Almost forgot - 'book' for next year..
And since I was asked to post a few of my favourite lolcats and silly cartoons.. here are best of, the rest compiled here. Oh, and there are many more LOL-worthy ones here... adults only :)
Happy and funny holidays.
Reservations and seasonal sillyness
This here KwizMiz is very merry indeed - last night's quiz moved up to top spot in the all-time-bestest-quizzes. And what a lovely Christmas party it was too ;)
And since you were such a brilliant crowd, and as a sign of my appreciation for your lovely Christmas prezzie (aawwh) - here are all of last night's pictures, and the points. (well, 10 pictures, and the rest here for download)
So - before I head into the holidays - once more a BIG THANK YOU to all you lovely quizzers who have made not just Ye Wilde Quizmas but also the first two seasons of our champions League such a huge success. Singled out for more praise - Cannonballs (or at least Frank's wife ;), Amazing Graces (Fantastic Faina for baking the Turner Prize-worthy biscuits seen above, and the the other Graces who doubled as little elves last night, helping to prepare the party) and Newbies for bringing rum cake rum ;).. your generosity and creativity knows no bounds.
A big Thank You also goes to the diligent and friendly lads and lasses of the Oscar Wilde staff, and of course boss man Uwe, for being such excellent hosts. I feel that, this time, we have really found our new quiz home.
There's so much more I'd like to say (and being naturally chatty, I probably will in a few days) but for now only this.
It has been an absolute pleasure and I'm already looking forward to seeing most of you in 2011. There will be changes to the format and rules, to make it even more fun than it has been so far. But all that can wait until I'm back from well-deserved (and much-needed) holidays.
I hope you're enjoying yours, and till we meet again - happy holidays and a very
And since you were such a brilliant crowd, and as a sign of my appreciation for your lovely Christmas prezzie (aawwh) - here are all of last night's pictures, and the points. (well, 10 pictures, and the rest here for download)
So - before I head into the holidays - once more a BIG THANK YOU to all you lovely quizzers who have made not just Ye Wilde Quizmas but also the first two seasons of our champions League such a huge success. Singled out for more praise - Cannonballs (or at least Frank's wife ;), Amazing Graces (Fantastic Faina for baking the Turner Prize-worthy biscuits seen above, and the the other Graces who doubled as little elves last night, helping to prepare the party) and Newbies for bringing rum cake rum ;).. your generosity and creativity knows no bounds.
A big Thank You also goes to the diligent and friendly lads and lasses of the Oscar Wilde staff, and of course boss man Uwe, for being such excellent hosts. I feel that, this time, we have really found our new quiz home.
There's so much more I'd like to say (and being naturally chatty, I probably will in a few days) but for now only this.
It has been an absolute pleasure and I'm already looking forward to seeing most of you in 2011. There will be changes to the format and rules, to make it even more fun than it has been so far. But all that can wait until I'm back from well-deserved (and much-needed) holidays.
I hope you're enjoying yours, and till we meet again - happy holidays and a very
Quiz- and Christmas links, tips and hints
Not that I'd give away any questions for Wednesday (seeing that I have yet to pick some) but if you feel like practising or just want to read up on Xmas trivia.... apart from Wikipedia..
here's where ..
or here...
or try this..
or just google your own ;)
Not saying that there will be many questions aboutrecords and stuff, or traditions, or... but it's worth a try.. and if the facts are no use on Wednesday you can still smartarse the Christmas out of your friends and family come weekend :P
Oh, and if you get the chance - take a closer look at limerick-writing and practise throwing darts ;)
And if you're still looking for cool Crimbo tunes that are a bit different from 'the usual'.. this here is the bestest place to grab a few.. the Dude has the finest selection and generously shares it with us every year. If you grab a few do be nice and leave a comment or thank you ;)
Happy researching/practising/singing... see you Wednesday :D
here's where ..
or here...
or try this..
or just google your own ;)
Not saying that there will be many questions aboutrecords and stuff, or traditions, or... but it's worth a try.. and if the facts are no use on Wednesday you can still smartarse the Christmas out of your friends and family come weekend :P
Oh, and if you get the chance - take a closer look at limerick-writing and practise throwing darts ;)
And if you're still looking for cool Crimbo tunes that are a bit different from 'the usual'.. this here is the bestest place to grab a few.. the Dude has the finest selection and generously shares it with us every year. If you grab a few do be nice and leave a comment or thank you ;)
Happy researching/practising/singing... see you Wednesday :D
Quizmas is coming ...
