Plenty o' pretty pictures
At long last... shopped and 'albummed' remaining pics from Paddy's Day (all 115 :) and WQ#33... go grab.
Val Kilmer, San Masino and other eff-ups :)
That was fun, and as promised the first pics, and points and CL table. And a quick statistic ... total, best of, and average (total divided by number of rounds played :)
The other 20 or so pics are here... or on facebook. The remaining 50+ will be ready over the weekend.
TEAM Alpha Strong have the Yogi (by Sunday 9pm).. and this is the book for the next 3 weeks...
2 rounds left in the Champions League... will there be a last-ditch surprise?!!
Book a table and find out :)
The other 20 or so pics are here... or on facebook. The remaining 50+ will be ready over the weekend.
TEAM Alpha Strong have the Yogi (by Sunday 9pm).. and this is the book for the next 3 weeks...
2 rounds left in the Champions League... will there be a last-ditch surprise?!!
Book a table and find out :)
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
The (egg)shape of things to come...
Just because I happened to be in Oscar's.. I put We Have A Problem in the book for Wednesday 21st.. and moved Cannonballs from 21st to 29th.
There are exactly 2 tables left for WQ#34 on Wednesday, if you want them PHONE THE OSCAR'S.
And since Fantastic Four have neither booked a table nor sent me any Yogi suggestions, ALL 3 ROUNDS are my choice :P... spoiled for, all I'm saying.
Also - we're 1 team away from an Easter Quiz on Thursday 5 April... if anyone feels like joining Graces, Just Met Today, Hurricanes and The Buggers.. get a table. Still plenty to be had. Then I can start planning the next just-for-fun quiz. And colour chuckie eggs.
Till Wednesday or later...
There are exactly 2 tables left for WQ#34 on Wednesday, if you want them PHONE THE OSCAR'S.
And since Fantastic Four have neither booked a table nor sent me any Yogi suggestions, ALL 3 ROUNDS are my choice :P... spoiled for, all I'm saying.
Also - we're 1 team away from an Easter Quiz on Thursday 5 April... if anyone feels like joining Graces, Just Met Today, Hurricanes and The Buggers.. get a table. Still plenty to be had. Then I can start planning the next just-for-fun quiz. And colour chuckie eggs.
Till Wednesday or later...
Easter Eggstravaganza,
Wilde Quiz
Go green - go Wilde!!!!!!
Did that, went there.. got the Guinness t-shirt (well, I actually I brought it with me but...)
First of all - THANKS A LOT to the 11 teams who made it a fun night (and apparently had one too :).. we should do games rounds more often :P (especially now that taking evidence photos is so much easier :)...
Apologies for running it a bit late ;).. next time we have extra rounds I'll time it better ...
Anyroad - points and first pics here (blogger is peeing me off and will only let me upload one at a time so....go and download all 40 .. there are waaaayy more to come :).. and welcome back LEPRECHAUNS :)
Last but not least - THE BOOK. For the rest of Season 3 (and Easter Eggstravaganza.. which IS HAPPENING.. on Thursday 5 April.)
If you're not on the list you don't have a table yet...phone 030/2828166 to reserve. Only 2 tables left for #34. If your name is on the list but shouldn't be... let me know ('twas a tad hectic last night).. Cancellations through Oscar's.
And that was that for the week - thanks again for all the fun (and Irish dance & song :P) and cake :D ... see you soon. Till then - enjoy the first weekend ofspring summer :D
First of all - THANKS A LOT to the 11 teams who made it a fun night (and apparently had one too :).. we should do games rounds more often :P (especially now that taking evidence photos is so much easier :)...
Apologies for running it a bit late ;).. next time we have extra rounds I'll time it better ...
Anyroad - points and first pics here (blogger is peeing me off and will only let me upload one at a time so....go and download all 40 .. there are waaaayy more to come :).. and welcome back LEPRECHAUNS :)
Last but not least - THE BOOK. For the rest of Season 3 (and Easter Eggstravaganza.. which IS HAPPENING.. on Thursday 5 April.)
If you're not on the list you don't have a table yet...phone 030/2828166 to reserve. Only 2 tables left for #34. If your name is on the list but shouldn't be... let me know ('twas a tad hectic last night).. Cancellations through Oscar's.
