To all the Quiky family, friends & passers-by of this blog as well as their families, friends, pets and plants
Happy New Year
May the worst day of the new year be better than the best of the old one.
Hope to see you 2009, either tomorrow or one of those Thursdays, with loads of new questions, pictures, tunes, riddles, games, genetic experiments and, of course, assorted bullshit.
New Year's Quiky - preview
Plans for Thursday night are forming in my head, slowly. Only to be thrown out again minutes later.
As promised, it's definitely going to be a 2008 review. Best of, worst of, weirdest of.... The regular categories for the rounds will basically stay the same.
Round 1 - "history" 2008, in science, politics, geography (?), stuff, like, ....
Round 2 - 2008 in sports (doping at the Tour de Farce, world records, medals, goals, places, times...) music, movie... of course with lots of pictures
Picture round - best of picture rounds 2008 (hard to choose only 10 but I'll try my best)
Round 3 - not much arts & literature but definitely lots of bullshit 2008, weird records, quotes, events..
Music round - I'm not the biggest fan of most music released in 2008 and subsequently don't have many tracks so... since we're celebrating a new year - songs with the words"happy", "new", and "year" in the title :)
As for a "games" round - that will totally depend on the number of teams on the night and can be improvised in 10 seconds flat..
So - if you're still game - pop in on Thursday at 8pm and win the first Quiky 2009.
As promised, it's definitely going to be a 2008 review. Best of, worst of, weirdest of.... The regular categories for the rounds will basically stay the same.
Round 1 - "history" 2008, in science, politics, geography (?), stuff, like, ....
Round 2 - 2008 in sports (doping at the Tour de Farce, world records, medals, goals, places, times...) music, movie... of course with lots of pictures
Picture round - best of picture rounds 2008 (hard to choose only 10 but I'll try my best)
Round 3 - not much arts & literature but definitely lots of bullshit 2008, weird records, quotes, events..
Music round - I'm not the biggest fan of most music released in 2008 and subsequently don't have many tracks so... since we're celebrating a new year - songs with the words"happy", "new", and "year" in the title :)
As for a "games" round - that will totally depend on the number of teams on the night and can be improvised in 10 seconds flat..
So - if you're still game - pop in on Thursday at 8pm and win the first Quiky 2009.
2009 - the show must go on

Before böller, booze, and bad live bands ring out the old year I would like to take the opportunity to thank all Quiky addicts, semi regulars, newbies, and passers-by for the past 52 Thursday nights of amazing attendances, great fun, and even bad singing :).
To quote The Beatles,
it's wonderful to be here,
it's certainly a thrill,
you're such a lovely audience,
I'd like to take you ho.. .
well, let's just leave it at that...
Anyroad, we don't want you to get withdrawal symptoms by skipping a week so whether your New Year's Day looks like this

or that

or that one here,

if you didn't kill all your brain cells at the Silvester party, do come in and prove it at the first quiz of the new year. I mean, what better way to kick off 2009 with some of this,

and more of that

and a maybe one or two of those

The place is open from 18:00, the first Quiky in the new year starts on 1 January 2009 at 20:00 and if you want any table in particular, phone or mail to reserve it. If not, just pop in and give it a chance. Or just pop in for a drink and a laugh.
As for questions and pictures - this is the big 2008 review edition. So check the net, read the red tops, or ask the neighbours what strange and wonderful things happened in 2008. If there are not too many teams we might do a "creative round", limericks, paper planes, singi.. nope, scratch that.
If you're not up to it yet because your brains are still too muddled, there will be other chances to prove your prowess. Next "regular" Quiky is on January 8, 8pm. Same old...some new.
In the meamtime, have a Guten Rutsch, a great party and a happy, peaceful, joyful and successful 2009.
MerryQuizmas - leftovers & limericks
Proper round-up of last night's festive folly when I'm fully awake again. Just that much - I really enjoyed our time-honoured tradition. However, these nights of booze catch up with you's. And that is an actual fact.
Limerick round was a good laugh, we shall be doing that again soon. Keep practising. Unfortunately, in my haste to tidy up the place, I chucked all the answer sheets in the bin at the end of the night. When I had actually planned to publish your poetry here. So if you remember your lines, or want to come up with new ones - drop me a mail and they''ll appear here for the world to have a reet good giggle. And since I had other things to do last night and never got a go - here's mine.
It was Christmas again in Berlin,
Rudolph bought rounds of tonic and gin.
After 15, ye know,
I fell - wham! - in the snow.
That made the old red-nosed one grin.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I will catch up on some sleep, get enough nutrition and collect my thoughts.
And that is the end of that.
Limerick round was a good laugh, we shall be doing that again soon. Keep practising. Unfortunately, in my haste to tidy up the place, I chucked all the answer sheets in the bin at the end of the night. When I had actually planned to publish your poetry here. So if you remember your lines, or want to come up with new ones - drop me a mail and they''ll appear here for the world to have a reet good giggle. And since I had other things to do last night and never got a go - here's mine.
It was Christmas again in Berlin,
Rudolph bought rounds of tonic and gin.
After 15, ye know,
I fell - wham! - in the snow.
That made the old red-nosed one grin.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I will catch up on some sleep, get enough nutrition and collect my thoughts.
And that is the end of that.
You'll be seated / Sie werden platziert
So - here's plan for Thursday

