Right peops, the end (of 2011) is nigh and we have only 4 quizzes left. And since it's easier this way.. here are the tables already gone, and the ones still available (as of Monday 28 November).
There is no preferential treatment for anyone, if you want in (particularly for Ye Wilde Quizmas), do reserve your table (or any table) as soon as. Likewise, if you're on the list but don't think you belong - let me know, nothing easier than erasing your name again ;)
And just as a reminder... Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt...
Remember remember.. reserve for December
Quiz and The City
Right, bit delayed but.. I had to take time off for birthday and sickdays.
BTW - thanks to those who kindly sent wishes, gifts & funny thoughts :).. much appreciated. Biggest thanks though to the blindlinesman assistant referee who made sure I got my best birthday prezzie against ManYoo.
Anroad, party over, and voice and general health restored sufficiently to tackle this week's workload... here are the pics & points and the current champions League Table (best 5 results from 9 weeks. the order might change again next week :) .. rest of the 40+ photos wie immer hier..
ha. bestest ever, my Fain-tastic b'day cake. Thanks sweetie :)
BTW - thanks to those who kindly sent wishes, gifts & funny thoughts :).. much appreciated. Biggest thanks though to the blind
Anroad, party over, and voice and general health restored sufficiently to tackle this week's workload... here are the pics & points and the current champions League Table (best 5 results from 9 weeks. the order might change again next week :) .. rest of the 40+ photos wie immer hier..
ha. bestest ever, my Fain-tastic b'day cake. Thanks sweetie :)
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
Wilde Quiz #21 - good news, bad news
Well, the good and bad news is.. Ye Wilde Quiz #21 on 24 November is BOOKED OUT! Totally. To the point of being almost overbooked. So if you haven't had the foresight to reserve your table you'll have to wait at least another week till Wilde Quiz #22.
If - for whatever reason - you are in the book and cannot make it tomorrow, please do phone the Oscar's and let them know so they can get some poor table-less team the chance to win.
I'll be seeing the lot of you tomorrow, bright and early (or at least IN TIME), with 15+teams we have to start at 8.15pm at the very latest. And since I'm struggling with a cold at the moment, crowd control could be a problem so - BEST BEHAVIOUR tomorrow, alreet? Otherwise I'll unleash the teachers on yis :P
Looking forward to a fun night. Till the morrow.
If - for whatever reason - you are in the book and cannot make it tomorrow, please do phone the Oscar's and let them know so they can get some poor table-less team the chance to win.
I'll be seeing the lot of you tomorrow, bright and early (or at least IN TIME), with 15+teams we have to start at 8.15pm at the very latest. And since I'm struggling with a cold at the moment, crowd control could be a problem so - BEST BEHAVIOUR tomorrow, alreet? Otherwise I'll unleash the teachers on yis :P
Looking forward to a fun night. Till the morrow.
Wilde Quiz #20 - the lost pics
Well, not lost really but forgotten. All of Wilde Quiz #20 here for download now.
Champions League table
ohne Kommentar... but this one. There still are 4 weeks to play.. and you should never ever ever give up until the fat lady has sung.. or the referee has blown the whistle.
Go for it!!!
Go for it!!!
Fun with .. PHYSICS
Pity some of you weren't there yesterday, you would have known and appreciated what I was at with that Doctor Who reference in the science round.. for all the others - watch, laugh, and REMEMBER.. you never know when a bit of Whoology might come in handy. :)
Reservations update
As posted before, the reservation rules have changed ever so slightly. The regularregular teams are in the book until Quizmas (Wednesday 21 December), the others have to book their tables 'manually' every week. The 'timely cancellation' rule applies to all.. if you know you can't make it do phone the Oscar's asap. There will be other teams waiting to grab 'your' table. The plan for WQ#21 looks as follows
'Ghost' tables 36+37 are additional tables we can put up if need be though they seriously cramp style and freedom of movement ;)
List of teams in the book for #21 see right hand bar.
'Ghost' tables 36+37 are additional tables we can put up if need be though they seriously cramp style and freedom of movement ;)
List of teams in the book for #21 see right hand bar.
Cretinous Chemistry... WQ#20 points & pics
Thought I'd better get this out of the way as the weekend will be mostly football-themed... hope we can make Moonchester feel blue.
