Looking forward tomorrow's Wilde Quiz #9.. and the return of the Craggy Islanders (and because of Turkey mitbringsels ;)..
And Houston, we do have a Yogi topic for which I would like to - sincerely, no, really - thank Luke and his Father.. you'll find out tomorrow. But it's not nearly as hard as some of the previous 8... machbar, absolutely kann-man-wissen-bar.
See you bright and early for holiday reports and other pre-quiz activities... ich freu mich schon.
Football, fun & fiese Fragen - WQ8 Nachlese
A bit later than usual but I had to go and enjoy the weekend in the northern Heimat. Nicely rounded off by a favourable result from the lads in noir et blanc. Bien joué Le Toon!!
Anyroad, once again thanks to all for a wonderful night and apologies for my occasional absence in body and/or mind but Newcastle and Cups (and thanks to Da 'ballZ for getting their bottle selbst ;). It was great to see ganz alte Hasen like Feid Club - The Original again.. and welcome new teams who might become regulars soon.. Here are some pics to prove what a lovely crowd we had... and the points of the night incl. current Champions League table (counting best 4 of 8.. or at least 4 ;).. we still have 4 weeks to go so nothing's gained or lost yet.

Yogi right goes to Luke's Father.. send me your favourite topic by Monday 9pm.
See you all (or some) for Wilde Quiz #9 on Thursday 1 September. 8pm or -ish. Till then - have a wunderbar week, and enjoy what's left of summer ;)
Anyroad, once again thanks to all for a wonderful night and apologies for my occasional absence in body and/or mind but Newcastle and Cups (and thanks to Da 'ballZ for getting their bottle selbst ;). It was great to see ganz alte Hasen like Feid Club - The Original again.. and welcome new teams who might become regulars soon.. Here are some pics to prove what a lovely crowd we had... and the points of the night incl. current Champions League table (counting best 4 of 8.. or at least 4 ;).. we still have 4 weeks to go so nothing's gained or lost yet.

Yogi right goes to Luke's Father.. send me your favourite topic by Monday 9pm.
See you all (or some) for Wilde Quiz #9 on Thursday 1 September. 8pm or -ish. Till then - have a wunderbar week, and enjoy what's left of summer ;)
No fish...
Since Pinkies have failed to send in a Yogi topic we'll be spared Fishing, Die Toten Hosen or other Whothefuckissupposedtoknowthatone? themes.. I shall pick three lovely topics for the question rounds.. and then leave you all alone and watch Newcastle get scunnied in the front bar..
Not, natürlich. I shall sneak out for updates though ;)
See you (JM2D, Pinies & WTFis David Ellis?) on Thursday, come rain (so they say) or shine...
Anyone else who feels like joining us for crazy question time.. you're very welcome of course ;)
Not, natürlich. I shall sneak out for updates though ;)
See you (JM2D, Pinies & WTFis David Ellis?) on Thursday, come rain (so they say) or shine...
Anyone else who feels like joining us for crazy question time.. you're very welcome of course ;)
Wilde Quiz #7 - points & pics
As promised, Thursday's points, pics & the current Champions League table.
Can't concentrate on more until we've beaten the Makems who seems to have bought/bribed/browbeaten another referee. THAT WAS A PENALTY!!!!
Anyroad, quiz matters
all 10.5 of them here
Can't concentrate on more until we've beaten the Makems who seems to have bought/bribed/browbeaten another referee. THAT WAS A PENALTY!!!!
Anyroad, quiz matters
all 10.5 of them here
Where the fuck is David Ellis?
Or more importantly (?) - WHOTHEF***?
Well, we might find out in time...
Anyroad, apologies guys, haven't had the time yet to do graphs stuff and post pics&points, will have all up here by mid-day tomorrow, promise.
Points/places as far as I remember (hard when you wake up sober ;)
Just Met Today 49
WTF is David Ellis? 46
Pee into the Wind 39
Pinkies w/o Brain, missing Kevin 29,5 (?)
We will ALL (including muggins here) have to do better next week, it's the Champions League count round (aaaargh, punattack)... and it's Toon on Telly night so I might come up with stille Beschäftigung for 19 minutes while I watch Newcastle get scunnied ;)...
