Aus dem hohen Norden, fast von dort wo der fette Alte mit dem roten Mantel her kommt, und wo 3 Meter Schnee liegen (nebeneinander, Männ!!) wünsche ich allen frohe und friedvolle Feiertage, mit hoffentlich nicht zuviel Essen, Punsch, nervigen Weihnachtsliedern und noch nervigeren Familienmitgliedern :) Und Dank nochmal an dieser Stelle allen die am Montag geholfen haben einen super Abend zu gestalten (Auswertung kommt, versprochen!!!)
Laßt's euch gut gehen und entspannt die grauen Zellen, 2010 wird anstregend genug :)
Wer mag darf gern am 28. zum letzten Quiz 2009 kommen, garantiert mit viel assorted bulls**t und nuts und Alkohol... oder nur um zu sehen wie Newcastle mal wieder gewonnen hat :)
Ho ho ho und Merry Quizmas to all of us...
On the eve of Christmas..
On the 18th day of Quizmas
So, die Anmeldung ist geschlossen.
Im Buch sind zusätzlich zu den vorgenannten Teams noch die Muttis (und 6 "fremde" Teams), es sieht also so aus als ob es voll wird, und familiär :)
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen und irgendwann vor Montag fallen mir sicher auch noch ein paar Fragen und Rätsel ein.
Bis dahin schönes letztes Adventwochenende, und ein paar Quizmas Cartoons, von wegen "fröhliche" und so ...

ho ho ho...
Im Buch sind zusätzlich zu den vorgenannten Teams noch die Muttis (und 6 "fremde" Teams), es sieht also so aus als ob es voll wird, und familiär :)
Die letzten Vorbereitungen laufen und irgendwann vor Montag fallen mir sicher auch noch ein paar Fragen und Rätsel ein.
Bis dahin schönes letztes Adventwochenende, und ein paar Quizmas Cartoons, von wegen "fröhliche" und so ...

ho ho ho...
On the 17th day of Quizmas
...I'll give you a little tune to get in the mood. It quite captures my attitude towards the festive season..
Quizmas is coming ..
..and the booze is getting flat, please put a penny in the QuizMiz' hat...
So, Quizmas is almost upon us now and things are getting a bit hectic. Being more Scrooge than Santee I've totally ignored the fact that it's Christmas too next week :) And there are still so many things to do (like, watching the season finale of Dexter, and Spooks, and Newcastle beating Middlesbrough) and so little time. Not to speak of work to get finished, and the usual scramble for last minute prezzies, cards, and train tickets. And that single-handedly (or more like, one-handedly).
In order to ensure a proper Quizmas I need a head-count by Friday to make sure everyone gets their share of fun & games & stuff(ing) on Monday.
So far we have Anmeldungen from Cannonballs, Feid Club, Pinkies and some 20-30 other people I might or might not know. Which translates into ca. 8-9 teams. All in the book and taken into account for the shopping.
If you decide to join in all the reindeer games, do send me a mail to, leave a comment here or phone the Irish Harp directly (030/22 32 87 35). I will consider all reservations made by Friday night, after that you'll have to chance it.
As for rounds, topics etc. - you'll find out when you get there :)
Also, if you want 2GB worth of assorted Christmas tunes from funk & soul to punk & metal mixed with crimbo classics & naughty melodies, bring a stick.
So, Quizmas is almost upon us now and things are getting a bit hectic. Being more Scrooge than Santee I've totally ignored the fact that it's Christmas too next week :) And there are still so many things to do (like, watching the season finale of Dexter, and Spooks, and Newcastle beating Middlesbrough) and so little time. Not to speak of work to get finished, and the usual scramble for last minute prezzies, cards, and train tickets. And that single-handedly (or more like, one-handedly).
In order to ensure a proper Quizmas I need a head-count by Friday to make sure everyone gets their share of fun & games & stuff(ing) on Monday.
So far we have Anmeldungen from Cannonballs, Feid Club, Pinkies and some 20-30 other people I might or might not know. Which translates into ca. 8-9 teams. All in the book and taken into account for the shopping.
If you decide to join in all the reindeer games, do send me a mail to, leave a comment here or phone the Irish Harp directly (030/22 32 87 35). I will consider all reservations made by Friday night, after that you'll have to chance it.