Last night was fun again, and proof that it's all about quality, not quantity. I like a bit of familäre Atmosphäre now and then, especially since it's going to get packed towards end of the year, and Champions League season...
Before I forget it, the Yogi right for Wilde Quiz #21 goes to Bad Apples, to be sent by Monday 9pm at the very latest. Do surprise me, teachers ;)
Anyroads, here are last night's points, pics ... sorry I forgot the CL table, will nachreichen it tomorrow.
Okey cokes, that's work done for this week, now for the footie.. and hopefully fun. If you got nowt else to do - come and support your local Toon Army at the Oscar Wilde... 4pm.
Last night was fun again, and proof that it's all about quality, not quantity. I like a bit of familäre Atmosphäre now and then, especially since it's going to get packed towards end of the year, and Champions League season...
Before I forget it, the Yogi right for Wilde Quiz #21 goes to Bad Apples, to be sent by Monday 9pm at the very latest. Do surprise me, teachers ;)
Anyroads, here are last night's points, pics ... sorry I forgot the CL table, will nachreichen it tomorrow.
Okey cokes, that's work done for this week, now for the footie.. and hopefully fun. If you got nowt else to do - come and support your local Toon Army at the Oscar Wilde... 4pm.
Merry Quizmas
Was kehrt mich mein Geschwätz von gestern.... ignore the post about having a choice for the end of year quizzes. Due to organisational reasons, the remaining dates for this quiz year have been fixed as follows:
Note: there is no quiz on Thursday 29 December!!! (music night at Oscar's....) if you want a quiz between Christmas and New Year we'll have to find/book another location. Feedback welcome though not expected.
#21-23.. as per calendar
#24 - Champions League Final - Thursday 15 December
#25 - Ye Wilde Quizmas - Wednesday 21 December
#26 - start of Champions League season 3 - Thursday 5 January. This one is going to be the big bad 2011 Review Special Edition.
Note: there is no quiz on Thursday 29 December!!! (music night at Oscar's....) if you want a quiz between Christmas and New Year we'll have to find/book another location. Feedback welcome though not expected.
Regularlier and regularlier...
As of tonight, the 'regular' regular teams (and their respective regularregular tables) are:
These teams are - unless stated otherwise - in the book every week. All other teams will have to book their table through the proper channels (i.e. tell me right after the quiz or phone the Oscar's)....
The 11 teams in the book for WQ#21... see right hand bar.
The rest tomorrow, have to sort thoughts and points and pictures. To all who made #20 such good fun - THANK YOU. We shall do that again soon.
BTW - great to see that there are other people who know- and enjoy - the genius that is Tom Lehrer ;)
Just Met Today (30)
Pinkies with or without Brain (33)
Howard Met Your Brother (35)
3-5 Graces (23)
Newbies (22)
Kirschbierfraktion (26)
These teams are - unless stated otherwise - in the book every week. All other teams will have to book their table through the proper channels (i.e. tell me right after the quiz or phone the Oscar's)....
The 11 teams in the book for WQ#21... see right hand bar.
The rest tomorrow, have to sort thoughts and points and pictures. To all who made #20 such good fun - THANK YOU. We shall do that again soon.
BTW - great to see that there are other people who know- and enjoy - the genius that is Tom Lehrer ;)
Wilde Quiz - Special Editions
Been meaning to put this up a few times.. and forgot. Since both the end of the Champions League Season 2 AND the end of the year are getting closer we have to plan. Well, I have to anyway.
As usual we will have a big bunt Christmas Quiz and since that take a bit of decorating, shopping and general preparation we need to fix a date. Christmas Eve is a Saturday which wold make the 22nd the last possible date for the WildeSantaSpecialEdition. Some of you might go on holidays before, some of you are staying and expecting friends they could share the experience with. If we do it on the 15th December it would clash with the Champions League final. The options are:
You will have to make your choice (and for a change tell me - comment here, or mail) by Sunday 4th December. If I don't get any feedback I pick the option that's best for me (#3).
