Oscars 2009 have completely passed me by.. there are more important things in life. Like a fighting performance and 1 valuable point for the Toon.
Anyroad, one of the 3 question rounds will be Oskar/Oscar themed. Which is not saying it's all Academy Awards. Famous Oscars/Oskars in history, sports, literature, film & art.. and probably some BS as well. Be prepared :)
Gone in 60 Seconds seems to be a tad too tough (or short) so we'll prolong your agony by half a minute and make it "Gone in 90 seconds".. double feature nonetheless, and this week's will most likely be TV-related. Themes for music, and actors for pictures... unless I have another change of mind.
Question Round no. 1 might be "General Knowledge", and if you have any ideas for the 3rd, do let me know. Otherwise I'll find something.. and you know where that ends. (Three Colours: White)...
Deutsch-Französisches Volksfest

Quiz is bliss...
Thanks to the lovely Nessa, we have the first pictures of Quiky #276 (aka "Fronkreisch, Fronkreisch Night").
As ususal, if you don't want your mug to be publicised here (or anywhere else... tho there's nowt I can do about facebook :) let me know and I shall take the time to genetically experiment you out of the photograph (and substitute you with any Hollywood star you want to choose) .. you know who you are :)
Quiky addicts 'R' us

..still sober (at that stage)

Nessa, Pinkies & The Brain

o la la, les belles .. Allemandes

Toulouse.. or not to lose.. & Mademoiselle Chanel

If you have more pictures (or videos), FB or mail them, please. Same goes for any footage of Karaoke & Greek dancing sessions...
Quiky #277 - Rankings

Leaving early because we're running late I get (that could easily be fixed by starting on time, regardless of who's there.. or cutting ciggie breaks :)
Quitting because there's (seemingly) no chance to come first or second is Feigheit vor dem Feind :)
Last minute changes
I had a change of mind (and before you ask, nope, the new one doesn't work any better).
We'll do Mellow Yellow, Pix Round, Covers, Connect Nine and....
Leftover Bulls**t.
Yep, from Pokémon to gummy bears, Greek mythology, designers, mystery sounds, and BS recently in the news to .. you'll have to come in to find out :)
See yis....
We'll do Mellow Yellow, Pix Round, Covers, Connect Nine and....
Leftover Bulls**t.
Yep, from Pokémon to gummy bears, Greek mythology, designers, mystery sounds, and BS recently in the news to .. you'll have to come in to find out :)
See yis....