As for rounds, topics etc. - you'll find out when you get there :)
Also, if you want 2GB worth of assorted Christmas tunes from funk & soul to punk & metal mixed with crimbo classics & naughty melodies, bring a stick.
Bull***t and bullseye
Change of plans for tonight. We'll still do Simpsons, cover versions, picture round and Connect 9, the sports round is gonna be a real sports round tho.
We're gonna try Darts Round!!!
Rules are simple - you get to pick the topic if you can hit the right number on the dart board.
We'll have 5 questions on history, 5 on sports, 5 on TV & movie and 5 on assorted BS. You throw the dart and choose your preferred category. IF you hit the right number. Bullseye triples your points IF you answer the question correctly.
Should be a laugh - or at least worth a try.
Bingo Quiz coming up soon...
We're gonna try Darts Round!!!
Rules are simple - you get to pick the topic if you can hit the right number on the dart board.
We'll have 5 questions on history, 5 on sports, 5 on TV & movie and 5 on assorted BS. You throw the dart and choose your preferred category. IF you hit the right number. Bullseye triples your points IF you answer the question correctly.
Should be a laugh - or at least worth a try.
Bingo Quiz coming up soon...
New year, new quiz
Just because I've had a sudden inspiration.. there are gonna be a few changes and new features in 2010 and one of them is...
Darts Round. Details are still a bit sketchy but we have a dartboard in the corner and it will be used in some way.. maybe after completing the round you can double your points by hitting a certain number..
Also in the works - Bingo Quiz!! The cunning combination of luck & knowledge.
And we might finally go for the whole jackpot idea. Gives you something to aim for.
If you have any other features you want to see included - let me know (only people who actually turn up for the quiz now and then need reply)
Oh, and I've just got lots of cheap glue sticks. We will definitely have a Bastelrunde in the Christmas Quiz. Round up your tinkerers, artists, and children :)
Darts Round. Details are still a bit sketchy but we have a dartboard in the corner and it will be used in some way.. maybe after completing the round you can double your points by hitting a certain number..
Also in the works - Bingo Quiz!! The cunning combination of luck & knowledge.
And we might finally go for the whole jackpot idea. Gives you something to aim for.
If you have any other features you want to see included - let me know (only people who actually turn up for the quiz now and then need reply)
Oh, and I've just got lots of cheap glue sticks. We will definitely have a Bastelrunde in the Christmas Quiz. Round up your tinkerers, artists, and children :)
What would you do with a brain if you had one?
Fings that made me laugh today:
1. The rumour that Laurent Robert wants back to Newcastle. C'est vachement drole.
2. The following examples for ... being one sandwich short of a picknick.. Taken from various English quiz shows. Hence no translation. Would lose some anyway. I'm totally chuffed that 99.95% of all "my" quizzers would have passed these.
Q: Which 'G' was an Indian who was given the title Mahatma? A: Geronimo
Q: What 'H' is a common variety of bean used to make Baked Beans? A: Heinz
Q: Which famous classical composer went deaf? A: Err.. Q: Think of a big dog A: Bach
Q: Which actress was married to Humphrey Bogart, and is the cousin of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres? A: Gene Kelly
Q: Which chemical element has the symbol K? A: Kryptonite
Q: Which literary hunchback lived in Notre Dame and fell in love with Esmeralda? A: Oh, er, it rings a bell.. but no, can't think of it.
Q: In the English monarchy, what was the name of the Royal house that succeeded the Tudors? A: Buckingham Palace
Q: What was Hitler's first name? A: Heil
Q: Can you give me an occupation beginning with 'S'? A: Psychiatrist
Q: In Germany, the Burgermeister runs what: the local town hall or the local fast food outlet? A: The local fast food outlet.
Q: What is the capital of Germany? Hamburg
Q: Which English Queen is the cocktail "Bloody Mary" named after? A: Margerita
Q: Who said 'Kiss Me Hardy'? A: Was it Stan Laurel?
Q: In government organizations, what does the letter M stand for in M.I.5 and M.I.6? A: Murder
Q: What G was the complex knot severed by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC? A: Granny
Q: He was known as the King of the Cowboys. He was Roy who? A: Keane
1. The rumour that Laurent Robert wants back to Newcastle. C'est vachement drole.
2. The following examples for ... being one sandwich short of a picknick.. Taken from various English quiz shows. Hence no translation. Would lose some anyway. I'm totally chuffed that 99.95% of all "my" quizzers would have passed these.
