Paris Sth
Kelly's 3 Amigos
NGTS Stammtisch
High Five (+/- 1)
and 3 other teams whose names I don't know/remember
Should any of you bring more than 6 people let me know asap. Otherwise it's gonna get crammed.
And remember - wherever you are at the time - I'll start at 8.08pm at the latest...
Quiky 261 - Rankings + POW

Alreet. It says 260. So I'm losing track of the stupid Numerierung. And I can't be a**ed to change it. Sue me!
And the prediction of the week was the number of goals in that football match on Saturday that I've erased from memory.
Should they turn up, the Smarties and the Pariser (without the Pinkies) start with a point each (which is one more than we got).
See you there and then.
Evil lurks
I haven't had the time yet to make 'em into something resembling a quiz.
I have, however, had the time to make a pretty poster :)

So this is the official invitation to this year's
Halloween Quiky.
Thursday 30 October. 8pm. Kilkenny.
Be on time, I have games planned and will therefore start earlier than usual.
Dare to be dreadful - if you turn up in style (and costume) you'll get bonus points... (and no, a BurgerKing paper hat does not count)
BTW - I'm obviously not telling you where I found the pictures and questions. If you're interested in the music tho - you'll find a link to a great blog with (not just) spooky tunes over on the dark side ... if you want some the easy way, bring a stick tomorrow...
Playing with food
Bet you thought I'd made it up, eh?!?
BUT here is the original article from The Times, 19 October 1814.. and coroner's report...

better to read here
However, the part with the 1 person that - allegedly - died from alcohol poisoning seems to be one of the urban legends that have been spread 'round the interwebthingie... seemed plausible at the time tho :)
What a death, eh?!? I sure tried to put it to the test last night in Silberfisch... need a bit more training still..
Quiky 259 - Rankings + POW

Prediction of the Week was total goals between Saturday's England and Germany games. Suffices to say that none of the 3(4) teams that left their predictions got points.. Teams 2 and 5 coming closest with 10 predicted goals.
Next please.
Strange team names explained
I don't know if anyone present last Thursday remembers my struggles with the pronunciation of "Llanbobble"..
Intrigued by what the meaning of the word might be (wrongly assuming that it was a Welsh 4th division football club) I found the time to google it and this is what.
Rhod Gilbert (born Carmarthen,
Here is a clip from one of his stand-up shows, funny alreet but I suspect after a while his routine might get a tad boring...
For he is a Johnny good fellow, for he is...

Since you never check here I thought it'd be safe to post a sneak preview of tomorrow's birthday Überraschung :)
I know you appreciate public displays of affection :P
Belatedly Happy Birthday once again, hope you had a good one and the boys in red deliver the fitting prezzie tonight..