Here is the list of teams currently registered for Ye Wilde Quizmas. As you can see we have a few (5) tables left but there's no guarantee that they will still be free on Wednesday.
Kleine Änderung: Foxes & Newbies haben 31+32 und KBF ausnahmsweise mal 22.
Secret Silly Santa questions sind eingegangen (und dankend aufgenommen) von Alpha Strong, Newbies, Foxes, Cannonballs, and Graces. Alle anderen werden dann wohl auf ihr Glück (oder umfangreiches Allgemeinwissen) vertrauen müssen :)
Last little note: we will of course have sweets and stuff but if you feel a bout of baking coming on, or have already made 20kg of cookies and can only eat 18 - in the spirit of caring and sharing, bring some for your fellow quizzers. Or something else. It would also greatly add to the merriment and festive atmosphere if you'd wear silly head garb :)
Kleine Änderung: Foxes & Newbies haben 31+32 und KBF ausnahmsweise mal 22.
Secret Silly Santa questions sind eingegangen (und dankend aufgenommen) von Alpha Strong, Newbies, Foxes, Cannonballs, and Graces. Alle anderen werden dann wohl auf ihr Glück (oder umfangreiches Allgemeinwissen) vertrauen müssen :)
Last little note: we will of course have sweets and stuff but if you feel a bout of baking coming on, or have already made 20kg of cookies and can only eat 18 - in the spirit of caring and sharing, bring some for your fellow quizzers. Or something else. It would also greatly add to the merriment and festive atmosphere if you'd wear silly head garb :)
Wilde Quiz
Money, Mangos, Multiple Choice - Ye Wilde Quiz #24
At long last - points, the FINAL Champions League table and all 50+ photos for download ;)
Also - the deadline for Secret Santa is extended to Monday 10pm. So far only Graces and Newbies have sent suggestions. Mail me.
As for reservations for the next 3 weeks - this is the current 'book' (additionally, Kirschbierfraktion are in for Quizmas, and Newbies bring additional "Fantastic Foxes".. all others phone to reserve or chance it on the night (no guarantee for tables, sweets & stuff).
I'm already dreaming of Ye Wilde Quizmas - we are definitely going to have a smashing 2011 finale. Ho ho ho....
Also - the deadline for Secret Santa is extended to Monday 10pm. So far only Graces and Newbies have sent suggestions. Mail me.
As for reservations for the next 3 weeks - this is the current 'book' (additionally, Kirschbierfraktion are in for Quizmas, and Newbies bring additional "Fantastic Foxes".. all others phone to reserve or chance it on the night (no guarantee for tables, sweets & stuff).
I'm already dreaming of Ye Wilde Quizmas - we are definitely going to have a smashing 2011 finale. Ho ho ho....
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
Ho ho ho.. Ye Wilde Quizmas - Secret Santa
For all those who haven't received a mail (because I don't have your email addresses)... the infor for the silly games on Wednesday yet to come. (if you did get the mail, don't waste your time and stop reading now ;)
Secret Santa
Every team can send me 3 Christmas-related questions (with matching - AND CORRECT - answers), we'll pull some out of the Santa hat on Wednesday, that way every team has the chance to get at least 1 point.. if they remember their question/answer :):)
Send your suggestions to this email addy by Sunday night at the very latest. (this is not mandatory, if you don't want to join the Secret Santa Society just turn up on Wednesday and give other teams a chance to win :)
We will also have lovely Christmas tunes, sweets, decoration and silly games (darts and other).. potentially the perfect end to a (quiz) year.
In the book for now (confirmed) - Pinkies, Cannonballs, Graces, Just Met Today, Newbies, Alpha Strong, and Bad Apples. Booked 3 weeks ago but not confirmed - Fragezeichen, Kirschbierfraktion, David Ellis... do let us know if you're coming or if we can give the tables away. The more the merrier but ... the fewer teams, the more sweets & treats for everyone else ;)
And all that in Deutsch too:
Fragen-Wichteln / Julklapp
Jedes Team kann mir 3 wie auch immer geartete Weihnachts-thematische Fragen (mit passenden - und korrekten - Antworten) zuschicken, von denen pro Team mindestens eine aus dem Hut gezogen wird. Auf die Art hat jedes Team die Chance zumindest 1 Punkt abzugreifen :)
Einsendeschluß (an diese Adresse) ist Sonntag Nacht.