Und das Ganze kurz in deutsch:
Wir müssen uns auf das Weihnachtsquiz und das Champions League Season 2 Finale vorbereiten. Und da beide auf das (fast) Jahresende fallen, sind dies eure/unsere Optionen:
Ich lasse euch die Wahl (Mehrheitsentscheidung natürlich ;) muß aber ausnahmsweise mal Feedback haben. Also hinterlaßt hier einen Kommentar oder schickt mir 'ne mail, bis allerspätestens Sonntag 4. Dezember. Wenn ich keine Rückmeldungden bekomme nehme ich die Lösung die mir am besten paßt (#3)
As usual we will have a big bunt Christmas Quiz and since that take a bit of decorating, shopping and general preparation we need to fix a date. Christmas Eve is a Saturday which wold make the 22nd the last possible date for the WildeSantaSpecialEdition. Some of you might go on holidays before, some of you are staying and expecting friends they could share the experience with. If we do it on the 15th December it would clash with the Champions League final. The options are:
- No quiz on 22nd, Christmas quiz on 15th and Champions League Final on 29th December or 2012.
- Make the Christmas Special the Champions League Final (will be all Christmassy topics though) on the 15th
- Have the CL final on the 15th and the Christmas quiz on the 22nd December
- Christmas? There ain't no Santa anyway, ignore it. Champions League is all that counts.
You will have to make your choice (and for a change tell me - comment here, or mail) by Sunday 4th December. If I don't get any feedback I pick the option that's best for me (#3).
Und das Ganze kurz in deutsch:
Wir müssen uns auf das Weihnachtsquiz und das Champions League Season 2 Finale vorbereiten. Und da beide auf das (fast) Jahresende fallen, sind dies eure/unsere Optionen:
- kein Quiz am 22. Dezember, Weihnachtsquiz am 15. und Champions League Finale am 29. oder in 2012
- Weihnachtsquiz mit CL-Finale zusammenlegen und am 15. Dezember abhalten (werden dann aber alles Weihnachtsthemen)
- CL-Finale am 15. und Santa Quiz am 22. Dezember
- Weihnachten? Bah Humbug, es gibt eh keinen Weihnachtsmann. Ignorieren, nur CL zählt.
Ich lasse euch die Wahl (Mehrheitsentscheidung natürlich ;) muß aber ausnahmsweise mal Feedback haben. Also hinterlaßt hier einen Kommentar oder schickt mir 'ne mail, bis allerspätestens Sonntag 4. Dezember. Wenn ich keine Rückmeldungden bekomme nehme ich die Lösung die mir am besten paßt (#3)
1. Berliner Quizmeisterschaft
Thought I'd give it a separate post so the info won't disappear in all the pics..
As already mentioned, we're looking forward to the first Berlin Quiz Championship on Saturday 3 December, start 1pm. Venue is the Oscar Wilde (back bar). Advance restristration is required, admission fee is 5€ per person. Unlike the BS-fest that is Ye Wilde Quiz, this one is a serious affair, no funny answers and joker rounds ;). Single players only, and in order to participate you have to be born in Berlin or at least be a Berlin resident!!. The quiz has a written format, you get your question/answer sheets with 90-120 questions. The questions are German only, time to answer ca. 120 minutes. For more information check the website of the hosts/organizers Deutscher Quizverein. Send your registration, and any questions you might have, to Sebastian at the DQV.
Oh, and PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PEN.There won't be any 'house' pens available.
And for those of you so inclined, there will be the chance to take part in the International Quiz Grand Prix (English only) from 3.30pm.
