Okay, nach super-spaßiger Quiz-Nacht und vor verdientem Kurzurlaub - Kurzfassung der Punkte u.a.BS (vollumfängliche Version Montag in den Abendstunden)
Cannonballs 68
Die gloriösen Rohfischwickel 67
Null Zwo Elf 51,5
Wusel dusel 51,5
Local People 50,5
Green sheep 42,5
KwizKidz 39
Cailini (after 3 rounds) 33,5
Yogi-Themen-Bestimmer KwizKidz (nope, Der Pate Teil 2 ist keine Option :P) - auf dem üblichen Weg.
Prediction of the Week - weil mir gerade nichts anderes einfällt -
Watford- Newcastle (Samstag 27.2. 16.00 Uhr)
Halbzeit- und Endergebnis (Einsendeschluß Samstag 27.2. 16.00 Uhr - per mail, Kommentar, tweet oder FB message..s. rechts :P)
Der Rest am Montag (BTW - "Disney" hat eine sehr gute Anwesenheitschance am 4.3.)...
#24 round-up
prediction of the week,
"M"inor change of plans
Not that I don't like Disney but it's largely movie-themed too and we already have The Godfather tonight.. so last minute change of plans. Question round 1 is mixed and brought to you by the letter "M". Meaning all your answers should begin with M... Mona Lisa, Murnau, Monaco, meander... Mysterious, Marvellous, monderful.
Later, kidz :)
Later, kidz :)
There will be blood
I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse. Unless you want to miss a whole round on Thursday. KwizKidz have sent me their topic for the Yogi round.. and it's....
The Godfather (the film). Oder Der Pate - der Film :D
So - brush up your knowledge of Don Corleone, mafia, pizza and tomato gardens ;) and try to guess which 9+ questions out of a possible 137.456 I'm gonna ask on Thursday...
Oh, and if you want a head start send me your Predictions of the Week by Tuesday 8pm.
The Godfather (the film). Oder Der Pate - der Film :D

So - brush up your knowledge of Don Corleone, mafia, pizza and tomato gardens ;) and try to guess which 9+ questions out of a possible 137.456 I'm gonna ask on Thursday...
Oh, and if you want a head start send me your Predictions of the Week by Tuesday 8pm.
3 Ps
Points for 23, preview & Prediction of the Week for 24, that is..

And that's what we'll be doing for Inquizition #24 (as always, rounds subject to late changes)
Yogi Round - if the KwizKidz don't send me anything by Tuesday night we'll do "Look, ma, no brains!!!".. formerly known as Assorted BS.. stupid laws, people, records, Darwin Awards, igNobel Prizes, gurning, giant foodstuff, and possibly Big Brother (doesn't get much more stupid than that, does it?)
Round 1 - Winter Olympics.. for obvious reasons.. this years and all the ones that came before.. medals & masocts, events & Eagles, winners and wonders...
Round 2 - Walt's World.. all things Disney. From theme parks to characters, movies to tv cartoons, the man, his life, (and his wife? and dog)... hi ho, hi ho....
Music Round - most likely Singing Stars. From Lorne Green to Franz Beckenbauer, Pele to Paris Hilton.. actors, sportsmen, politicians ... do your homework ;)
And in case you want to start with 3!!! points - predict the following

Deadline is Tuesday 8pm, the usual mail/FB message/tweet submissions.. check the right-hand column.
Any other changes, news and links - watch this space. Till Thursday.

And that's what we'll be doing for Inquizition #24 (as always, rounds subject to late changes)
Yogi Round - if the KwizKidz don't send me anything by Tuesday night we'll do "Look, ma, no brains!!!".. formerly known as Assorted BS.. stupid laws, people, records, Darwin Awards, igNobel Prizes, gurning, giant foodstuff, and possibly Big Brother (doesn't get much more stupid than that, does it?)
Round 1 - Winter Olympics.. for obvious reasons.. this years and all the ones that came before.. medals & masocts, events & Eagles, winners and wonders...
Round 2 - Walt's World.. all things Disney. From theme parks to characters, movies to tv cartoons, the man, his life, (and his wife? and dog)... hi ho, hi ho....
Music Round - most likely Singing Stars. From Lorne Green to Franz Beckenbauer, Pele to Paris Hilton.. actors, sportsmen, politicians ... do your homework ;)
And in case you want to start with 3!!! points - predict the following

