Working on the latest logo puzzle I happened upon this canny site. Logopedia. It reminds me of stutter, stammer, and that I absolutely have to see The King's Speech.. oh, no, that was logopaedia.. see, always mind your 'E's and 'A's...
But now excuse me while I go and dissect some logos. Back with much fun tomorrow.
Houston we have a Yogi round
Volker - nur weil die return mail sich etwas zickig hatte - ich hab deine Yogi-Vorschläge bekommen und nehm den ersten (der zweite ist vielleicht unseren ausländischen Mitspielern gegenüber etwas unfair.. ich behalt's aber im Hinterkopf, ist interessant, falls wir mal 'ne 'einheimische' Spielergemeinde haben :)
Publik gemacht wird's allerdings erst morgen Nacht :)
As for the others (rounds a& teams) - Round One is Blue Round - mixed picks from Blue Lagoon to Blue Thunder, Blue Peter, Blaues Band, animals with blue tongues, Blaumeisen, and much more, Round Two is Cult TV shows.. haven't had that one in a loooong time. Yogi Round is Football World Cup history. Music Round is cover versions and the usual assorted BS in the picture round.
See yis Monday, bright & late. Book your table if you want the good seats :)
Publik gemacht wird's allerdings erst morgen Nacht :)
As for the others (rounds a& teams) - Round One is Blue Round - mixed picks from Blue Lagoon to Blue Thunder, Blue Peter, Blaues Band, animals with blue tongues, Blaumeisen, and much more, Round Two is Cult TV shows.. haven't had that one in a loooong time. Yogi Round is Football World Cup history. Music Round is cover versions and the usual assorted BS in the picture round.
See yis Monday, bright & late. Book your table if you want the good seats :)
Aller guten Dinge sind 3
Okay.. bit later than usual, had to do some task-shifting and priority-weighting. January is not being kind.
First of all - big thanks to all the teams who made NewQuiky #2 on Monday such a blast. Twas almost like back in the good old days.. and the joy at seeing some of the 'old' faces back in their cozy little corner.. looking not one day older than last we met :)
Also good to see that new alliances can be formed so easily (and successfully). Mixing and mingling - half the fun on the night... as team 'Just Met Today' can confirm :)
And if next time someone reminds me that I do have a camera now, and could use it to take pictures.. we might even have some evidence of the entertainment...
Anyroad - we'll try it all over again with NewQuiky #3 on Monday 31 January. At (or shortly after) 8pm.
Rounds so far still a tad sketchy but Music is going to be Cover Versions. Guess the title and the original artist(s).
Yogi Round topic is up to Just Met Today. Mail me your choice by Saturday midnight and I'll pick 9 questions (or I take your initial suggestion of 'F.........' :)
Rest up here at the weekend since Newcastle didn't fancy a cuppa and can take Saturday off.
Oh, and if you want to make sure you get good seats - phone or mail the Kilkenny and the reserve your table.
And all zat in Dshörmin too.
Zuallererst mal ganz großes Dankeschön an alle Teams die NewQuiky #2 am Montag zu einem sehr lustigen Abend gemacht haben. War schon fast wie in den guten alten Zeiten.. und das Vergnügen einige der 'Stammhasen' wieder zu sehen, wie sie in ihrer kuscheligen kleinen Ecke saßen... und nicht einen Tag älter aussahen als vor vielen, vielen Monden :). Schöööön wars.
Auch sehr schön war's zu sehen wie schnell (und erfolgreich) sich neue Teams zusammenfinden... Sprachbarriere? Nicht bei, Team 'Just Met Today'?!
Und wenn mich jetzt noch beim nächsten Mal jemand daran erinnert daß ich endlich wieder ne Kamera hab, und damit Beweisfotos machen könnte...
Vieh dem auch sei - wir probieren's einfach am Montag den 31. Januar ab 20.00 Uhr noch mal. Mit NewQuiky #3.
Themen sind noch etwas schemenhaft aber Musik wird mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit 'Cover-Versionen' sein.