Das Ganze ist natürlich völlig freiwillig, wer sich nicht beteiligen möchte und trotzdem am Mittwoch kommt gibt der Konkurrenz eine bessere Chance zu gewinnen ;)
Wir werden wie immer auch weihnachtliche Musik (von Händel bis Punk, Pop, Ska, Rock und Chipmunks) haben, und bunte Deko, bunte Teller, blöde Spiele (Darts und andere) sowie ein paar festliche Fragen. Und of course die üblichen drinks und nuts.
Im Buch und bestätigt - Pinkies, Cannonballs, Graces, Just Met Today, Newbies, Alpha Strong, and Bad Apples. Voraus gebucht aber nicht bestätigt - Fragezeichen, Kirschbierfraktion, David Ellis... sagt bitte kurz bescheid ob ihr kommt oder oder ob wir die Tische anderweitig verplanen können. Je weniger kommen umso mehr Süßigkeiten sind für all da ;)
Secret Santa
Every team can send me 3 Christmas-related questions (with matching - AND CORRECT - answers), we'll pull some out of the Santa hat on Wednesday, that way every team has the chance to get at least 1 point.. if they remember their question/answer :):)
Send your suggestions to this email addy by Sunday night at the very latest. (this is not mandatory, if you don't want to join the Secret Santa Society just turn up on Wednesday and give other teams a chance to win :)
We will also have lovely Christmas tunes, sweets, decoration and silly games (darts and other).. potentially the perfect end to a (quiz) year.
In the book for now (confirmed) - Pinkies, Cannonballs, Graces, Just Met Today, Newbies, Alpha Strong, and Bad Apples. Booked 3 weeks ago but not confirmed - Fragezeichen, Kirschbierfraktion, David Ellis... do let us know if you're coming or if we can give the tables away. The more the merrier but ... the fewer teams, the more sweets & treats for everyone else ;)
And all that in Deutsch too:
Fragen-Wichteln / Julklapp
Jedes Team kann mir 3 wie auch immer geartete Weihnachts-thematische Fragen (mit passenden - und korrekten - Antworten) zuschicken, von denen pro Team mindestens eine aus dem Hut gezogen wird. Auf die Art hat jedes Team die Chance zumindest 1 Punkt abzugreifen :)
Einsendeschluß (an diese Adresse) ist Sonntag Nacht.
Das Ganze ist natürlich völlig freiwillig, wer sich nicht beteiligen möchte und trotzdem am Mittwoch kommt gibt der Konkurrenz eine bessere Chance zu gewinnen ;)
Wir werden wie immer auch weihnachtliche Musik (von Händel bis Punk, Pop, Ska, Rock und Chipmunks) haben, und bunte Deko, bunte Teller, blöde Spiele (Darts und andere) sowie ein paar festliche Fragen. Und of course die üblichen drinks und nuts.
Im Buch und bestätigt - Pinkies, Cannonballs, Graces, Just Met Today, Newbies, Alpha Strong, and Bad Apples. Voraus gebucht aber nicht bestätigt - Fragezeichen, Kirschbierfraktion, David Ellis... sagt bitte kurz bescheid ob ihr kommt oder oder ob wir die Tische anderweitig verplanen können. Je weniger kommen umso mehr Süßigkeiten sind für all da ;)
Championes, championes!!!!
Just en bref - thanks to all who made this Champions League final such a wonderful night. Oscar Wilde boss man, staff, and of course all teams who competed so fairly and patiently. I'm already looking forward to season 3 (start 12 January :)
Anyroad, here are the first pictures, of the new Championes CANNONBALLS, and WQ#24 worthy winners Newbies (lovely 81 points), and of course the respective runners-up - second championes THE AMAZING GRACES (CL) and Alpha Strong (WQ24).. you - and of course all others - were wonderful!!!
All other info, points, tables, and the rest of the photos, up here by Sunday at the very latest.
Anyroad, here are the first pictures, of the new Championes CANNONBALLS, and WQ#24 worthy winners Newbies (lovely 81 points), and of course the respective runners-up - second championes THE AMAZING GRACES (CL) and Alpha Strong (WQ24).. you - and of course all others - were wonderful!!!
All other info, points, tables, and the rest of the photos, up here by Sunday at the very latest.
Picture post
All 80 pics of WildeQuiz #23 are up here now. Go fetch!
Calling Humboldt Hobos
You can still change your mind regarding your Yogi round topic. I will accept the one you gave me on Thursday but you have to bear in mind - it's HIGHLY likely that other tams might be experts on that subject too. If you want to suggest something else do send me a mail by Sunday 8pm at the very latest ;)
Book it, Danno!!