Deadline is Tuesday 8pm, the usual mail/FB message/tweet submissions.. check the right-hand column.
Any other changes, news and links - watch this space. Till Thursday.
prediction of the week,
It's TV'Day instead of V'Day
Thanks so much for not pointing out that Valentine's Day is celebrated on 14th February, not on 18th. Since I totally ignore that day I was about to start researching & writing a round about roses, fluff, and smooching couples. Uurrrrgh. Yech!
But hah! Thanks to modern media I received V'Day tweets (uurrgh, yech..) yesterday and now I'm looking forward to preparing a totally Valentine-free quiz.
To replace the smoochie-coochie round I've picked history. The Roaring Twenties!!! And before you dig out that old "I wasn't born back then" line.. NEITHER WAS I (even tho I might have looked like it on Saturday night).
And the music round is definitely NOT love songs but TV Tunes... those of yis who got Flipper and Skippy mixed up last week might want to practise a bit...
Rest stays the same, Hitchcock, Darts Round, and assorted pictures.
And since it's "englische Woche" (again!!!) those of you who (never) wanted to send me their predictions for the Newcastle game and start with a point or two.. it ended 1-1 (just like I predicted). You have one more chance this week as we're in action (?) again on Wednesday.
Prediction of the Week #23a
Newcastle Utd. - Coventry City
Wednesday 17 February, 8.45 (which is your deadline for submissions). Mail, FB message or tweet me your tips for half time and full time scores.
Till Thursday then, same place, same face.. same fun. New questions.
But hah! Thanks to modern media I received V'Day tweets (uurrgh, yech..) yesterday and now I'm looking forward to preparing a totally Valentine-free quiz.
To replace the smoochie-coochie round I've picked history. The Roaring Twenties!!! And before you dig out that old "I wasn't born back then" line.. NEITHER WAS I (even tho I might have looked like it on Saturday night).
And the music round is definitely NOT love songs but TV Tunes... those of yis who got Flipper and Skippy mixed up last week might want to practise a bit...
Rest stays the same, Hitchcock, Darts Round, and assorted pictures.
And since it's "englische Woche" (again!!!) those of you who (never) wanted to send me their predictions for the Newcastle game and start with a point or two.. it ended 1-1 (just like I predicted). You have one more chance this week as we're in action (?) again on Wednesday.
Prediction of the Week #23a
Newcastle Utd. - Coventry City
Wednesday 17 February, 8.45 (which is your deadline for submissions). Mail, FB message or tweet me your tips for half time and full time scores.
Till Thursday then, same place, same face.. same fun. New questions.
prediction of the week,
The afternoon after...
Note to self. Refrain from commenting publicly/posting while under the influence. It seriously affects spelling and reduces inhibition... and not all that goes through the mind needs to go through the mouth too. (Or fingers.
Anyway, wide awake and sober by now, here are the points I had temporarily misplaced last night.
Anyway, wide awake and sober by now, here are the points I had temporarily misplaced last night.