Und das Yogi-Recht geht an 'Just Met Today'. Schickt mir einfach euer Lieblingsthema per email zu und ich such dann 9 Fragen aus. Anderenfalls nehm ich doch ganz gepflegt das Montag angedachte Thema das mit 'F' anfängt :)
Alles andere hier über's Wochenende, da Newcastle im Pokal aussetzen darf.
Oh, und wer sicher gehen will daß er gute Plätze bekommt sollte flugs im Kilkenny anrufen und sich einen Tisch reservieren. Ihr wißt - wer in der ersten Reihe sitzt sieht nicht nur mit dem zweiten besser :)
Und für die die's verpaßt haben.. dies wären Ihre 3 Punkte gewesen
First of all - big thanks to all the teams who made NewQuiky #2 on Monday such a blast. Twas almost like back in the good old days.. and the joy at seeing some of the 'old' faces back in their cozy little corner.. looking not one day older than last we met :)
Also good to see that new alliances can be formed so easily (and successfully). Mixing and mingling - half the fun on the night... as team 'Just Met Today' can confirm :)
And if next time someone reminds me that I do have a camera now, and could use it to take pictures.. we might even have some evidence of the entertainment...
Anyroad - we'll try it all over again with NewQuiky #3 on Monday 31 January. At (or shortly after) 8pm.
Rounds so far still a tad sketchy but Music is going to be Cover Versions. Guess the title and the original artist(s).
Yogi Round topic is up to Just Met Today. Mail me your choice by Saturday midnight and I'll pick 9 questions (or I take your initial suggestion of 'F.........' :)
Rest up here at the weekend since Newcastle didn't fancy a cuppa and can take Saturday off.
Oh, and if you want to make sure you get good seats - phone or mail the Kilkenny and the reserve your table.
And all zat in Dshörmin too.
Zuallererst mal ganz großes Dankeschön an alle Teams die NewQuiky #2 am Montag zu einem sehr lustigen Abend gemacht haben. War schon fast wie in den guten alten Zeiten.. und das Vergnügen einige der 'Stammhasen' wieder zu sehen, wie sie in ihrer kuscheligen kleinen Ecke saßen... und nicht einen Tag älter aussahen als vor vielen, vielen Monden :). Schöööön wars.
Auch sehr schön war's zu sehen wie schnell (und erfolgreich) sich neue Teams zusammenfinden... Sprachbarriere? Nicht bei, Team 'Just Met Today'?!
Und wenn mich jetzt noch beim nächsten Mal jemand daran erinnert daß ich endlich wieder ne Kamera hab, und damit Beweisfotos machen könnte...
Vieh dem auch sei - wir probieren's einfach am Montag den 31. Januar ab 20.00 Uhr noch mal. Mit NewQuiky #3.
Themen sind noch etwas schemenhaft aber Musik wird mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit 'Cover-Versionen' sein.
Und das Yogi-Recht geht an 'Just Met Today'. Schickt mir einfach euer Lieblingsthema per email zu und ich such dann 9 Fragen aus. Anderenfalls nehm ich doch ganz gepflegt das Montag angedachte Thema das mit 'F' anfängt :)
Alles andere hier über's Wochenende, da Newcastle im Pokal aussetzen darf.
Oh, und wer sicher gehen will daß er gute Plätze bekommt sollte flugs im Kilkenny anrufen und sich einen Tisch reservieren. Ihr wißt - wer in der ersten Reihe sitzt sieht nicht nur mit dem zweiten besser :)
Und für die die's verpaßt haben.. dies wären Ihre 3 Punkte gewesen
Punkte nach der 5. Runde
Apologies for the relative tardiness in posting, week 4 of January 2011 had other plans for me.
Das war 'ne ziemlich knappe Angelegenheit, aber spannend bis zur Schlußgeraden.. ist ja auch viel schöner :)
Just like my jeans after Christmas, a rather tight affair. But exciting till the very end (not my jeans :).
