Sorry, haven't had the time for much maths and graphs yet... someone has to bring home the bacon...points & Champions League Tabelle soon.
In the meantime, the first pictures....
Bear with me
Apologies to all those who've come here to find pics and points for last week's Wilde Quiz Champions League Fi-Naaaah-Le...had urgent private matters to sort this weekend and haven't got round to doing math and/or photoshop. Should have them up Monday night though, do come back.
I have received the Yogi topic from Howard II, so no need to send me yours (you can, of course, send your suggestions or wishes for future rounds, I'll see where I can squeeze them in...)
And last but not least - we already have 7.5 teams in the book for Thursday 29th September (see right hand bar) and erfahrungsgemäß there's always one or two visiting teams so if you want any table in particular (or any table at all) phone the Oscar's asap.
See you Thursday, should be a fun one. And don't forget, Ye Wilde Quiz #13 is not an unlucky one (let's hope) but brings the start of the Wilde Quiz Champions League season 2.
Auf ein Neues!!!
I have received the Yogi topic from Howard II, so no need to send me yours (you can, of course, send your suggestions or wishes for future rounds, I'll see where I can squeeze them in...)
And last but not least - we already have 7.5 teams in the book for Thursday 29th September (see right hand bar) and erfahrungsgemäß there's always one or two visiting teams so if you want any table in particular (or any table at all) phone the Oscar's asap.
See you Thursday, should be a fun one. And don't forget, Ye Wilde Quiz #13 is not an unlucky one (let's hope) but brings the start of the Wilde Quiz Champions League season 2.
Auf ein Neues!!!
Quiky.. oops, quickie
Just a wee note.. the restlichen pictures of #11 are up in the WQ11 photobucket album.. same addy as before.
go fetch!
Only 2 more days till Champions League Finale!!! *happydance*
go fetch!
Only 2 more days till Champions League Finale!!! *happydance*
Pirates & preview
Dank an Frank again for suggesting last week's brilliant!!! Yogi topic.. I'm totally hooked now on Pastafarianism (even had Ramen noodles for brekkie...uuuuurgh). To a point where I've put down my latest Terry Pratchett book (!!!!!!!!!) to pick up The Gospel of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti MOnster. Such Fun!!!!!!
And while I haven't had time to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day with a bottle of rum, yo-ho-ho, I have certainly puzzled my Mitmenschen today by talking even more tosh than usual. Arrrrrrrrrr.
Anyroad, just a reminder in the run-up to Thursday's Champions League Finale. If you're not in the book yet, phone Oscar's to reserve your table, it might get packed again. If you're in the book, and realise you can't make it - please be kind enough to phone them and cancel.. other teams might be waiting for your table.
I haven't received a Yogi topic from Les Envahisseurs and will pick some evil round myself ;)
And last but not least - we have a tight schedule on Thursday, what with crowning the first championes .. and we have to start on time.. lately it has become usus that regular teams turn up late and then mope when we run late... be there for 8pm at the latest or miss the first questions/round...
And now have a good Pirate's Day night.. ahoy mateys, till Tharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsday.
And while I haven't had time to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day with a bottle of rum, yo-ho-ho, I have certainly puzzled my Mitmenschen today by talking even more tosh than usual. Arrrrrrrrrr.
Anyroad, just a reminder in the run-up to Thursday's Champions League Finale. If you're not in the book yet, phone Oscar's to reserve your table, it might get packed again. If you're in the book, and realise you can't make it - please be kind enough to phone them and cancel.. other teams might be waiting for your table.
I haven't received a Yogi topic from Les Envahisseurs and will pick some evil round myself ;)
And last but not least - we have a tight schedule on Thursday, what with crowning the first championes .. and we have to start on time.. lately it has become usus that regular teams turn up late and then mope when we run late... be there for 8pm at the latest or miss the first questions/round...
And now have a good Pirate's Day night.. ahoy mateys, till Tharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsday.
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Wilde Quiz #11 - airborne pasta, pics, & points
Well folks, that was a blast. Attendance- and otherwise (but for the fact that - or because? - I couldn't hear all the smart-ass and other remarks ;).. I'm dead chuffed that I finally get the chance again to speak what little French I have left (and the chance to improve it), our little quiz family grows by the week (Bad Apples must be one of the most enthusiastic teams I've ever quizzed).. and - correct me if I'm wrong - Pinkies & The Brain won their first quiz EVER (in ca. 6 years).. brill.
And before we briefly tackle (pseudo) religion, pasta, and Champions League FINAAA-LE, here are last Thursday's points & some pics. The first part of the rest here.. and the second batch on Monday. (busy weekend, with Toon on telly and pirates to be voted for.
The big Wilde Quiz Champions League Finale looms large... Thursday 22 September. I won't put up points after 11 rounds because I don't know how to calculate 5.5 best results out of 11.. mathematically the field is still wide(is) open though. And so the list of teams already in the book for Wilde Quiz #12 is longer than Newcastle's unbeaten run... if you want to know if you're in it (with 'your' table) - check right hand bar.