...is what the last missing round is going to be.. and you ain't seen nothing yet!
From yellow sumarines to yellow seas, roads to roses, music to muppets, songs to sports, cards to cartoons, films to flags - geography, history, arts, plants & animals... anything you can imagine, and then more!!!
If you want to do some quick googling - good luck & much fun :)
Rounds for #277 look as follows:
Connect Nine
Mystery Sounds / Sports&Entertainment
Cover versions...
Well, that's the plan at least...
Quiky #277 - Sneak Preview
As established elsewhere (or at least mentioned.. or was it just in my head?) music round is going to be cover versions. Details are still a bit sketchy - might be "Gone in 90 Seconds" and you have to get title AND original artist.. or just the old music round, pick ten tracks and play half the songuntil the penny drops.. dunno yet.
Picture round might be all genetix as I haven't been able to stop myself and as a result of that recent obsession (and a few hours of lost sleep) I have 5 slides already (that's a potential 20 points alone :)
If the number of teams stays below 6, we'll do mystery sounds, probably sports-related.
If the crowd gets too big we'll do a sports/entertainment round... singing/acting sports(wo)men, movies about sports(wo)mn and sporting events.... Well, we might do that anyway.
We will definitely have a "Connect Nine" round, with questions, pictures & sounds.
There are plenty of leftover questions from the last 5 weeks, we might just do 2 rounds of "Mixed Bag of Nuts"...
As usual, suggestions and ideas are welcome. If not you have to live with what I've found.
See you tomorrow.
Picture round might be all genetix as I haven't been able to stop myself and as a result of that recent obsession (and a few hours of lost sleep) I have 5 slides already (that's a potential 20 points alone :)
If the number of teams stays below 6, we'll do mystery sounds, probably sports-related.
If the crowd gets too big we'll do a sports/entertainment round... singing/acting sports(wo)men, movies about sports(wo)mn and sporting events.... Well, we might do that anyway.
We will definitely have a "Connect Nine" round, with questions, pictures & sounds.
There are plenty of leftover questions from the last 5 weeks, we might just do 2 rounds of "Mixed Bag of Nuts"...
As usual, suggestions and ideas are welcome. If not you have to live with what I've found.
See you tomorrow.
Deadly poets' society
Here are last week's poems in full. (I admit that lines 1+2, 3+4, and 5+6 rhyming would have made it easier/more fun/better poems)
In der Disco lief Travolta, Abba und Sisco
Ich wollte singen wie ein Gott doch war kein Gewinner
Ich fühlte mich wie Eis, sang wie ein kranker Frank Skinner,
Ich hatte mich erkältet, brauchte einen Retter,
Schuld war das Eis und das schlechte Wetter.
So ging ich bei Winter in France nie mehr in die Disco.
(The Hamburgers)
Herr Travolta ist der Disco-Gott,
er ist cool wie Eis auf dem Ball,
er ist wie das Wetter, Donner, ein Knall.
Beim Nachsingen von ABBA in France wird er kein Winner,
denn tanzen kann er, doch von Singen hat er keinen Schimmer.
Herr Travolta – das ist nur Schrott.
(Massively OSSM)
There was ice on the ground, the weather was bad.
We went to a ball, like Travolta, to dance,
it was about as much fun as a disco in France.
So we went round the corner to sing Karaoke,
We started with ABBA but it’s not very folky.
Curse God for that evening, for the winner was mad.
(Gwen ha du)
In France, da singt die Gall.
ABBA, wir wissen es all’
The winner takes it all.
Bei Wind und Wetter,
ohne Disco, Ice und Travolta’s Vetter.
Wir bleiben am Ball.
(The Killers)
In France, da is stets schlechtes Wetter,
da macht Eis schlecken keinen rechten fun.
Auch an’s Ballspiel, als winner, trauten wir uns nicht recht ran.
Wir waren verzweifelt, doch da, holterdipolter,
küßte uns die Muse: Disco mit Travolta!
Nur der echte Gott tanzt zu ABBA noch netter.
Wir tanzten in einer Disco in France.
Gott, war das Wetter heiß.
ABBA wir holten uns ein Eis.
Beim Karaokeball waren wir die Winner,
wir tanzten Travolta wie die Spinner.
Fun zu haben war unsere einzige Chance.
In einer Disco in Frankreich sangen die Gäste Lieder.
Die Weather Girls traten auf wie beim Ball.
Der Ice-T-Verschnitt hatte einen Knall.
Noch nicht mal die Nummer als John-Travolta-Tiger
zu ABBA-Songs machte mich zum Sieger.
Oh Gott, das mache ich nie wieder!
(Bonsai Brain)
Last winter in the ice of France
I was a disco god like Travolta.
I remember the fun and hot weather of Malta,
We danced to disco and sang karaokea
and although I mastered the hokey kokey,
I was never a winner at the ABBA ball dance.
(The Pogues)
Watch the jumping disco ball,
have fun, even if the weather’s bad,s
sing “Ice, Ice Baby” or something sad.
Feel like god in France
doing the Travolta dance.
As ABBA sang, the winner takes it all!!
(Völlig Verzweifelt)
In der Disco lief Travolta, Abba und Sisco
Ich wollte singen wie ein Gott doch war kein Gewinner
Ich fühlte mich wie Eis, sang wie ein kranker Frank Skinner,
Ich hatte mich erkältet, brauchte einen Retter,
Schuld war das Eis und das schlechte Wetter.
So ging ich bei Winter in France nie mehr in die Disco.
(The Hamburgers)
Herr Travolta ist der Disco-Gott,
er ist cool wie Eis auf dem Ball,
er ist wie das Wetter, Donner, ein Knall.
Beim Nachsingen von ABBA in France wird er kein Winner,