Das war 'ne ziemlich knappe Angelegenheit, aber spannend bis zur Schlußgeraden.. ist ja auch viel schöner :)
Just like my jeans after Christmas, a rather tight affair. But exciting till the very end (not my jeans :).
New Quiky - die Zweite
Right.. NewQuiky No. 2 is taking shape. Very slowly though.
Things to look forward to on Monday 24 January from 8pm (in the Kilkenny - for those who haven't noticed that we've moved :)
Music Round: One Hit Wonders - musikalische Eintagsfliegen.And before you go all Green Hat on me - SOME of those bands/artists might have had a second (or even third) hit, or made one ore more albums BUT are largely known for that ONE song... no need to argue, gotta take what gives :)
Yogi Round: Thanks to Team Fuck If I Know :) we'll look into American (Broadway) musicals... Yeah. You and me both :)
Question Round One: Capitals. As in, cities. All around the globe. So, basically a geography round.
Question Round Two: no idea yet. But we have 22 hours till kick-off. I'm sure I'll find something. Maybe 'by the numbers'
Picture Round: The usual, only new.
See you in 22 hours. Best reserve a table.. in the book so far: Peaches, Feid Club, Fuck If I Know.. and one other team I haven't got a name for. And possibly Pinkies & The Brain.
Yeah.. we're getting the band back together.
Und in Kürze auf Deutsch:
Things to look forward to on Monday 24 January from 8pm (in the Kilkenny - for those who haven't noticed that we've moved :)
Music Round: One Hit Wonders - musikalische Eintagsfliegen.And before you go all Green Hat on me - SOME of those bands/artists might have had a second (or even third) hit, or made one ore more albums BUT are largely known for that ONE song... no need to argue, gotta take what gives :)
Yogi Round: Thanks to Team Fuck If I Know :) we'll look into American (Broadway) musicals... Yeah. You and me both :)
Question Round One: Capitals. As in, cities. All around the globe. So, basically a geography round.
Question Round Two: no idea yet. But we have 22 hours till kick-off. I'm sure I'll find something. Maybe 'by the numbers'
Picture Round: The usual, only new.
See you in 22 hours. Best reserve a table.. in the book so far: Peaches, Feid Club, Fuck If I Know.. and one other team I haven't got a name for. And possibly Pinkies & The Brain.
Yeah.. we're getting the band back together.
Und in Kürze auf Deutsch:
NewQuiky #2 - Montag 24. Januar ab 20.00 Uhr im Kilkenny (hinterer Raum)
Runden: One-Hit Wonders (Musik), Amerikanische (Broadway)-Musicals (Yogi), Hauptstädte (Runde 1), der übliche Bildermix (genetische Experiments, Makros, Logos, etc), 2. Fragerunde ist noch offen.
Bis morgen.. und wer sich noch dazu gesellen möchte sollte besser einen Tisch reservieren.
Puzzle of the day
Nebenprodukt meines 'privaten' Photoshoppings... das könnte in der Bilderrunde häufiger vorkommen. Noch nicht perfekt aber ich arbeite dran.
Byproduct of 'private' 'shopping - not perfect yet but working on it. Potential new feature in the picture rounds.
Byproduct of 'private' 'shopping - not perfect yet but working on it. Potential new feature in the picture rounds.
First NewQuiky, first impressions
.. you rarely get a second chance to make one, or so they say :)
The Green Hat of Shame - modelled by an - undeserving for a change - Peach. Also - Team Kennenbolz, and a full basket of Peaches.
Alle 7 Bilder vom ersten Abend hier.
The Green Hat of Shame - modelled by an - undeserving for a change - Peach. Also - Team Kennenbolz, and a full basket of Peaches.
Alle 7 Bilder vom ersten Abend hier.
Dieses war der erste Streich
and I hope we're - slowly - puttin' the band back together. Falls nicht könnte nach Strike 3 auch schon alles wieder aus sein.