Q: Which 'G' was an Indian who was given the title Mahatma? A: Geronimo
Q: What 'H' is a common variety of bean used to make Baked Beans? A: Heinz
Q: Which famous classical composer went deaf? A: Err.. Q: Think of a big dog A: Bach
Q: Which actress was married to Humphrey Bogart, and is the cousin of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres? A: Gene Kelly
Q: Which chemical element has the symbol K? A: Kryptonite
Q: Which literary hunchback lived in Notre Dame and fell in love with Esmeralda? A: Oh, er, it rings a bell.. but no, can't think of it.
Q: In the English monarchy, what was the name of the Royal house that succeeded the Tudors? A: Buckingham Palace
Q: What was Hitler's first name? A: Heil
Q: Can you give me an occupation beginning with 'S'? A: Psychiatrist
Q: In Germany, the Burgermeister runs what: the local town hall or the local fast food outlet? A: The local fast food outlet.
Q: What is the capital of Germany? Hamburg
Q: Which English Queen is the cocktail "Bloody Mary" named after? A: Margerita
Q: Who said 'Kiss Me Hardy'? A: Was it Stan Laurel?
Q: In government organizations, what does the letter M stand for in M.I.5 and M.I.6? A: Murder
Q: What G was the complex knot severed by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC? A: Granny
Q: He was known as the King of the Cowboys. He was Roy who? A: Keane
Prediction of the Week - Run, Santa run!
For those who intend to attend on Monday (and want to start with 1 point and can be bothered to write in) - here's this week's PotW.
Saturday and Sunday see the annual Santa Runs in - among others - Las Vegas and London.
Tell me how many Santas are going to take part in the 2009 Santa Dash in Liverpool on Sunday (+/-100).

Predictions the usual way - mail, comment, text, FB.
Saturday and Sunday see the annual Santa Runs in - among others - Las Vegas and London.
Tell me how many Santas are going to take part in the 2009 Santa Dash in Liverpool on Sunday (+/-100).

Predictions the usual way - mail, comment, text, FB.
Ho ho ho...
Merry Quizmas is almost upon us. And the poll has shown (albeit not very reliably) that more people prefer Monday 21 December rather than Wednesday 23. So it has been decided and we all have to live with it. And prepare for it (yeah, right... you just have to train the liver :).

Anyroad, certain so far is the date and time, the place, and the general idea. And the fact that we'll have sweets and Glühwein, and candles, and nuts, and festive tunes other than "Last Christmas". The rest of the details will appear here as soon as they've taken shape in my weary head. One thing you could do tho is give me a heads-up how many teams/people we can expect so that we'll have enough alcohol, gifts & nicely decked halls & tables for everyone. Of course you can show up short notice and unannounced but you wouldn't be guaranteed your Schokoladenhohlkörper and eggnogg. Let me know, the usual way. Till then - have a good 2nd advent, see you Monday for #17 or some other time.
Merry Quizmas steht vor der Tür (wolle mer's neilasse??) Wie die Umfrage ( nicht allzu zuverlässig) ergeben hat sind von den 3 interessierten Teams 2,15 für Montag den 21. Dezember. So sei es also beschlossen und verkündet und nun müssen wir alle damit leben. Und uns darauf vorbereiten (ihr braucht ja nur die Leber zu trainieren, ich muß das Gehirn anstrengen :)
Vieh dem auch sei, Datum und Zeit stehen bereits fest, ebenso der Ort und die grobe Idee des Weihnachtsquizzes. Und die Tatsache, daß es wie immer bunte Teller gibt, und Glühwein, und Kerzen, und Nüsse, und weihnachtliches Liedgut (außer "Last Christmas"). Die restlichen Details erscheinen hier rechtzeitig sowie sie meinem müden Haupt entspringen. Um die Vorbereitung zu erleichtern wäre ich aber dankbar wenn ihr mal durchzählen würdet wie viele Teams mit wie vielen Leuten kommen damit wir genug Alkohol, nett gedeckte Tische und kleine Gaben haben. Natürlich dürft ihr auch gerne kurzentschlossen und unangekündigt auftauchen allerdings besteht dann die Gefahr daß dann die Schokoladenhohlkörper und andere Leckereien nicht für alle reichen. Meldungen auf dem üblichen Weg, je früher desto besser.
Ansonsten erst mal schönes WE, bis Montag zu Nr. 17 oder irgendwann anders.