Laughing Jack(ass), tweets & tw@s
Brief round-up of tonight's quizzical etravaganza before I get some much-needed sleep..
I was dead chuffed to see some familiar faces..and some new one (I hope this the the beginning of a beautiful Germo-Canadian friendship :D)..
points .. no idea, would have to check the table, which I can't find in the depths of my bag atm..
Worthy Winners - The gloriösen Märzbiertrinker (you are aware of the fact that we're only half through February?!?!), runners-up Die Freiburschers.. and last (I'll skip the "least" part) - Das Knackige Quartett. Und nein, ich bin nicht von Natur aus böse, und ich bin nicht von Natur aus voreingenommen BUT I DON'T SUFFER EEDJITS GLADLY. Glad I cleared that up.
Anyroad, it was a predominantly fun night and the details will come back in a few hours (to be released here)...
Tentatively the plans for next week: Yogi topic is Alfred Hitchcock. YAY!!!! (thanks HaJö :)
And I've just realised with horror that Valentine's Day is upon us... which forces me to do a Valentine's round (you know that there were massacres on that day too, do you?)
The third question round is most likely going to be Darts Round (I will buy new ones, the old Picture round .. TUBS (the usual bullshit)..
Till much later today, thanks again and good luck, and GOOD NIGHT!
Oh, and Prediction of the Week #23...
Swansea - Newcastle (half time/full time)
deadline for prediction Saturday 1.45 pm...the usual way (and if you must, you can tweet me now.. yep, finally gave in.. it's @MaryKwizMiz) Go and knock yourselves out (and no, I don't think we're gonna get humped 3-0 again...well, I hope not..)
I was dead chuffed to see some familiar faces..and some new one (I hope this the the beginning of a beautiful Germo-Canadian friendship :D)..
points .. no idea, would have to check the table, which I can't find in the depths of my bag atm..
Worthy Winners - The gloriösen Märzbiertrinker (you are aware of the fact that we're only half through February?!?!), runners-up Die Freiburschers.. and last (I'll skip the "least" part) - Das Knackige Quartett. Und nein, ich bin nicht von Natur aus böse, und ich bin nicht von Natur aus voreingenommen BUT I DON'T SUFFER EEDJITS GLADLY. Glad I cleared that up.
Anyroad, it was a predominantly fun night and the details will come back in a few hours (to be released here)...
Tentatively the plans for next week: Yogi topic is Alfred Hitchcock. YAY!!!! (thanks HaJö :)
And I've just realised with horror that Valentine's Day is upon us... which forces me to do a Valentine's round (you know that there were massacres on that day too, do you?)
The third question round is most likely going to be Darts Round (I will buy new ones, the old Picture round .. TUBS (the usual bullshit)..
Till much later today, thanks again and good luck, and GOOD NIGHT!
Oh, and Prediction of the Week #23...
Swansea - Newcastle (half time/full time)
deadline for prediction Saturday 1.45 pm...the usual way (and if you must, you can tweet me now.. yep, finally gave in.. it's @MaryKwizMiz) Go and knock yourselves out (and no, I don't think we're gonna get humped 3-0 again...well, I hope not..)
prediction of the week,
Down Under
After the all too short weekend (which was still long enough to put 5 past Cardiff, paint my kitchen and watch 2 seasons of Spooks :) here the points of last week's InQuizition.

And this is what the tentative plans for InQuizition #22 look like:
Yogi: Far away in Australia... thanks to Two Short Planks we'll travel to the antipodes and take a closer look at OZ. Anything from kangaroos to kokaburras, from OZ-tralian Olympics to Hugh Jackman!!! (and maybe Nicole Kidman), Uluru, Men at Work, Crocodile Dundee to Kylie, boomerangs to ..blimey, there's only so much one can cram into 9 questions. And did you know that there is a city named Newcastle in Australia?!?!
Round 1: Connect 9. It's been a while but I think I've found a nice connection and I hope you'll find it too :)
Round 2: we're gonna do Presidents, dead or otherwise. In politics, film & fiction. And sports & music....
Music: All the pretty flowers. 9 songs with tulips, roses, carnations, forget-me-nots, and other flowers in the title.. nicely chopped & shopped into one.
Pictures.. most likely the usual BS.
And since it's Englische Woche, here's your chance to get 2 points (apart from the Loyalty Points you find somewhere on the right)
Prediction of the Week #22
Derby County - Newcastle Utd. (Tuesday 9 February 8.45)
Send me your half-time and full-time predictions the usual way by Tuesday 8.45 at the very latest (if you don't know how check the right-hand bar:)

And this is what the tentative plans for InQuizition #22 look like:
Yogi: Far away in Australia... thanks to Two Short Planks we'll travel to the antipodes and take a closer look at OZ. Anything from kangaroos to kokaburras, from OZ-tralian Olympics to Hugh Jackman!!! (and maybe Nicole Kidman), Uluru, Men at Work, Crocodile Dundee to Kylie, boomerangs to ..blimey, there's only so much one can cram into 9 questions. And did you know that there is a city named Newcastle in Australia?!?!
Round 1: Connect 9. It's been a while but I think I've found a nice connection and I hope you'll find it too :)
Round 2: we're gonna do Presidents, dead or otherwise. In politics, film & fiction. And sports & music....
Music: All the pretty flowers. 9 songs with tulips, roses, carnations, forget-me-nots, and other flowers in the title.. nicely chopped & shopped into one.
Pictures.. most likely the usual BS.
And since it's Englische Woche, here's your chance to get 2 points (apart from the Loyalty Points you find somewhere on the right)
Prediction of the Week #22
Derby County - Newcastle Utd. (Tuesday 9 February 8.45)
Send me your half-time and full-time predictions the usual way by Tuesday 8.45 at the very latest (if you don't know how check the right-hand bar:)
prediction of the week,
Discovery Channel & Hot Dawgs
So - wie immer nach Newcastle-Spielt-Sch...on-Wieder-Unentschieden-Wochenden die Punkte mit einiger Verspätung.