Anyroad - nicht gerade full house aber trotzdem Spaß am Montag. Battle of the Brains between the team henceforth known as the Kennenbolz :P :P and the still Smashing Peaches (BTW - ich hab Sinead's Sacrifice :)
Und da sich Teams Bravo, Mr. & Mrs Lovin' und Fuck If I know (LUV your team name :)) dann auch noch getraut haben kann man die erste Runde ansatzweise als Erfolg ansehen.
Points briefly
Well then...auf zu neuen Schandtaten.
NewQuiky #2 - Montag 24 January, 8pm, Kilkenny, back room (aka the Gaelic Room)
No idea yet as to what topics might be flavour of the day but Fuck If I Know have the 'Yogi Right' :)
If you read this in time - you can send me your suggestion or wishes for the third question round. You choose the topic, I pick the questions. Deadline is Saturday 8pm. Best mail me. Or leave a comment here if you want to give the others a heads up :)
The rest up here later this week, as usual. AND since everything is new again - if you do not reserve a table you might find that the 'dinner crowd' got there before you.. and once they're sitting it's tough to get them up and out again. Even if they don't want to play they're there. So - book your table before Monday afternoon, otherwise you might have to stand.
Looking forward to seeing old and new faces on 24th (Pinkies?!? table 51?) so train the brain, and spread the word... und nun gehtet hinfort und wehret euch.
BTW - hier is the second 3-in-1 genetic experiment for all those of you who missed last night's quiz... more of those to some - it's fun.
Anyroad - nicht gerade full house aber trotzdem Spaß am Montag. Battle of the Brains between the team henceforth known as the Kennenbolz :P :P and the still Smashing Peaches (BTW - ich hab Sinead's Sacrifice :)
Und da sich Teams Bravo, Mr. & Mrs Lovin' und Fuck If I know (LUV your team name :)) dann auch noch getraut haben kann man die erste Runde ansatzweise als Erfolg ansehen.
Points briefly
Smashing Peaches 73,5
Kennenbolz 53,5
Fuck If I Know 21,5 (after 3 rounds)
Mr. & Mrs. Lovin' 15 (after 2 rounds)
Bravo Team 3,5 (after 1st round)
(shiny graph up here later this week.. I keep thinking I have Wochenende because it's the day after the quiz night BUT... another gewöhnungsbedürftige Änderung.Well then...auf zu neuen Schandtaten.
NewQuiky #2 - Montag 24 January, 8pm, Kilkenny, back room (aka the Gaelic Room)
No idea yet as to what topics might be flavour of the day but Fuck If I Know have the 'Yogi Right' :)
If you read this in time - you can send me your suggestion or wishes for the third question round. You choose the topic, I pick the questions. Deadline is Saturday 8pm. Best mail me. Or leave a comment here if you want to give the others a heads up :)
The rest up here later this week, as usual. AND since everything is new again - if you do not reserve a table you might find that the 'dinner crowd' got there before you.. and once they're sitting it's tough to get them up and out again. Even if they don't want to play they're there. So - book your table before Monday afternoon, otherwise you might have to stand.
Looking forward to seeing old and new faces on 24th (Pinkies?!? table 51?) so train the brain, and spread the word... und nun gehtet hinfort und wehret euch.
BTW - hier is the second 3-in-1 genetic experiment for all those of you who missed last night's quiz... more of those to some - it's fun.
Time for a Quiky?!
It's big, it's bad, it's BAAAAAACK.
Neues Jahr, neues Quizzer-Glück?!
Wie bereits angedeutet geht das heitere Fragen-Beantworten (oder Antwort-Erraten) weiter.. in Mitte.
Nachdem die groben Details geklärt sind haben wir auch einen Starttermin.
Einige von euch werden sich sicher noch erinnern können, die anderen werden nicht lange brauchen um sich umzugewöhnen. Und für die meisten ist Mitte im derzeitigen BVG-Chaos einfacher zu erreichen und wieder zu verlassen als Charlottenburg.