And that was that for the week - thanks again for all the fun (and Irish dance & song :P) and cake :D ... see you soon. Till then - enjoy the first weekend of
Paddy's Day Quiz,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
The wearing of the green
How time flies - 'tis the season (or week, or day) to go green again. The annual St. Patrick's Day Quiztravaganza is almost upon us.If you want to see what we did last year - guckt du hier...
And for those who' are not members of our merry band of f***bookies - here's the rough plan:
Day Special Night will involve one round on Ireland (geography, history, arts, lit, the 'serious' stuff, like), one round on famous Irish in sports, film, music etc. (there are more than just U2 and the Dubliners :)) and one green-white-gold mixed BS round. Music will be all Irish (you might want to do your homework and wookle (that's using wiki and google) beyond Seven Drunken Nights and Whiskey in the Jar ;).. pics round slightly Irish-ish too.
ALSO: game(s) round. not sure yet it'll involve running, drinking, and blow jobs but we're gonna have fun.
And remember - in keeping with the stereotypes - wear your green!!!!!
And for those who' are not members of our merry band of f***bookies - here's the rough plan:
Day Special Night will involve one round on Ireland (geography, history, arts, lit, the 'serious' stuff, like), one round on famous Irish in sports, film, music etc. (there are more than just U2 and the Dubliners :)) and one green-white-gold mixed BS round. Music will be all Irish (you might want to do your homework and wookle (that's using wiki and google) beyond Seven Drunken Nights and Whiskey in the Jar ;).. pics round slightly Irish-ish too.
ALSO: game(s) round. not sure yet it'll involve running, drinking, and blow jobs but we're gonna have fun.
And remember - in keeping with the stereotypes - wear your green!!!!!
I Am Woman (or a Lannister) - hear me roar
What a wonderful (if slightly chaotic) Wilde Wimmins Quiz that was. Once again lovely to see new teams/faces and nice to add Ponyclub and Fricassee to the list of regulars (deserving their own little 'reserved' signs soon).
For those not on FB - here are last night's points, pics (the first 10) and the current book. Which is gospel. If you're not in it - phone Oscar's asap and reserve. The 'ghost' tables have been removed and will henceforth only be used in emergencies... we're back to 14 tables so first come, first (re)served.
That's it before I head off into the northern wilderness and enjoy a hopefully sunny weekend. I'll post the plans and details for next week's Wilde Paddy's Day quiz on Sat or Sun... Have a good one, so long.. and thanks for all the laughs (and lovely long-past-midnight conversations on quail eggs, molecular gastronomy, and full moons.)
Oh, and almost forgot - wanted to play this last night but... forgot. My favourite wimmins song :) ROFLMAO.
For those not on FB - here are last night's points, pics (the first 10) and the current book. Which is gospel. If you're not in it - phone Oscar's asap and reserve. The 'ghost' tables have been removed and will henceforth only be used in emergencies... we're back to 14 tables so first come, first (re)served.
That's it before I head off into the northern wilderness and enjoy a hopefully sunny weekend. I'll post the plans and details for next week's Wilde Paddy's Day quiz on Sat or Sun... Have a good one, so long.. and thanks for all the laughs (and lovely long-past-midnight conversations on quail eggs, molecular gastronomy, and full moons.)
Oh, and almost forgot - wanted to play this last night but... forgot. My favourite wimmins song :) ROFLMAO.
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
Schedule updates & plans
As mentioned before (several times in several places) I need confirmation from all teams who want to answer Wilde questions on Wednesday 21 March. So far I have 4 teams. One or two more and WQ#43 is GO!.This one is a regular quiz, points counting towards the Champions League. Leave comment here or on f***book. Or phone the Oscar's to reserve your table.
Next week's WQ#33 is a regular CL quiz but slightly leaning towards 'female' topics.. after all, it's International Wimmins Day. Famous females, girlie round, divas in the music round...
Ye Wilde Paddy's Day Quiz on 15 March is a WQ Special... we all go Irish for a night and answer questions on the Emerald Isle, alcohol (gotta love stereotypes :) and famous Irish people. Music will be Irish-ish (on that day, we might count the likes of Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys in ;)
The next Wilde Special would be the annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Though I'm not sure the Thursday before Good Friday is the best date. Maybe we move it to Tuesday 4 April or Wednesday 5 April. Let me know your thoughts.
Book for now:

PS. Ponyclub and Peanuts are in the book too .. so basically booked out unless the teams in italics cancel.
Next week's WQ#33 is a regular CL quiz but slightly leaning towards 'female' topics.. after all, it's International Wimmins Day. Famous females, girlie round, divas in the music round...