denn tanzen kann er, doch von Singen hat er keinen Schimmer.
Herr Travolta – das ist nur Schrott.
(Massively OSSM)
There was ice on the ground, the weather was bad.
We went to a ball, like Travolta, to dance,
it was about as much fun as a disco in France.
So we went round the corner to sing Karaoke,
We started with ABBA but it’s not very folky.
Curse God for that evening, for the winner was mad.
(Gwen ha du)
In France, da singt die Gall.
ABBA, wir wissen es all’
The winner takes it all.
Bei Wind und Wetter,
ohne Disco, Ice und Travolta’s Vetter.
Wir bleiben am Ball.
(The Killers)
In France, da is stets schlechtes Wetter,
da macht Eis schlecken keinen rechten fun.
Auch an’s Ballspiel, als winner, trauten wir uns nicht recht ran.
Wir waren verzweifelt, doch da, holterdipolter,
küßte uns die Muse: Disco mit Travolta!
Nur der echte Gott tanzt zu ABBA noch netter.
Wir tanzten in einer Disco in France.
Gott, war das Wetter heiß.
ABBA wir holten uns ein Eis.
Beim Karaokeball waren wir die Winner,
wir tanzten Travolta wie die Spinner.
Fun zu haben war unsere einzige Chance.
In einer Disco in Frankreich sangen die Gäste Lieder.
Die Weather Girls traten auf wie beim Ball.
Der Ice-T-Verschnitt hatte einen Knall.
Noch nicht mal die Nummer als John-Travolta-Tiger
zu ABBA-Songs machte mich zum Sieger.
Oh Gott, das mache ich nie wieder!
(Bonsai Brain)
Last winter in the ice of France
I was a disco god like Travolta.
I remember the fun and hot weather of Malta,
We danced to disco and sang karaokea
and although I mastered the hokey kokey,
I was never a winner at the ABBA ball dance.
(The Pogues)
Watch the jumping disco ball,
have fun, even if the weather’s bad,s
sing “Ice, Ice Baby” or something sad.
Feel like god in France
doing the Travolta dance.
As ABBA sang, the winner takes it all!!
(Völlig Verzweifelt)
Friday 13
Not good.
But that's largely due to the evil hangover after 8 sorts of alcohol last night. Against better judgement.
Apologies in advance because points, poems & preview will only appear here next week. This weekend is reserved for my beloved brummie, good music, and some much needed rest.
Have a good one, Valentine or not, see you soon.
But that's largely due to the evil hangover after 8 sorts of alcohol last night. Against better judgement.
Apologies in advance because points, poems & preview will only appear here next week. This weekend is reserved for my beloved brummie, good music, and some much needed rest.
Have a good one, Valentine or not, see you soon.
Almost done...
Just one round missing for tonight...
You might have to draw/write something.. or we could do mystery sounds again :)
New round is "Order, please" - 10 slides with 4 pictures each which you have to put in the correct order (years of birth, height of buildings, Time Magazine covers, Oscar winners ...)
See yis tonight :)
You might have to draw/write something.. or we could do mystery sounds again :)
New round is "Order, please" - 10 slides with 4 pictures each which you have to put in the correct order (years of birth, height of buildings, Time Magazine covers, Oscar winners ...)
See yis tonight :)
The best laid plans of mice and .. quizmizzes
All that research has left me totally, utterly, com-f***ing-pletely ..sidetracked.
Not sure anymore we'll do a complete French round, might be a "Hélène/Helena/Helen/Elena/Helene..." round. Big mixed bag o' nuts... all topics. I suggest wikipedia-ing potential questions/answers :)
Music round tho is finished. "Gone in 90 Seconds" (60 was not enough time to cram all these alcohol labels in :) - 10 drink-related song snippets and TONS of booze labels/logos... be prepared :)
Still missing 2 rounds, suggestions welcome (tho I know that yous don't read/comment here...)
à jeudi alors... prepared or not.
Not sure anymore we'll do a complete French round, might be a "Hélène/Helena/Helen/Elena/Helene..." round. Big mixed bag o' nuts... all topics. I suggest wikipedia-ing potential questions/answers :)
Music round tho is finished. "Gone in 90 Seconds" (60 was not enough time to cram all these alcohol labels in :) - 10 drink-related song snippets and TONS of booze labels/logos... be prepared :)
Still missing 2 rounds, suggestions welcome (tho I know that yous don't read/comment here...)
à jeudi alors... prepared or not.
Quiky 275 - Rankings & more
Alreet, since there's not much time before #276 I'll skip the part with the photoshopping last week's table & points and jot them down without the trimmings
Bembelboys 52
Pinky & The Brain 46,5
My Pen Doesn't Work 46
Rumpelburger 41,5
Foggies 35,5
AP Team 34,5
Funniest answers/guesses to Mystery Sounds of the Week will eventually end up here too, maybe even with sound clips.
And if I ever have enough time, the "Connect Nine" round, Clint Eastwood edition.
Bembelboys 52
Pinky & The Brain 46,5
My Pen Doesn't Work 46
Rumpelburger 41,5
Foggies 35,5
AP Team 34,5
Funniest answers/guesses to Mystery Sounds of the Week will eventually end up here too, maybe even with sound clips.
And if I ever have enough time, the "Connect Nine" round, Clint Eastwood edition.
Joyeux anniversaire, joyeux anniv...
.. better not, you know I can't sing :)
Alors, chose promise, chose due... bon annif Marian.. Hélène...
Et comme je suis nul moi, je t'ai trouvé quelqu'un quiz sait chanter :)
hope you like it, more in 3 days.. à jeudi alors...
Alors, chose promise, chose due... bon annif Marian.. Hélène...