Allgemeine Regeln & Runden bleiben bestehen (5 Runden in Deutsch & Englisch, Bilder auf der Leinwand, grüne Hüte, gelbe & rote Karten, Drinks, Nüsse, mehr Drinks, freier Eintritt, Reservierung empfohlen)
Geplant sind erst mal die 3 letzen Montage im Januar (17., 24. und 31.), danach sehen wir weiter. Wenn alles gut läuft gibt's vielleicht 'zur Belohnung' den Donnerstag zurück.
Also - flugs Tische gebucht (am einfachsten und sichersten telefonisch unter (030) 283 20 84 oder per mail oder per QMM) und die grauen Zellen gelüftet. ('alte' Hinweise zum Thema Reservierungen, und Tischplan guckst du hier)
Runden: Alles was mit 'A' anfängt. 2010 Rückschau. All or Almost Nothing (Zocker-Runde :)... Jede Menge neue genetische Experimente. Musik - Jahreszeiten oder ganz was anderes... Andere Vorschläge? Wünsche?
Sneak peek - NEW: 3 in 1 Genetix (fragt mich nicht nach der Auflösung - bin selbst verwirrt :)

And of course de whole fing in Inglish, innit?
New year, new challenges, new places. New questions obviously :)
We say 'bye bye' to the Inquizition, and 'hello again' to the Quiky. Or the NewQuiky as it shall be known.
2011 holds lots of fun, drinks, nuts, and tons of puzzling pictures and quirky questions. To be enjoyed in Mitte.
Plans for the immediate future - Mondays at 8pm (for now 17, 24 and 31 January), once we get the thing going we can talk about moving back to Thursdays.
So, what are you still hanging around here for? Book your table (phone (030) 283 20 84 or mail the Kilkenny or the MerryQuizMiz and kick the old brain into shape. ('old' tips and details re. reservations incl floor plan with table numbers here)
NQ1 Rounds: A-List (all answers start wit 'A'). that was the year that was - 2010 Review. All or Almost Nothing (bit of a gamble :)... Loads of new genetix experiments (sneak peek above - 3 in 1 :). Music - Vivaldi round. 4 Seasons, like. Songs about spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter (sick of that, me).
More info and details here over the next few days. Totally excited about seeing yis all again soon. Let's have some fun in 2011.
Neues Jahr, neues Quizzer-Glück?!
Wie bereits angedeutet geht das heitere Fragen-Beantworten (oder Antwort-Erraten) weiter.. in Mitte.
Nachdem die groben Details geklärt sind haben wir auch einen Starttermin.
NewQuiky #1 - Montag 17. Januar, 20.00 Uhr, Kilkenny Irish Pub, Hackescher Markt.
Einige von euch werden sich sicher noch erinnern können, die anderen werden nicht lange brauchen um sich umzugewöhnen. Und für die meisten ist Mitte im derzeitigen BVG-Chaos einfacher zu erreichen und wieder zu verlassen als Charlottenburg.
Allgemeine Regeln & Runden bleiben bestehen (5 Runden in Deutsch & Englisch, Bilder auf der Leinwand, grüne Hüte, gelbe & rote Karten, Drinks, Nüsse, mehr Drinks, freier Eintritt, Reservierung empfohlen)
Geplant sind erst mal die 3 letzen Montage im Januar (17., 24. und 31.), danach sehen wir weiter. Wenn alles gut läuft gibt's vielleicht 'zur Belohnung' den Donnerstag zurück.
Also - flugs Tische gebucht (am einfachsten und sichersten telefonisch unter (030) 283 20 84 oder per mail oder per QMM) und die grauen Zellen gelüftet. ('alte' Hinweise zum Thema Reservierungen, und Tischplan guckst du hier)
Runden: Alles was mit 'A' anfängt. 2010 Rückschau. All or Almost Nothing (Zocker-Runde :)... Jede Menge neue genetische Experimente. Musik - Jahreszeiten oder ganz was anderes... Andere Vorschläge? Wünsche?
Sneak peek - NEW: 3 in 1 Genetix (fragt mich nicht nach der Auflösung - bin selbst verwirrt :)

And of course de whole fing in Inglish, innit?