Almost forgot - the current reservations 'pages'.
These are the teams in the book today (9 December).. only 1 regular and 2 'ghost' tables left for the big WQCLS2 Feeee-Naaaaaaaaaaaaar-Lay. First come, first reserve :) Phone the Oscar's.
Christmas is coming, rumour has it, and we'll be having a festive Wilde Quizmas party on Wednesday 21 December. Reservations only, at least for the rounds that require preparation and 'accessoires' :)
And after a looooong 2-week break we'll reconvene on 5 January 2012 for the big 2011 Review Quiz. You might want to start reading up on things that were - more or less - important this year ;)
The third season of Ye Wilde Quiz Champions League starts on Thursday, 12 January.
More info on all events up here soon, for now the look in the book.
..and while we're on the subject.. At the risk of repeating myself, please do NOT send me a mail to cancel (David Ellis/Dumb&Döner), especially not on the very quiz night you can't attend. I will not get the info in time and neither will the Oscar's staff. That way we'll have to guess till 8.30 if you turn up or not and can't give the table to others. Tables are always scarce so please give other teams a chance to join the fun.
You have to phone the Oscar's for reservations so PLEASE do phone the Oscar Wilde to cancel too. As early as possible, 2 minutes to 8 is not much good ;)
These are the teams in the book today (9 December).. only 1 regular and 2 'ghost' tables left for the big WQCLS2 Feeee-Naaaaaaaaaaaaar-Lay. First come, first reserve :) Phone the Oscar's.
Christmas is coming, rumour has it, and we'll be having a festive Wilde Quizmas party on Wednesday 21 December. Reservations only, at least for the rounds that require preparation and 'accessoires' :)
And after a looooong 2-week break we'll reconvene on 5 January 2012 for the big 2011 Review Quiz. You might want to start reading up on things that were - more or less - important this year ;)
The third season of Ye Wilde Quiz Champions League starts on Thursday, 12 January.
More info on all events up here soon, for now the look in the book.
..and while we're on the subject.. At the risk of repeating myself, please do NOT send me a mail to cancel (David Ellis/Dumb&Döner), especially not on the very quiz night you can't attend. I will not get the info in time and neither will the Oscar's staff. That way we'll have to guess till 8.30 if you turn up or not and can't give the table to others. Tables are always scarce so please give other teams a chance to join the fun.
You have to phone the Oscar's for reservations so PLEASE do phone the Oscar Wilde to cancel too. As early as possible, 2 minutes to 8 is not much good ;)
Oh what a night!!! - WQ23 roundup
Because you were such a lovely audience (for some reason I keep singing 'For the benefit of Mr. Kite' in my head ;) I spent half of my Friday with points, and pics, and previews. So - last night's results, and proof of all-round funtertainment. I have some 50+ more pictures to sift and shop, for now just the best of the crop :)
Seriously, you people crack me up every time :).... the later the evening, the better the faces on some of yis ;)
But now on to the all-important issue of the Champions League Season 2. It's getting tighter by the week, good thing the big Feeee-naaaaaaaaaaaar-lay is next week. Otherwise I'd be killed by suspense :)
So quizzers, be there in time to witness the big 3-way tie between Graces, Cannonballs and ???.. Unless they all spectacularly implode and some other team win by 50 points ;).. Exciting....
That's almost all for now, more over the weekend (bits of useless information I stumbled across while reasearching stuff, details on upcoming new rules, preview for the next few weeks, plans for Quizmas and WildeNewYearKwiz, and - as promised - waaaaay more photographs.
Till then - gehabt euch wohl.
![]() |
Go West.. with the Village People |
Seriously, you people crack me up every time :).... the later the evening, the better the faces on some of yis ;)
But now on to the all-important issue of the Champions League Season 2. It's getting tighter by the week, good thing the big Feeee-naaaaaaaaaaaar-lay is next week. Otherwise I'd be killed by suspense :)
So quizzers, be there in time to witness the big 3-way tie between Graces, Cannonballs and ???.. Unless they all spectacularly implode and some other team win by 50 points ;).. Exciting....
That's almost all for now, more over the weekend (bits of useless information I stumbled across while reasearching stuff, details on upcoming new rules, preview for the next few weeks, plans for Quizmas and WildeNewYearKwiz, and - as promised - waaaaay more photographs.
Till then - gehabt euch wohl.
Champions League,
quiz pix,
Wilde Quiz
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