Et comme je suis nul moi, je t'ai trouvé quelqu'un quiz sait chanter :)
hope you like it, more in 3 days.. à jeudi alors...
Drinking tunes
As promised, the music next week is alcohol-related. Might be Gone in 60 (or 90) seconds tho, with alcohol labels providing the pictures :)
Not sure about the other rounds (apart from the usual mix of BS, genetix & stuff in Picture Round), if you have suggestions or favourite topics - let me know.
Anagram round didn't seem to go down too well so that's not in the plans for a while...
Mystery Sounds of the Week was a blast (at least I had a good laugh) but it only works with a limited number of teams, due to the reduced ambient noise. If we're not too many for Quiky #276 we'll have another go - this time maybe Sounds in Sports :)
Not sure about the other rounds (apart from the usual mix of BS, genetix & stuff in Picture Round), if you have suggestions or favourite topics - let me know.
Anagram round didn't seem to go down too well so that's not in the plans for a while...
Mystery Sounds of the Week was a blast (at least I had a good laugh) but it only works with a limited number of teams, due to the reduced ambient noise. If we're not too many for Quiky #276 we'll have another go - this time maybe Sounds in Sports :)
Details, love...
Alrighty, for those of you who bother to check - the Gone In 60 Seconds will be plants & animals in pictures.. and geography-themed songs....
And there's going to be FIERCE competition - the "house" team has gang-pressed Damo into joining them... if you thought Leninskij knew it all you ain't seen nothing yet :)
Mystery sounds of the weeks will most likely be "household"-themed...
...and the Connect Nine is going to be .. ha, didn't think I'd tell you, didya?!?!?
And there's going to be FIERCE competition - the "house" team has gang-pressed Damo into joining them... if you thought Leninskij knew it all you ain't seen nothing yet :)
Mystery sounds of the weeks will most likely be "household"-themed...
...and the Connect Nine is going to be .. ha, didn't think I'd tell you, didya?!?!?
Planning ahead
So far, the plan for #275 on Thursday 5 February consists of Mystery Sounds of the Week (instead of the music round), another round of "Connect Nine" (hopefully a bit easier), the ususal Picture Round with loads of BS, genetic & other experiments, and probably another round of "Gone in 60 Seconds - Double Feature" (i.e. pictures AND sounds/songs).
That leaves us with one round of ... I haven't got a clue yet. Maybe we'll do something creative (e.g limericks, drawing comics, anagrams, or "Order Please"... depends a bit on the number of teams and how much time I'll have to prepare stuff.
As ususal, if you have any other suggestions - let me know asap, I might be able to fit them in..
That leaves us with one round of ... I haven't got a clue yet. Maybe we'll do something creative (e.g limericks, drawing comics, anagrams, or "Order Please"... depends a bit on the number of teams and how much time I'll have to prepare stuff.
As ususal, if you have any other suggestions - let me know asap, I might be able to fit them in..
You're having a laugh...
As promised (with no date given :) here are some of the funny/creative answers to last week's questions.
The Mystery Object of the Week (which actually was a meat tenderizer or Fleischmürbemachdingens)