And det Janze in deutsch. Am Samstag den 3. Dezember um 13.00 Uhr findet die 1. Berliner Quizmeisterschaft statt. Austragungsort ist das Oscar Wilde (back bar), Veranstalter ist der Deutsche Quizverein. Teilnahmegebühr ist 5€ pro Person, jeder spielt für sich allein. Die 90-120 Fragen sind schriftlich zu beantworten, gespielt wird nur in Deutsch. Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten, spielberechtigt ist jeder gebürtige Berliner oder Einwohner von Berlin.Eure Registrierung und eventuelle Fragen zu Einzelheiten schickt bitte rechtzeitig an Sebastian vom DVQ. Anders als das wilde Wilde Quiz ist dies eine seriöse Veranstaltung, d.h. keine Jokerrunden oder funny answers :). Sowie ich mehr Einzelheiten habe erfahrt ihr diese hier. Anderenfalls schaut auf die Website des DQV (allerdings noch nichts drauf zu sehen)
Oh, und BRINGT BITTE EURE EIGENEN STIFTE MIT.. es gibt keine 'Haus-Stifte' :)
As already mentioned, we're looking forward to the first Berlin Quiz Championship on Saturday 3 December, start 1pm. Venue is the Oscar Wilde (back bar). Advance restristration is required, admission fee is 5€ per person. Unlike the BS-fest that is Ye Wilde Quiz, this one is a serious affair, no funny answers and joker rounds ;). Single players only, and in order to participate you have to be born in Berlin or at least be a Berlin resident!!. The quiz has a written format, you get your question/answer sheets with 90-120 questions. The questions are German only, time to answer ca. 120 minutes. For more information check the website of the hosts/organizers Deutscher Quizverein. Send your registration, and any questions you might have, to Sebastian at the DQV.
Oh, and PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PEN.There won't be any 'house' pens available.
And for those of you so inclined, there will be the chance to take part in the International Quiz Grand Prix (English only) from 3.30pm.
And det Janze in deutsch. Am Samstag den 3. Dezember um 13.00 Uhr findet die 1. Berliner Quizmeisterschaft statt. Austragungsort ist das Oscar Wilde (back bar), Veranstalter ist der Deutsche Quizverein. Teilnahmegebühr ist 5€ pro Person, jeder spielt für sich allein. Die 90-120 Fragen sind schriftlich zu beantworten, gespielt wird nur in Deutsch. Um Voranmeldung wird gebeten, spielberechtigt ist jeder gebürtige Berliner oder Einwohner von Berlin.Eure Registrierung und eventuelle Fragen zu Einzelheiten schickt bitte rechtzeitig an Sebastian vom DVQ. Anders als das wilde Wilde Quiz ist dies eine seriöse Veranstaltung, d.h. keine Jokerrunden oder funny answers :). Sowie ich mehr Einzelheiten habe erfahrt ihr diese hier. Anderenfalls schaut auf die Website des DQV (allerdings noch nichts drauf zu sehen)
Oh, und BRINGT BITTE EURE EIGENEN STIFTE MIT.. es gibt keine 'Haus-Stifte' :)
Baroque 'n Roll - the pictures
Since you were such a lovely audience I thought I should spend some of my Saturday to get you the pictures asap. Here are the 'chosen few', the rest can be downloaded here. And at long last the rest of the pics from WQ#18, here.
Ye Wilde Baroquiz - points
Quick first roundup of last night's red barocque'nroll party. Pictures over the weekend.
Thanks again to all who so fairly and merrily competed, it was an absolute pleasure :)
The Yogi right goes to Kirschbierfraktion. Schickt mir euer Lieblingsthema bis Montag 21.00 Uhr per mail. Ihr könnt das Thema so weit oder eng stecken wie ihr möchtet, aber keine Barockmusik mehr ;)
Reservations for next week's WQ#20 are in the book as far as I got them last night (teams&tables see top right bar). If you want in do phone the Oscar's in time, otherwise you might miss out.
Thanks again to all who so fairly and merrily competed, it was an absolute pleasure :)
The Yogi right goes to Kirschbierfraktion. Schickt mir euer Lieblingsthema bis Montag 21.00 Uhr per mail. Ihr könnt das Thema so weit oder eng stecken wie ihr möchtet, aber keine Barockmusik mehr ;)
Reservations for next week's WQ#20 are in the book as far as I got them last night (teams&tables see top right bar). If you want in do phone the Oscar's in time, otherwise you might miss out.
Wilde Quiz #18 - first pics
Laughs and links
Since I was asked so nicely last night to share the Sex Road Sign cartoon... I shall do so.. and a few of my other favourite pics too. Of course they're not mine and if I remembered where I found them, I would gladly credit the original artists ;)... enjoy trotzdem :D
And for those of you who were wondering about Mike the Headless Chicken (Halloween Quiz) and want to read up on the story.. here is Mike's very own website. Nothing for the faint-hearted though :)
And for those of you who were wondering about Mike the Headless Chicken (Halloween Quiz) and want to read up on the story.. here is Mike's very own website. Nothing for the faint-hearted though :)
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