Yogi right goes to Les Envahisseurs... send me your suggestion by Monday 19th, 21:00.
And briefly, zum Schluß - flying spaghetti monsters and pirates. I was asked - repeatedly - what the deal was with a 'religious' topic. Now, normally we would leave out religion and politics (just to spare us all potential heated arguments and keep the peace). FSMism though is A (arguably) not a 'proper' religion and B (and more importantly) the Yogi topic the Pinkies & Brain chose. And since the losers have the right to pick any topic they feel comfortable with (as wide open or narrowed down as they like) I had to go with it. Them's the rules. And if you go and look into it a bit more (start with wiki, is what I did) actually makes quite some (non)sense ... I'm prepared to educate myself a bit more on it...
And now I must be off to buy lots of pasta and prepare for the upcoming pirate days. Vote for them tomorrow.. and speak like one on Monday. Because pirates are cool (note to self: find the episode of Doctor Who where Rose was wearing a tshirt with that slogan...)
Anyroad, have a lovely Wahlwochenende (or just weekend), see you on Thursday.
And before we briefly tackle (pseudo) religion, pasta, and Champions League FINAAA-LE, here are last Thursday's points & some pics. The first part of the rest here.. and the second batch on Monday. (busy weekend, with Toon on telly and pirates to be voted for.
The big Wilde Quiz Champions League Finale looms large... Thursday 22 September. I won't put up points after 11 rounds because I don't know how to calculate 5.5 best results out of 11.. mathematically the field is still wide(is) open though. And so the list of teams already in the book for Wilde Quiz #12 is longer than Newcastle's unbeaten run... if you want to know if you're in it (with 'your' table) - check right hand bar.
Yogi right goes to Les Envahisseurs... send me your suggestion by Monday 19th, 21:00.
And briefly, zum Schluß - flying spaghetti monsters and pirates. I was asked - repeatedly - what the deal was with a 'religious' topic. Now, normally we would leave out religion and politics (just to spare us all potential heated arguments and keep the peace). FSMism though is A (arguably) not a 'proper' religion and B (and more importantly) the Yogi topic the Pinkies & Brain chose. And since the losers have the right to pick any topic they feel comfortable with (as wide open or narrowed down as they like) I had to go with it. Them's the rules. And if you go and look into it a bit more (start with wiki, is what I did) actually makes quite some (non)sense ... I'm prepared to educate myself a bit more on it...
And now I must be off to buy lots of pasta and prepare for the upcoming pirate days. Vote for them tomorrow.. and speak like one on Monday. Because pirates are cool (note to self: find the episode of Doctor Who where Rose was wearing a tshirt with that slogan...)
Anyroad, have a lovely Wahlwochenende (or just weekend), see you on Thursday.
Ye Wilde Quiz #10 - points & pics
Here are Thursday's results..
the rest of the pictures are here for download...
Yogi-Recht geht an Pinkies & no Brain, bis Montag 21.00 Uhr, wie immer ;)
There has recently been some interest from new teams so if you want 'your' table for Wilde Quiz #11 on 15 September - do phone the Oscar's NOW. Teams already booked - see top right..
Have a luvverly sunny weekend, and see you (or some of you) on Thursday for the vorletzte Runde of the Wilde Quiz Champions League ;)
the rest of the pictures are here for download...
Yogi-Recht geht an Pinkies & no Brain, bis Montag 21.00 Uhr, wie immer ;)
There has recently been some interest from new teams so if you want 'your' table for Wilde Quiz #11 on 15 September - do phone the Oscar's NOW. Teams already booked - see top right..
Have a luvverly sunny weekend, and see you (or some of you) on Thursday for the vorletzte Runde of the Wilde Quiz Champions League ;)
Wilde Quiz #9 - points, pics & stuff
Right... not to waste too much of the - allegedly - last weekend of summer are a few photos, and the points for #9. More photos downloadable mid next week...
The Yogi right goes to Just Met Today (wie immer bis Montag 21.00 Uhr.. but you know that ;)..
and because 'twas 'promised'/announced/long overdue we shall have an anagram round for #10, with band / artist names. Should be fun.. get practising :)
Oh, and afore I forget it.. JM2D will remember Quiz WMs und other related things.. I've had mail. With the promise of answers.. and the Bitte to link the new website of recently gegründete German Quizverein.... which hiermit I have dome. Go check for yourself.
The Yogi right goes to Just Met Today (wie immer bis Montag 21.00 Uhr.. but you know that ;)..
and because 'twas 'promised'/announced/long overdue we shall have an anagram round for #10, with band / artist names. Should be fun.. get practising :)
Oh, and afore I forget it.. JM2D will remember Quiz WMs und other related things.. I've had mail. With the promise of answers.. and the Bitte to link the new website of recently gegründete German Quizverein.... which hiermit I have dome. Go check for yourself.
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