The ones in red are reserved, the ones in blue are still available (with number of persons that can be squeezed in).
The quickest way to reserve, and the only way to find out if there are still tables available, is to phone the Kilkenny between 10am and midnight.. number is (030) 283 20 84. There's no point showing up on the night and chancing it - it will be sold out by Thursday.
Weihnachts-Quiky, Reservierungen
Die in rot markierten Tische sind schon vergeben, die blauen sind z.Zt. noch zu haben (mit Anzahl der Leute die sich drum rum drängen können).
Der schnellste Weg zu reservieren (und der einzige herauszufinden ob überhaupt noch was frei ist) ist zwischen 10.00 Uhr und ca. Mitternacht im Kilkenny anzurufen. Nummer ist (030) 283 20 84. Es hat keinen Zweck am Donnerstag auf Verdacht vorbeizukommen, es wird garantiert bis dahin alles vergeben sein.

The ones in red are reserved, the ones in blue are still available (with number of persons that can be squeezed in).
The quickest way to reserve, and the only way to find out if there are still tables available, is to phone the Kilkenny between 10am and midnight.. number is (030) 283 20 84. There's no point showing up on the night and chancing it - it will be sold out by Thursday.
Weihnachts-Quiky, Reservierungen
Die in rot markierten Tische sind schon vergeben, die blauen sind z.Zt. noch zu haben (mit Anzahl der Leute die sich drum rum drängen können).
Der schnellste Weg zu reservieren (und der einzige herauszufinden ob überhaupt noch was frei ist) ist zwischen 10.00 Uhr und ca. Mitternacht im Kilkenny anzurufen. Nummer ist (030) 283 20 84. Es hat keinen Zweck am Donnerstag auf Verdacht vorbeizukommen, es wird garantiert bis dahin alles vergeben sein.
Xmas Quiky - Update

Cracking the whip was not much use, them elves decided to take the weekend off to watch Newcastle get their first away win since Christmas was invented...
Back on track now, double-speed, here are the first parts of the plan for Thursday.
- number of rounds will be 6 or 7 (3 question rounds, 1 music and 1 picture round, 1 or 2 games/creative/BS rounds)
- number of questions per round will be 8 in order to squeeze in the "artistic" parts
- music will be Christmassy but with different questions for each tune
- number of ciggie breaks will depend on whether we can start on time or have to wait for the usual suspects
- questions will be Christmas/winter-related or plain festive BS
see you Thursday...
Merry QuizMiz
The Christmas Quiky 2008 is nigh.. and the little elves are working overtime to bring yis all new questions, pictures and tunes... and decorate the place to create a bit of Christmassy atmo.
The majority of the questions will be crimbo-related, but we'll have a bit of assorted BS to keep the thing funny. Sneak previews might appear here before Thursday but that's more a plan and by no means a promise..
The quiz miz is Bad sanTee so expect more bah, humbug! than ho ho ho...
There will be prizes for everyone and music like this
And as there are only 2 tables left get your reservation in yesterday if you want to join in all the reindeer games....
ho ho ho....
The majority of the questions will be crimbo-related, but we'll have a bit of assorted BS to keep the thing funny. Sneak previews might appear here before Thursday but that's more a plan and by no means a promise..
The quiz miz is Bad sanTee so expect more bah, humbug! than ho ho ho...
There will be prizes for everyone and music like this
And as there are only 2 tables left get your reservation in yesterday if you want to join in all the reindeer games....
ho ho ho....
Jingle all the way

Yep, you can never start too early.
Buying your Christmas presents. Booking flights to escape the rellies. Sampling the eggnogg.
And reserve a table for the Quiky Crimbo Edition 2009.
It's only 17 days now and OHMYGAWD I HAVEN'T GOT ALL THE PREZZIES YET!!!! if you want a table for the big bad x-rated (?) Xmas special you might want to tell Santa. Or the MerryKwizMiz. Or just phone the Kilkenny.
And not much use getting the old questions and pictures out - the elves are already working on new ones...
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