New year, new challenges, new places. New questions obviously :)
We say 'bye bye' to the Inquizition, and 'hello again' to the Quiky. Or the NewQuiky as it shall be known.
2011 holds lots of fun, drinks, nuts, and tons of puzzling pictures and quirky questions. To be enjoyed in Mitte.
NewQuiky #1 - Monday 17 January, 8pm.
Kilkenny Irish Pub, train station Hackescher Markt
General rules & rounds remain the same (5 rounds in Englisch & German, pictures on the big screen, green hats, yellow & red cards, drinks, nuts, more drinks, free entry, reservation recommended)Plans for the immediate future - Mondays at 8pm (for now 17, 24 and 31 January), once we get the thing going we can talk about moving back to Thursdays.
So, what are you still hanging around here for? Book your table (phone (030) 283 20 84 or mail the Kilkenny or the MerryQuizMiz and kick the old brain into shape. ('old' tips and details re. reservations incl floor plan with table numbers here)
NQ1 Rounds: A-List (all answers start wit 'A'). that was the year that was - 2010 Review. All or Almost Nothing (bit of a gamble :)... Loads of new genetix experiments (sneak peek above - 3 in 1 :). Music - Vivaldi round. 4 Seasons, like. Songs about spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter (sick of that, me).
More info and details here over the next few days. Totally excited about seeing yis all again soon. Let's have some fun in 2011.
A change is gonna come
Apologies to all who wanted to quiz a bit on 30 December, and found out that it wasn't in the plans at the Irish Harp Lounge (was very much in my plans and I had such a great quiz.too...). It seems we're not wanted there anymore (you probably are, quiz nights apparently are not) so it's time to pack wor bags and move on.
It will take a week or two to sort out logistic and technical details but the show will go on. In the Kilkenny Irish Pub (some of you might remember). For the time being we have to be content with Mondays (I know, not the best day, but better than no quiz at all..or is it?!?) but we can make all the noise we want, have our nice little quiz corner (room) and it's a lot easier to get to (and from) there on what passes for public transport theses days.
General rules, rounds, and prizes remain the same (incl. green hats :))... Check this here place for updates, I'll let you know as soon as we have a starting date. Might be too late for a New Year's Quiz but we've got LOADS of new genetics, answers that start with 'A' and a new feature... 'All or Almost Nothing" round... and there is a dart board in the Kilkenny too :) :)
For now (and I should have opened with that line) - thank you very much, all of you crazy quizzers who made the last year such a success. I hope we can meet again in the new year, for more questions, answers, nuts, and fun.. not to mention ALCOHOL :)
The show will go on... and be bigger and better than ever.
In any case - have a fantastic 2011, may it be a peaceful, joyful, and successful year and may it bring lots of fun, new friends, surprises, challenges, and way more questions than answers.
See you soon.
It will take a week or two to sort out logistic and technical details but the show will go on. In the Kilkenny Irish Pub (some of you might remember). For the time being we have to be content with Mondays (I know, not the best day, but better than no quiz at all..or is it?!?) but we can make all the noise we want, have our nice little quiz corner (room) and it's a lot easier to get to (and from) there on what passes for public transport theses days.
General rules, rounds, and prizes remain the same (incl. green hats :))... Check this here place for updates, I'll let you know as soon as we have a starting date. Might be too late for a New Year's Quiz but we've got LOADS of new genetics, answers that start with 'A' and a new feature... 'All or Almost Nothing" round... and there is a dart board in the Kilkenny too :) :)
For now (and I should have opened with that line) - thank you very much, all of you crazy quizzers who made the last year such a success. I hope we can meet again in the new year, for more questions, answers, nuts, and fun.. not to mention ALCOHOL :)
The show will go on... and be bigger and better than ever.
In any case - have a fantastic 2011, may it be a peaceful, joyful, and successful year and may it bring lots of fun, new friends, surprises, challenges, and way more questions than answers.
See you soon.
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