According to The Muttis, it's an egg piercer for ostrich eggs, The A...lochs figured it had to be a musical instrument for getting women to hit the high notes (and that was before they heard the post-quiz karaoke), and Jetzt Ist Alles Besser would have used it to comb horse hair comb for a violin bow.
Being asked what nutcase David Blaine's first words were upon crawling out of his plexiglas case after hanging around above the Thames for 44 days, most teams went for something along the lines of "Finally a quiet piss..." while BAM were sure he asked "Did Newcastle win?" (self-styled magician he might be but clairvoyant he obviously ain't)... His (reportedly) first words were nicked off Michael Jackson "I love you all"....
A first, but definitely not last, was Connect Nine - here are the questions and answers in full (and connection/clues explained)

More fun & other answers & Manöverkritik later - gotta write no. 257. Watch this space for sneak & other previews.
The Mystery Object of the Week (which actually was a meat tenderizer or Fleischmürbemachdingens)

According to The Muttis, it's an egg piercer for ostrich eggs, The A...lochs figured it had to be a musical instrument for getting women to hit the high notes (and that was before they heard the post-quiz karaoke), and Jetzt Ist Alles Besser would have used it to comb horse hair comb for a violin bow.
Being asked what nutcase David Blaine's first words were upon crawling out of his plexiglas case after hanging around above the Thames for 44 days, most teams went for something along the lines of "Finally a quiet piss..." while BAM were sure he asked "Did Newcastle win?" (self-styled magician he might be but clairvoyant he obviously ain't)... His (reportedly) first words were nicked off Michael Jackson "I love you all"....
A first, but definitely not last, was Connect Nine - here are the questions and answers in full (and connection/clues explained)

- This is the foor plan (1st floor) of which world famous building? A: The White House - Casa Blanca in Spanish
- Fernando Alonso and Nelson Piquet Jr. are the drivers for which Formula One team? A: Renault - Captain Louis Renault, chef de police of Casablanca)
- What was the name of the mascot of the 1984 Summer Olympics? A: Sam the Eagle - play it again, Sam.. even tho he never said that :)
- Which world famous song, initially called "Chant de guerre de l'armée du Rhin", was written by Claude Josephe Rouget de Lisle in 1792? A: La Marseillaise - sung by Victor Laszlo in response to "Die Wacht am Rhein"
- Which magician and endurance artist spent 44 days in a plexiglas case suspended over the Thames in 2003? A: David Blaine - Rick Blaine being Bogey's character's name
- Which Italian actress, filmmaker, author, and model was the face of cosmetics giant Lancôme from 1982 till 1996? A: Isabella Rossellini - daughter of Ingrid Berman
- In which country would you find Mt Jbel Toubkal, with 4,167m the highest peak of the Atlas mountain range? A: Morocco - Casablanca being the largest city
- Which Hungarian-Austrian-American actor, born Laszlo Löwenstein, played the main role in Fritz Lang's 1931 film "M"? A: Peter Lorre - petty thief Ugarte who nicked the letters of transit
- Which film studio produced the animated cartoon series Looney Toons (actually, you had to identify the musical theme)? A: Warner Bros. - studio which made/distributed Casablanca
More fun & other answers & Manöverkritik later - gotta write no. 257. Watch this space for sneak & other previews.
Quiky 274 - Rankings
Apologies for the late update but matters more important than life and death were claiming my attention last weekend.
Here are last week's points (and the mind boggles at how many points the A...holes could have had, had they chosen to put down answers, or at least guesses, instead of leaving blanks.)
Here are last week's points (and the mind boggles at how many points the A...holes could have had, had they chosen to put down answers, or at least guesses, instead of leaving blanks.)

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