below is the latest schedule for the next 8 weeks. WQ#44 has also changed from Thursday to Wednesday, due to a 'more important' event in the Oscar Wilde back bar on 7 June. The dates for #45 and #46 are suggestions (albeit the only possible ones) for now, the option being a 3-wek break...
Please do let me know by mail or comment here or on FB which option you'd prefer.. I'll adjust my schedule accordingly. The minimum number of teams, in order to have a semi-fair and fun night, is 6.
And this is the book for the next 3 weeks. As you can see #41 is getting voll, with - at the moment - only 3 spare tables left. If you want in.. you know the drill. 2828166 :)
Or tell me on Wednesday 16 May :P

Please do let me know by mail or comment here or on FB which option you'd prefer.. I'll adjust my schedule accordingly. The minimum number of teams, in order to have a semi-fair and fun night, is 6.
And this is the book for the next 3 weeks. As you can see #41 is getting voll, with - at the moment - only 3 spare tables left. If you want in.. you know the drill. 2828166 :)
Or tell me on Wednesday 16 May :P

That was a fun night alright ... and it only ended at 6.24am... and the new day began at 8.16.. still had time to do the promised updates on pics, points & stuff.)
Looking at said pics it seems most people were enjoying themselves (and their neighbours :) ...lots of laughs, particularly at the 'newbie' tables of Tacheles and 2nd winners The Delays. Welcome to the weekly madness that is Ye Wilde Quiz :)
Here are points and the current CL table...sorted by average for now.
And the first pics.. as usual, blogger is being stroppy so I put all 18 here for viewing/download (and in the fuckbook group that - at the moment - refuses to let me add new members). There are another 30+ to come but that might take a day or two.
Looking at said pics it seems most people were enjoying themselves (and their neighbours :) ...lots of laughs, particularly at the 'newbie' tables of Tacheles and 2nd winners The Delays. Welcome to the weekly madness that is Ye Wilde Quiz :)
Here are points and the current CL table...sorted by average for now.
And the first pics.. as usual, blogger is being stroppy so I put all 18 here for viewing/download (and in the fuckbook group that - at the moment - refuses to let me add new members). There are another 30+ to come but that might take a day or two.
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
June schedule
As most of you will know (and eagerly anticipated) there's this little football tournament coming up that Germany will win this time round :P
This though means our schedule will see some changes due to the back bar in Oscar's being occupied by friends of the beautiful game... The last regular Thursday quiz night is the7 June Wednesday 6 June.. the following week there's no quiz at all. In the last 2 weeks of June we can have Wednesday 20 instead of Thursday 21 and Monday 25 or Tuesday 26 instead of Thursday 28. July continues as planned.
Below is the current book for the next 3 weeks and the schedule for the remainder of Wilde Quiz Champions League season 4.
Check your schedules and holiday plans and let me know over the next 2 weeks if you'd like to change to other days or take a 4-week quiz break.
This though means our schedule will see some changes due to the back bar in Oscar's being occupied by friends of the beautiful game... The last regular Thursday quiz night is the
Below is the current book for the next 3 weeks and the schedule for the remainder of Wilde Quiz Champions League season 4.
Check your schedules and holiday plans and let me know over the next 2 weeks if you'd like to change to other days or take a 4-week quiz break.
Flat yellow puppets in San Siro...
As promised - bright and early.... last night's points, pics, and current CL table.
But first a big thanks to the well-behaved and knowledgeable crowd .. it was a real pleasure. Those who reserved and cancelled only 5 minutes before kick-off (or not at all) - please don't do it again. We had teams waiting for free table who never got the chance to get in.
That said - here are the pics 'n stuff, as promised.

All the photos are here for your viewing and/or downloading pleasure.
But first a big thanks to the well-behaved and knowledgeable crowd .. it was a real pleasure. Those who reserved and cancelled only 5 minutes before kick-off (or not at all) - please don't do it again. We had teams waiting for free table who never got the chance to get in.
That said - here are the pics 'n stuff, as promised.

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Generöse Gewinner.. the 3 ??? would like you invite you when they next win.. |
All the photos are here for your viewing and/or downloading pleasure.
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