Und die Themen für Inquizition #21 stehen auch endlich fest.
Yogi-Runde: Dank den Wilmerdorfer Witwen für den Vorschlag uns mal mit Endeckern & Entdeckungen zu befassen. Ich wollte schon immer mal was zum Rosetta Stone loswerden :) :)
Also - von Troja bis America, Robert Koch bis Marie Curie, seltene Frösche, LSD und neuen Saurierarten.... was immer Mann (oder Frau) so entdecken kann oder schon hat... (und ja, wir machen kleine aber feien Unterschieden zwischen Entdeckungen und Erfindungen.. mit denen wir uns ein anderes Mal befassen :)
1. Fragerunde ist SportsWorld - ja, da hilft kein Klagen, hatten wir lange nicht und es ist Super Bowl und Six Nations fangen an, und Roger Federer hat mal wieder die Australian Open gewonnen....
2. Fragerunde - That's HOT. Alles was heiß ist, von Chilischoten bis Geysire, von Richard Armitage bis Jessica Alba, heiße Schlitten, hot dogs und Schmelzpunkte... Big Mix, like. Sicherlich auch was zum Anstarren dabei :)
Musikrunde ist Stadt, Land, Fluß - Songs mit geographischen ... Dingern im Titel. Mexico, Is This the Way to Amarillo, Yellow River, Big in Japan... schaun wir mal...
Bilderrunde natürlich der übliche BS, mit neuen genetischen Experiments (natürlich) und vielleicht einem neuen 5-in-1 Logo.
Also, immer schon mal schön üben, man kann ja nie wissen was dran kommt.
Oh, und Cannonballs fangen mit 1 Punkt an, zumindest der Halbzeitstand stimmte ja :)
Oh (?), und die LoyaltyPoints (s. Tabelle rechts) könnt ihr jederzeit in Anspruch nehmen (werden am Ende des Quizzes dazugezählt oder können gegen Tips eingetauscht werden).
Und das (bzw. der) ist HOT!

See Kirry, I told you I'd find a totally legit reason to put him here. UOMe :)

Und die Themen für Inquizition #21 stehen auch endlich fest.
Yogi-Runde: Dank den Wilmerdorfer Witwen für den Vorschlag uns mal mit Endeckern & Entdeckungen zu befassen. Ich wollte schon immer mal was zum Rosetta Stone loswerden :) :)
Also - von Troja bis America, Robert Koch bis Marie Curie, seltene Frösche, LSD und neuen Saurierarten.... was immer Mann (oder Frau) so entdecken kann oder schon hat... (und ja, wir machen kleine aber feien Unterschieden zwischen Entdeckungen und Erfindungen.. mit denen wir uns ein anderes Mal befassen :)
1. Fragerunde ist SportsWorld - ja, da hilft kein Klagen, hatten wir lange nicht und es ist Super Bowl und Six Nations fangen an, und Roger Federer hat mal wieder die Australian Open gewonnen....
2. Fragerunde - That's HOT. Alles was heiß ist, von Chilischoten bis Geysire, von Richard Armitage bis Jessica Alba, heiße Schlitten, hot dogs und Schmelzpunkte... Big Mix, like. Sicherlich auch was zum Anstarren dabei :)
Musikrunde ist Stadt, Land, Fluß - Songs mit geographischen ... Dingern im Titel. Mexico, Is This the Way to Amarillo, Yellow River, Big in Japan... schaun wir mal...
Bilderrunde natürlich der übliche BS, mit neuen genetischen Experiments (natürlich) und vielleicht einem neuen 5-in-1 Logo.
Also, immer schon mal schön üben, man kann ja nie wissen was dran kommt.
Oh, und Cannonballs fangen mit 1 Punkt an, zumindest der Halbzeitstand stimmte ja :)
Oh (?), und die LoyaltyPoints (s. Tabelle rechts) könnt ihr jederzeit in Anspruch nehmen (werden am Ende des Quizzes dazugezählt oder können gegen Tips eingetauscht werden).
Und das (bzw. der) ist HOT!

See Kirry, I told you I'd find a totally legit reason to put him here. UOMe :)
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