Anyroad, certain so far is the date and time, the place, and the general idea. And the fact that we'll have sweets and Glühwein, and candles, and nuts, and festive tunes other than "Last Christmas". The rest of the details will appear here as soon as they've taken shape in my weary head. One thing you could do tho is give me a heads-up how many teams/people we can expect so that we'll have enough alcohol, gifts & nicely decked halls & tables for everyone. Of course you can show up short notice and unannounced but you wouldn't be guaranteed your Schokoladenhohlkörper and eggnogg. Let me know, the usual way. Till then - have a good 2nd advent, see you Monday for #17 or some other time.
Merry Quizmas steht vor der Tür (wolle mer's neilasse??) Wie die Umfrage ( nicht allzu zuverlässig) ergeben hat sind von den 3 interessierten Teams 2,15 für Montag den 21. Dezember. So sei es also beschlossen und verkündet und nun müssen wir alle damit leben. Und uns darauf vorbereiten (ihr braucht ja nur die Leber zu trainieren, ich muß das Gehirn anstrengen :)
Vieh dem auch sei, Datum und Zeit stehen bereits fest, ebenso der Ort und die grobe Idee des Weihnachtsquizzes. Und die Tatsache, daß es wie immer bunte Teller gibt, und Glühwein, und Kerzen, und Nüsse, und weihnachtliches Liedgut (außer "Last Christmas"). Die restlichen Details erscheinen hier rechtzeitig sowie sie meinem müden Haupt entspringen. Um die Vorbereitung zu erleichtern wäre ich aber dankbar wenn ihr mal durchzählen würdet wie viele Teams mit wie vielen Leuten kommen damit wir genug Alkohol, nett gedeckte Tische und kleine Gaben haben. Natürlich dürft ihr auch gerne kurzentschlossen und unangekündigt auftauchen allerdings besteht dann die Gefahr daß dann die Schokoladenhohlkörper und andere Leckereien nicht für alle reichen. Meldungen auf dem üblichen Weg, je früher desto besser.
Ansonsten erst mal schönes WE, bis Montag zu Nr. 17 oder irgendwann anders.
Yeah, that was a fun night. As usual in the Harp, it's all about quality and not quantity, and once again that proved to be true.
I'll do a proper round-up tomorrow once I'm sober again (who started the drinking-alcohol-thingie?!?!) but for now the points as far as I remember them
Rocky Horror 56.5
Die Gloriösen Cranberries 54.5
??? 22.5
What have we learned from tonight's entertaining and edumacating extravaganza?
A - Frank Zappa's got a daughter named Moon Unit
B - Viktor Laszlo was not only Ilsa Lund's husband but also a French-Belgian singer (minus the "s") who hosted the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest (back when it was called "Le Grand-Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne")
C - Philadelphia was the capital of the USofA from 1790 till 1802
.. and more useful/less info I don't remember at the moment.
Anyroad - the right to pick next week's Yogi theme (and I can't f***ing wait for your selection) goes to ??? who might want to spend a minute or two on picking a proper team name before 7 December :)
Music round for #17 is Cover Versions, the rest (apart from the picture round) is still pretty much open.
Watch this space, particularly towards end of the week, and have a good one till then.
PS - je ne te croix pas que tu sois français.. :)
I'll do a proper round-up tomorrow once I'm sober again (who started the drinking-alcohol-thingie?!?!) but for now the points as far as I remember them
Rocky Horror 56.5
Die Gloriösen Cranberries 54.5
??? 22.5
What have we learned from tonight's entertaining and edumacating extravaganza?
A - Frank Zappa's got a daughter named Moon Unit
B - Viktor Laszlo was not only Ilsa Lund's husband but also a French-Belgian singer (minus the "s") who hosted the 1987 Eurovision Song Contest (back when it was called "Le Grand-Prix Eurovision de la Chanson Européenne")
C - Philadelphia was the capital of the USofA from 1790 till 1802
.. and more useful/less info I don't remember at the moment.
Anyroad - the right to pick next week's Yogi theme (and I can't f***ing wait for your selection) goes to ??? who might want to spend a minute or two on picking a proper team name before 7 December :)
Music round for #17 is Cover Versions, the rest (apart from the picture round) is still pretty much open.
Watch this space, particularly towards end of the week, and have a good one till then.
PS - je ne te croix pas que tu sois français.. :)
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