Ye Wilde Paddy's Day Quiz on 15 March is a WQ Special... we all go Irish for a night and answer questions on the Emerald Isle, alcohol (gotta love stereotypes :) and famous Irish people. Music will be Irish-ish (on that day, we might count the likes of Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys in ;)
The next Wilde Special would be the annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Though I'm not sure the Thursday before Good Friday is the best date. Maybe we move it to Tuesday 4 April or Wednesday 5 April. Let me know your thoughts.
Book for now:

PS. Ponyclub and Peanuts are in the book too .. so basically booked out unless the teams in italics cancel.
Ye Wilde Quiz #32 - points, pics, table & one-time-only-warning
First things first - that was a lovely night!!! Thanks to all who had fun and made it fun (smartasses excepted :)..
It was nice to see that many teams are now bringing their own pens.. geht doch!!!
Before I give you - zur Belohnung ;) - the first few pics, and points, and current Champions League table (tiiiiiiiight, is all I'm saying ;).. this little 'rant'.
I've noticed - over the last few weks - that some members of some teams seem to think that they can take certain liberties because they're regulars. YOU ARE SO WRONG! I'm not even talking about dumping a week's worth of small change on me, or keep chatting while questions are being read out, only to then ask me to repeat them, or going for a smoke when clearly the signs (and the quizmiz) say there's no ciggie break. Last night's incident was of the biscuit-taking variety.
NO ONE TOUCHES MY LAPTOP (or anything else of my 'equipment') without my express permission... I don't go through your bags while you're taking a leak. Just because I refuse to play certain songs people seem to assume they can change the music while I'm out of the room. You want BeeGees? Buy an iPod. MY TABLE IS OFF LIMITS. Should I ever find evidence of such behaviour again, it will result in a SEVERE deduction of points. Team captains/leaders/dictators - control your players.
On the matter of repeated smartassing and showing off - the odd remark from the peanut gallery is not the problem. AAMOF, I like a bit of banter. There is a fine line though between witty and annyoying. And if you blame me for not getting you 'humour' - your problem, not mine.
So - had to get that out of my system, been gnawing at me for a while.
And now - the fun part.
The other 30 or so pictures in the gallery or on fb by Monday.
Yogi right goes to David Ellis - mail me 2 suggestions by Sunday 9pm.
And last but not least - in the category "you learn soemthing new every day" - thanks to Sophia from team Fricassée for the valuable (?) info that aubergines actually DO grow on trees.. or large bushes.. or 'trushes'. Guckst du hier. ;)
Not to be confused with the African Sausage Tree. :)
It was nice to see that many teams are now bringing their own pens.. geht doch!!!
Before I give you - zur Belohnung ;) - the first few pics, and points, and current Champions League table (tiiiiiiiight, is all I'm saying ;).. this little 'rant'.
I've noticed - over the last few weks - that some members of some teams seem to think that they can take certain liberties because they're regulars. YOU ARE SO WRONG! I'm not even talking about dumping a week's worth of small change on me, or keep chatting while questions are being read out, only to then ask me to repeat them, or going for a smoke when clearly the signs (and the quizmiz) say there's no ciggie break. Last night's incident was of the biscuit-taking variety.
NO ONE TOUCHES MY LAPTOP (or anything else of my 'equipment') without my express permission... I don't go through your bags while you're taking a leak. Just because I refuse to play certain songs people seem to assume they can change the music while I'm out of the room. You want BeeGees? Buy an iPod. MY TABLE IS OFF LIMITS. Should I ever find evidence of such behaviour again, it will result in a SEVERE deduction of points. Team captains/leaders/dictators - control your players.
On the matter of repeated smartassing and showing off - the odd remark from the peanut gallery is not the problem. AAMOF, I like a bit of banter. There is a fine line though between witty and annyoying. And if you blame me for not getting you 'humour' - your problem, not mine.
So - had to get that out of my system, been gnawing at me for a while.
And now - the fun part.
The other 30 or so pictures in the gallery or on fb by Monday.
Yogi right goes to David Ellis - mail me 2 suggestions by Sunday 9pm.
And last but not least - in the category "you learn soemthing new every day" - thanks to Sophia from team Fricassée for the valuable (?) info that aubergines actually DO grow on trees.. or large bushes.. or 'trushes'. Guckst du hier. ;)
Not to be confused with the African Sausage Tree. :)
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
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