See all of you (last night's teams) on 25 August, for hopefully more points, easier questions (?) and a good laugh or two. Any Tazzie tunes? If not we stick with this one...never really gets old
And with that we all head hop off into a long sunny weekend, with D-Day on my mind and nowt else. HOWAY/ALLEZ LES LADS!!!!!
Oh, und Yogi-Thema bitte bis Montag 21.00 Uhr... Danke Manthe ;)
Well, we might find out in time...
Anyroad, apologies guys, haven't had the time yet to do graphs stuff and post pics&points, will have all up here by mid-day tomorrow, promise.
Points/places as far as I remember (hard when you wake up sober ;)
Just Met Today 49
WTF is David Ellis? 46
Pee into the Wind 39
Pinkies w/o Brain, missing Kevin 29,5 (?)
We will ALL (including muggins here) have to do better next week, it's the Champions League count round (aaaargh, punattack)... and it's Toon on Telly night so I might come up with stille Beschäftigung for 19 minutes while I watch Newcastle get scunnied ;)...
See all of you (last night's teams) on 25 August, for hopefully more points, easier questions (?) and a good laugh or two. Any Tazzie tunes? If not we stick with this one...never really gets old
And with that we all head hop off into a long sunny weekend, with D-Day on my mind and nowt else. HOWAY/ALLEZ LES LADS!!!!!
Oh, und Yogi-Thema bitte bis Montag 21.00 Uhr... Danke Manthe ;)
The end...
not yet.. it's only half-time. At Newcastle, and in the Wilde Quiz Champions League.
First things first though, points for #5, and #6, and two or three pics from last Thursday's fun night.
And after 6 weeks and best 3 of, the Champions League at half-time looks like this.
There's plenty of room for improvement, another 6 weeks.. and there will be a few teams from that list missing in the next 2 weeks ;) - geddin there!!!!!
All in all another very lovely night, I particularly liked the international flair.. Völkerverständigung, like. Pinkies adopting Kev The Canuck, and ??? sharing their winner's whiskey with the losing team from Ireland.... and we've now gone family and dog friendly.. Walter the Wunderdog will be back, with his barked-out comments and his team.. and his very watchful attitude. Wau.
So - back to my Newcastle game, and hopefully a pleasant surprise in the 2nd half.
Yogi-Recht geht an Just Met Today da the last 2 teams Touris sind und Craggy Islanders next week nicht da sind. Montag 21.00 Uhr ist Einsendeschluß :)
See you all (or some) on Thursday 18 August, for round 7 of the Champions League. Music will be cover versions ;)
Have a good one.
First things first though, points for #5, and #6, and two or three pics from last Thursday's fun night.
And after 6 weeks and best 3 of, the Champions League at half-time looks like this.
There's plenty of room for improvement, another 6 weeks.. and there will be a few teams from that list missing in the next 2 weeks ;) - geddin there!!!!!
All in all another very lovely night, I particularly liked the international flair.. Völkerverständigung, like. Pinkies adopting Kev The Canuck, and ??? sharing their winner's whiskey with the losing team from Ireland.... and we've now gone family and dog friendly.. Walter the Wunderdog will be back, with his barked-out comments and his team.. and his very watchful attitude. Wau.
So - back to my Newcastle game, and hopefully a pleasant surprise in the 2nd half.
Yogi-Recht geht an Just Met Today da the last 2 teams Touris sind und Craggy Islanders next week nicht da sind. Montag 21.00 Uhr ist Einsendeschluß :)
See you all (or some) on Thursday 18 August, for round 7 of the Champions League. Music will be cover versions ;)
Have a good one.
Losing it...
I suppose it was the 5 pints combined with the lack of solid food on the day (otherwise I'd have to blame old age and I'm not ready for that yet ;) but on top of forgetting my brolly in the pub I also seem to have left the table with the points of #5 in the desk... so for now Wilde guess or memory test
SmashingPumpkins..Peaches 60
2 Drei Fragezeichen 59
Just Met Today 51 (?)
Aa Dunnnooooooo 47,5
Craggy Islanders 47,5 (?)
Froggies 43,5
Pinkies w/o Brain (?)
The Leprechauns (after 2 rounds) 17,5
If you remember your points do drop me a line, otherwise I can only update this page (and the Champions League Table) on Thursday...
Aber dafür gibt's viele schöne pictures - as usual the best here and the rest here.

Right - I'm off again to enjoy the rest of this summer(y weekend) and look forward to seeing you (or some of you) next Thursday for Wilde Quiz #6. Have a good one. Oh, and Volker - check your mail ;)
2 Drei Fragezeichen 59
Just Met Today 51 (?)
Aa Dunnnooooooo 47,5
Craggy Islanders 47,5 (?)
Froggies 43,5
Pinkies w/o Brain (?)
The Leprechauns (after 2 rounds) 17,5
If you remember your points do drop me a line, otherwise I can only update this page (and the Champions League Table) on Thursday...
Aber dafür gibt's viele schöne pictures - as usual the best here and the rest here.

Right - I'm off again to enjoy the rest of this summer(y weekend) and look forward to seeing you (or some of you) next Thursday for Wilde Quiz #6. Have a good one. Oh, and Volker - check your mail ;)
Wilde Quiz - Reservations
Thanks to the wonderful wet weekend (a clue: NOT) I've finally got round to making this little floor plan of the back bar. With table numbers and all... in case you want to reserve your seats for #5, or #6 or.... the remaining 8 rounds of the Champions League.
Wilde Quiz - Champions League Rulez
As already mentioned once or twice, we have decided to revive the Wilde Quiz Champions League to reward regulars and/or extraordinarily smart people. How does that that work then, you ask? Simple.
You collect your points over a period of 12 quiz weeks (or 3 months) and the team who ends up with the most gets crowned Champions and receives a HUGE certificate and an extra prize (yet to be determined). (Maybe we can even manage to get a proper cup made
To keep it fair(ish) towards people who cannot or do not want to make it every week we have decided to count 6 weeks out of 12. Those who attend – faithfully or slavishly – more than half the quizzes can have their less impressive results deleted. The current table below reflects the changes and shows that attendance is not everything though it helps in case of the occasional ‘slip-up’ ;)
One last thing – on the night teams do not have to play under the same name or with the same players but for points to count results have to be registered under the original team name.
And in Dshörmin:
Wie bereits das ein oder andere Mal erwähnt haben wir beschlossen, die alte Wilde Quiz Champions League wieder aufleben zu lassen, um Stammteams und/oder besonders schlaue Leute zu belohnen. Wie funktionierts? Simpel.
Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Quiz-Wochen (oder 3 Monaten) können Teams ihre Punkte sammeln und wer am Ende mit den meisten da steht, wird zu Wilde Quiz Champions gekrönt und erhält zum Beweis eine RIESIGE Urkunde sowie einen Sonderpreis (noch festzulegen). Vielleicht schaffen wir uns ja sogar einen richtigen Wanderpokal an ;)
Um die ganze Sache fair(er) zu gestalten gegenüber den Teams die nicht jede Woche antreten, haben wir beschlossen, nur 6 von 12 Wochen zu zählen. Wer also öfter als alle 2 Wochen auftaucht kann seine nicht ganz so gelungenen Ergebnisse streichen lassen. Und nach dieser Regel sieht die Tabelle aktuell so aus (Anwesenheit ist also nicht alles… aber es hilft im Fall kleiner ‘Formschwächen‘)
Und als letztes – Teams können am Abend unter anderem Namen oder in veränderlicher Besetzung antreten. Damit Punkte zählen müssen die Ergebnisse allerdings unter dem Original-Teamnamen registriert werden.
??? 131
Cannonballs 127,5
Just Met Today 126
(Smashing Peaches 116,5)*
The Dorian Greys 106,5
Pinky & The Brain 101
Craggy Islanders 98,5
* Peaches do no longer wish to attend the quiz so Dorian Greys move one up in the ranks / Peaches wollen nicht mehr mit uns spielen also rücken die Dorian Greys einen Platz auf ;)
So – that’s that erklärt, and now you have 8 more weeks to grab all the points you can get, es ist noch nichts entschieden.
Wilde Quiz #4 - points & pics
Quickly, before #5 rolls around, points & pictures from last night's quiz.
The rest of them (only some 20+ more this time) here for download.
The rest of them (only some 20+ more this time) here for download.
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